Future changes in game economy

14 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

Because you are a dreamer


Without a dream you are nothing.

I always dream of a better future.


remember; “I have a dream” 





14 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

who is complaining about stuff that doesn’t exist,


what does not exist? Limits? Uneven MM? Broken ship? Low-level bonuses? Broken modules? Are people still bringing R5 ships in the max tier? This day?


just one thing from those that I listed here will not exist tomorrow in this game.


14 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

and just calling every change bad, regardless of outcome…


As you noticed I’m a dreamer, I also dream that this game will be better, so I point on bad things here.



Even donkey will not follow the rotten carrot.

3 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

New player will hit his first limit as soon as a hundred games. He will hit ellydium grindwall in about 300-400 games. Kinda not a vet in most people books.

If you kindly explain - why the hell there are limits at all? What for?

Ellidium ships are too expensive for new players to farm because you need a steady credit flow for that, which is usually solved by reaching r15 PvE and acquiring most of the things in the game, so you don’t periodically waste credits on essential things. There is an abundance of things to purchase/grind for new players - modules, credit ships, dessies, craft ships, prem part ships besides greens if you are not focusing on elly grind, you are not going to hit the limit anyways since you are not going to do those missions, and when you do and you hit a very bad RNG with those unique resources, you can easily shortcut with some gold injection, that you can again farm via mission.

Now they gave us 5 days of premium? What for? I’m still over one billion credits and with no modules to upgrade or just anything to do, it does look like the message lasts for two months so guess I’ll keep it until they will make a change about this.

13 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Now they gave us 5 days of premium? What for? I’m still over one billion credits and with no modules to upgrade or just anything to do, it does look like the message lasts for two months so guess I’ll keep it until they will make a change about this.


This is actually best celebration gift that we got until now for this Four years anniversary.

It is a universal gift, even if it is not particularly useful to us that have most of the things here.

It’s alright, but after what they did with the container I would expect them to take our advice and give us useful items for credits if they want us to get of rid of them.

On 9/4/2018 at 10:36 PM, Koromac said:

I got nearly two billion Credits, and now you plan to do this change. Why?! I am already annoyed by constant spam in my Mail-Box for Free Synergy!

Why do you want to screw your remaining, most loyal (Veteran/Elite) player base, at least what’s left of it, those, who still are still playing to this day?


This is a personal attack against long-time supporters of this game! There’s no reason to play this game anymore when you inhibit/prevent the ability to get currencies!


If not for the effort of certain individuals, their spent time, hundreds of bug reports, suggestions, and everything else, then this game would have been in much worse condition than it is.


Do the changes, but EXCLUDE the cap limit on Credits! We don’t need the cap on the most common currency in this game!


I have to agree with Koromac on this,  I have over 6 billion credits and already own all the currently released items so the new containers are of no benefit to me at all,


While I know the credits weren’t of much use to me either as I had nothing to really spend them on at least there was some sort of fictitious reward for participating in the game as it is now all my Credits and Synergy are totally wasted at the end of every match not only that but I actually have to pay to play a match now as the refit and repairs costs are not covered by my winnings so it just constantly eats away at the credits I have in my account.


So what’s my incentive to keep playing???


At this point I might as well just log in once a week and see if you have released anything new for me to work towards ;-((((



2 hours ago, Sparax said:


I have to agree with Koromac on this,  I have over 6 billion credits and already own all the currently released items so the new containers are of no benefit to me at all,


While I know the credits weren’t of much use to me either as I had nothing to really spend them on at least there was some sort of fictitious reward for participating in the game as it is now all my Credits and Synergy are totally wasted at the end of every match not only that but I actually have to pay to play a match now as the refit and repairs costs are not covered by my winnings so it just constantly eats away at the credits I have in my account.


So what’s my incentive to keep playing???


At this point I might as well just log in once a week and see if you have released anything new for me to work towards ;-((((




Do you play video games for in-game blings (incentives) or for the gameplay? 

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

Do you play video games for in-game blings (incentives) or for the gameplay? 


Both actually maybe you should read what I said I already own everything so the credits served me no purpose anyway, that’s not the point the the point is that the game has gone from rewarding your efforts even if that reward was useless to actually charging those that have invested the time and effort to continue playing.


And don’t even get me started on the mess that’s been made of the gameplay

6 minutes ago, Sparax said:


Both actually maybe you should read what I said I already own everything so the credits served me no purpose anyway, that’s not the point the the point is that the game has gone from rewarding your efforts even if that reward was useless to actually charging those that have invested the time and effort to continue playing.


And don’t even get me started on the mess that’s been made of the gameplay


3 hours ago, Sparax said:


Both actually maybe you should read what I said I already own everything so the credits served me no purpose anyway, that’s not the point the the point is that the game has gone from rewarding your efforts even if that reward was useless to actually charging those that have invested the time and effort to continue playing.


You are free to spend over the limit amount and you will find your “joy” in saving up useless stuff again


3 hours ago, Sparax said:

And don’t even get me started on the mess that’s been made of the gameplay


Please do


3 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:


Buddy, your inability to produce own opinion on the subject (which is not limited to this thread, but in general) and only citing somebody else is pretty pathetic, you know that, right? 

And here I was thinking that video games are all about fun gameplay.


For me, the “reward” for playing them was having a good time, not “gathering resources”.


