Future of Star Conflict?

Does it have one? The most players I have ever seen at one time is 2200.


thats a dangerously low player base. Will this game last much longer without more players? Does the game have some marketing/advertisement in store? 


I really like this game. I would hate to see it die. But with only an average of 1800-1900 at any given time. I don’t see the game surviving for much longer. 

Honestly, most of this depends on how good the open world is.  From there, only time and player enthusiasm will tell.

Does it have one? The most players I have ever seen at one time is 2200.

thats a dangerously low player base. Will this game last much longer without more players? Does the game have some marketing/advertisement in store?

I really like this game. I would hate to see it die. But with only an average of 1800-1900 at any given time. I don’t see the game surviving for much longer.

1800-1900? Oh no no no! Its more like 1000 ur just on during the active times u got nothing to complain about i play when there is 400 people online

no future. 
to keep playing Star Conflict i have few options.
1 - move to a city near a game server.

2 - change/improve my ISP until latency wont bogus me.

3 - and everyday turn on a candle to game dont crash.

Honestly, most of this depends on how good the open world is. From there, only time and player enthusiasm will tell.

the same ending happens to me time and time again for all the games i play(MMO) these are my objectives:

•unlock all the weapons or whatever u need to unlock… Ships, characters.etc

•max out(if it has that option) all the weapons,ships, characters .etc

•become experienced in the game and be able to easily kill other players(or get into the leaderboards in some way)

•join a good corp,clan,group, whatever u wanna call it* in the game

•Make many friends in the game

•make the people who admire me in the game buy the currency in the game ex.gold standards for me because i dont have that much money to spend on the things i want (sadly,no one has been will to pay money to donate me anything yet lol)

so to disrupt all the doomstalk, i have been playing all year, and playernumbers went up and came down, and went up, so what.


This game is yet unreleased, so just call it the most feature-full beta ever. they do very little advertisement atm.

i guess they want to reach a specific state to go to release.


Well and the Ping and the Bugs…

I for one could not name the next shooter based multiplayer spaceship game with server side game hosting (which is preferable since its harder to cheat) atm. actually, amongst the actual online shooter titles with really big player bases i count the two hitscan games where kids r called to duty or let titans drop, good old cses and its newer brother go-paint-your-gun-with-microtransactions, arma based games where clients can actually command other clients without even the server knowing, triple a fourth installment of battlefield-sim-running-slower-than-an-RTS-in-the-netcode,  tanks, planes, tanks-and-planes, mechs, java-lego, weapon-crate … but very few of them really ensure you a global matchfinding without some kind of issues, or even make you spend hours of finding a good dedicated server.

and except a similar worse game on steam, or upcoming games, most spaceship games use mmo protocols, which means, no “real” flight feeling, no “real” aiming or manouvering, not the real thing.

if i have 90 ping on other games, i am screwed, here, at least a fighter or frigate even can be fun at 200.


I mean, yeah, I love improvement, and this game can still improve a lot, but lets not forget what this game already does well, before we veil the verse in utter darkness.


at least we all agree, the playerbase needs to grow, and we all whish it happening.


sorry for this sarcastic interlude.


this ain’t really a suggestion thread tho, is it.

Player base has been relatively constant for the last 1 year

It will remain constant for the next one year cet. par.


There are and always will be games that have a tight knit community that refuse to let a game die.


SCon has a cool game concept.


A Tactical Squad Shooter set in space with one of the best ship designs in the industry fought at just the right pace.


Tactics - mechanics, balance

Squads - community

Design - aesthetics


If Devs don’t forget what makes this game awesome it will last for years to come.

Our playerbase may remain small, but we’ll be there.


As for growth rate, StarGem / Gaijin has a dilemma they are not willing to solve.

Far as I can tell from observation and talking to others who don’t play this game ie. an objective pov etc.


The Grind is what’s stunting this game’s playerbase growth.

People who are attracted to the fast jump in and shoot gameplay of Star Conflict’s combat are not the same ones who would be willing to play grindy RPG games


They discover the game, play a couple weeks. Type stuff like THIS GAME IS AWESOME in general chat.

Then find out they have to suffer The Grind in order to get into the game at a deeper level. Like top corp squad matches. Tough matches versus Pros. Tournaments etc.

50% of those guys quit instantly upon realization.