I stand corrected now, as they are clearly all about “getting a big number of X”.


I never farmed credits past the absolute minimum of what I need to buy a ship or to upgrade a module and I still enjoyed the game.


I don’t really get why people act like that just because a (for them, as they obviously unlocked everything) virtually useless resource got capped.


Thats just my general opinion, maybe big numbers bring joy to some.


2 hours ago, Scar6 said:

And here I was thinking that video games are all about fun gameplay.


For me, the “reward” for playing them was having a good time, not “gathering resources”.


I stand corrected now, as they are clearly all about “getting a big number of X”.


I never farmed credits past the absolute minimum of what I need to buy a ship or to upgrade a module and I still enjoyed the game.


I don’t really get why people act like that just because a (for them, as they obviously unlocked everything) virtually useless resource got capped.


Thats just my general opinion, maybe big numbers bring joy to some.


It’s not about big numbers. It’s about about 5 spam reminders per game “what you just earned will be destroyed in 3…2…1…”. It’s not about incentive, it’s about discouraging. I play for fun. If there would be like resource exchange (trade 20 enriched electrum for one nanoprojectors for example) even at outrageous rates - I could exchange them and fulfill my completionists goal of unlocking all taikin/wazgot nodes. I’m asking again - what is wrong with not having limits for items that don’t have ANY impact on global economy? 

  • no spam messages

  • resources not being destroyed

  • that “hey - I got enriched electrum!” feeling after battle

Is that really so hard to understand that some people can get  annoyed after few thousands of spam messages saying “your earned resources will be destroyed”? I still have over a year of premium licence. I bought it long term as a way to support devs. In return every single item that it affects is being destroyed. So… I spent hundreds of $$$ just to see those messages above over and over again… Cheers, devs!

BTW: every single time I want to spend some of those biillions of credits server kicks me out of the game with “too many requests” message. So… LOL.

12 hours ago, Sparax said:


Both actually maybe you should read what I said I already own everything so the credits served me no purpose anyway,

Then why do you give a crap about how many credits you have?

9 hours ago, xKostyan said:

Buddy, your inability to produce own opinion on the subject (which is not limited to this thread, but in general) and only citing somebody else is pretty pathetic, you know that, right? 

I may be bad with words but at least I’m not an asshole about it

13 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I may be bad with words but at least I’m not an xxxxxxx about it

Oh, and how do you call those small -minded people, the bystanders when somebody else is having a conversation, those people that contribute to the argument in a way of “oh snap!”, “oh no he didn’t!”, “burn”, while having zero involvement or even relation to the argument itself?

2 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

It’s not about big numbers. It’s about about 5 spam reminders per game “what you just earned will be destroyed in 3…2…1…”. It’s not about incentive, it’s about discouraging. I play for fun. If there would be like resource exchange (trade 20 enriched electrum for one nanoprojectors for example) even at outrageous rates - I could exchange them and fulfill my completionists goal of unlocking all taikin/wazgot nodes. I’m asking again - what is wrong with not having limits for items that don’t have ANY impact on global economy? 

  • no spam messages

  • resources not being destroyed

  • that “hey - I got enriched electrum!” feeling after battle

Is that really so hard to understand that some people can get  annoyed after few thousands of spam messages saying “your earned resources will be destroyed”? I still have over a year of premium licence. I bought it long term as a way to support devs. In return every single item that it affects is being destroyed. So… I spent hundreds of $$$ just to see those messages above over and over again… Cheers, devs!

BTW: every single time I want to spend some of those biillions of credits server kicks me out of the game with “too many requests” message. So… LOL.

So your problem is not the cap itself, but the stupid emails that come with it? Those are kinda different things, don’t you think?

53 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

Then why do you give a crap about how many credits you have?


Because that is one of the few indicators that you still make progress.

You can chase also some meaningless achievments - in the end it’s the feeling that you got a step farther.

At the moment the result of a successful match is a couple of mails about resources or credits going to the trash bin.
That is not called positive motivation.


The main problem is that the developers are more interested in getting new player than keeping veterans.

But the new players don’t make up for the lost old players.

I can’t count the PvE matches in the last weeks where new players started with ill fitted ships and failed.

When I started playing SC, my corp taught me how to survive PvE matches in different maps …

Now I see players with well known corp tags and I wonder if they ever got any tips or training.

8 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Oh, and how do you call those small -minded people, the bystanders when somebody else is having a conversation, those people that contribute to the argument in a way of “oh snap!”, “oh no he didn’t!”, “burn”, while having zero involvement or even relation to the argument itself?

When someone has said what you were thinking, why say it again?

9 minutes ago, Neosoma said:

At the moment the result of a successful match is a couple of mails about resources or credits going to the trash bin.
That is not called positive motivation.

This is probably my biggest problem though.

Playing the game is less about achievement at a certain point, and more about just enjoying flying certain ships and looking at cool effects. Once you get to a point in the game, there’s nothing (within reason) left to gain.

These limits only enforce this, saying “there’s nowhere to go from here”. Basically it’s what I’ve been doing with excess alien composite panels. I’ve made many many many more whole ellydium ship cabins, and for what? I have gained nothing, but I have consumed resources and made room for more, so that it feels like I’m still being rewarded for playing even though I’m not.









R9 on one side and R6 on another side in MAX TIER???




This was posted to me 3min ago.


Nice MULTIPLE TIERS we have, or not??