Those slower on the take will blame equipment and matchmaking disadvantages before eventually quitting themselves.


Equipment and matchmaking wont matter in the long run when everyone eventually end up flying T5 with full sets of blues and purples.


They complain because they are not willing to invest that amount of time playing at a handicap before reaching end-game

They quit because the competitive nature of SCon’s combat is in direct contrast to what is needed to get competitive in the first place.


They quit because StarGem / Gaijin decided to earn revenue from The Grind instead of a slew of other non P2W alternatives.


And the ones who remain long enough to care ?

That’s us. The weirdoes. People who like fast pace combat but can endure stupid LeGrinds.

We are the ones who stay and provide feedback on the forum

Unfortunately … we are not the representative majority. And the problem never gets solved


Said it before, gonna say it again. Dev team needs to be confident of their own product.

They are not. Too scared that if they use an open all access approach where you can instantly play end game content SCon will die within a matter of months.

So they try to improve their F2P LeGrind model. Preaching to the choir who will stay regardless of what they do to the progression economics.


And continue to alienate the 90% of players who loved the combat but cannot stand the artificial barrier to compete


So here we are, and here we stay.

Player base has been relatively constant for the last 1 year

It will remain constant for the next one year cet. par.

There are and always will be games that have a tight knit community that refuse to let a game die.

SCon has a cool game concept.

A Tactical Squad Shooter set in space with one of the best ship designs in the industry fought at just the right pace.

Tactics - mechanics, balance

Squads - community

Design - aesthetics

If Devs don’t forget what makes this game awesome it will last for years to come.

Our playerbase may remain small, but we’ll be there.

As for growth rate, StarGem / Gaijin has a dilemma they are not willing to solve.

Far as I can tell from observation and talking to others who don’t play this game ie. an objective pov etc.

The Grind is what’s stunting this game’s playerbase growth.

People who are attracted to the fast jump in and shoot gameplay of Star Conflict’s combat are not the same ones who would be willing to play grindy RPG games

They discover the game, play a couple weeks. Type stuff like THIS GAME IS AWESOME in general chat.

Then find out they have to suffer The Grind in order to get into the game at a deeper level. Like top corp squad matches. Tough matches versus Pros. Tournaments etc.

50% of those guys quit instantly upon realization.

Those slower on the take will blame equipment and matchmaking disadvantages before eventually quitting themselves.

Equipment and matchmaking wont matter in the long run when everyone eventually end up flying T5 with full sets of blues and purples.

They complain because they are not willing to invest that amount of time playing at a handicap before reaching end-game

They quit because the competitive nature of SCon’s combat is in direct contrast to what is needed to get competitive in the first place.

They quit because StarGem / Gaijin decided to earn revenue from The Grind instead of a slew of other non P2W alternatives.

And the ones who remain long enough to care ?

That’s us. The weirdoes. People who like fast pace combat but can endure stupid LeGrinds.

We are the ones who stay and provide feedback on the forum

Unfortunately … we are not the representative majority. And the problem never gets solved

Said it before, gonna say it again. Dev team needs to be confident of their own product.

They are not. Too scared that if they use an open all access approach where you can instantly play end game content SCon will die within a matter of months.

So they try to improve their F2P LeGrind model. Preaching to the choir who will stay regardless of what they do to the progression economics.

And continue to alienate the 90% of players who loved the combat but cannot stand the artificial barrier to compete

So here we are, and here we stay.

yep,im staying for sure! I like multiplayer games that are competitive and takes a long time to complete, if the games are too short i feel like it was too fast and i didnt really enjoy rhe game, after i completed everything i was aiming for i like to reflect back on all the achievements ive earned.

I feel like last patches have few improvements, and seems like this will never end. And of course the lowest player base doesn’t help.


Some people is waiting for open universe announced a month ago, and other players are waiting for dreadnought announced very long time ago… and at the moment we only see “balancing” changes


I like this game, roles are cool, controls are awesome, combat mechanics are good, but some times i only want to do a few quick games, and if queue reaches two or more mins, i close the game and switch to other. Play in a group can be cool but if u need to wait 5-10 mins to find a game, can be a pain.


I wish the best for this game, but well see what happens…


And continue to alienate the 90% of players who loved the combat but cannot stand the artificial barrier to compete


Don’t forget the ones that they drive off with their patches that ruin all your previous setup used to use, and you held dear. Don’t forget the ones that couldn’t take it after they didn’t refund all users that paid money, and idiots defended them by saying “it’s in beta.” Don’t forget the ones that decided that they didn’t want their face shoved into the back end of their ship. 


Then there’s me, who left because a Dev explained rationale for changes, and I finally realized the developers will forever be clueless as to why they can’t hold a playerbase. It certainly helped that he disagreed with me on every major point, even after I took a full 45 minutes to read and respond to everything he said.

They’ve alienated their audience with patches like 0.8, the damage is done. They’ve lost those players for good, they have moved on to better pastures, and are anticipating things like Star Citizen. Sure, they may fix things, but it takes them months to fix what they royally screwed up. 

the servers are pretty sweet man, 61 Ping at europe servers IS NOTHING to complain about.


for u others, thats upp to the server in ur area. normaly its all about Your internet, and not theirs. 

the servers are pretty sweet man, 61 Ping at europe servers IS NOTHING to complain about.


for u others, thats upp to the server in ur area. normaly its all about Your internet, and not theirs. 


Only if MM actually puts you in your preferred server. My ping on the SA server is about 50, I think. I have no way to confirm it, since MM only put me there a grand total of two times. 

the servers are pretty sweet man, 61 Ping at europe servers IS NOTHING to complain about.


for u others, thats upp to the server in ur area. normaly its all about Your internet, and not theirs. 

In every other online game I play, I have 18 to 30 ms… But SCon is at least 60 in Europe, my dedicated region. And I don’t even talk about Russian / USA where I’m put randomly (most of the time on sector conquest) which is around 150 ms. As I encounter this only on Star Conflict, I don’t think it comes from “my internet”.

High ping and long queue time (both due to low pop?) are the two main issues that we can’t do anything as users.

I agree with all that you said but you’ll find the established core here doesn’t. At least we don’t have to click mail attachments anymore…

I think the devs realize it though because there are ship discounts, income bonuses or free premium time pretty much every weekend at the moment.

As to why they seemingly refuse to donate dev time on proper customization options that can be monetized I really have no idea…


They’ve alienated their audience with patches like 0.8, the damage is done. They’ve lost those players for good,

The ping-ping style game development was pretty bad I agree, but I don’t think those players are lost for good.

I’ve taken several long breaks from the game myself when it took turns I did not like, I only returned to it this year again from a 4 month break after I felt it was fun again. I’ve seen others return. Hell even Kine returned and he was gone longer than I. The game at the base is fun so we’ll keep an eye on its development. I expect to see some more old faces back when it finally releases.

I didnt emo rage quit if anything. Dev removed lag compensation which made it impossible for me to play. So … they chased me off technically.

I didnt emo rage quit if anything. Dev removed lag compensation which made it impossible for me to play. So … they chased me off technically.

Didn’t say you did, nor that I did. I took a break shortly after you both for reasons of lag (you may remember my huge FIX THE LAAAAAG sig at the time, IIRC it was you suggesting the rainbox colour scheme xD) and for reasons of game play having become static at the time (pure frig balling/long range sniping).

The Grind is what’s stunting this game’s playerbase growth.

People who are attracted to the fast jump in and shoot gameplay of Star Conflict’s combat are not the same ones who would be willing to play grindy RPG games


Then there are guys like me also. I like to have a sense of material(pixelated) progression, not only skill progression, and love the fact that once in combat, i forget all about the grind. I keep going and returning to this game, over the years. I wouldn’t do it WITHOUT what you call grind. It seems you want progression to be like in the Battlefield/Planetside games? For me that’s just not interesting enough. Make it faster/less meaningful, might work for you, but not for others. 


People that want a faster progression can always go for Premium + Premium ships. Now those babies bring in the credits like no other. 

Then there are guys like me … I wouldn’t do it WITHOUT what you call grind. It seems you want progression to be like in the Battlefield/Planetside games? For me that’s just not interesting enough.



And the ones who remain long enough to care ?


That’s us. The weirdoes. People who like fast pace combat but can endure stupid LeGrinds.


Unfortunately … we are not the representative majority.

I love the grind. There is always the next goal to achieve, you have to plan your buys for the sales, and I can play for fun just as well.

Kine I think you took a shot at something but missed with that quote on quote action.