Future changes in game economy



Pilots! The UMC begins a global optimization of currency in the fringe sectors and is eager to inform you of the coming changes. The upcoming updates will bring the following:


Faction loyalty vouchers are merged into a single currency “Loyalty vouchers”.  

  • All funds from the six faction accounts will be added up in the merged account, and you can still spend this currency on researching modules, modifiers and weapons. 
  • The maximum limit on Loyalty Vouchers has not changed. It’s currently at 1 million.
  • Over time, Loyalty Vouchers will be completely withdrawn from the game and replaced by the universal currency of the fringe sectors: Galactic Credits. 

The number of Galactic Credits on the pilots’ accounts will now also have a limit of 500 million. 

  • In the near future, the value of Credits as a universal currency will increase significantly. They will replace some of the craft components in blueprints, you will be able to use them to buy most modules, modifiers and weapons in the game. 
  • Credits exceeding the limit will be retained in the accounts. But the resources earned in battles and assignments will be sent to you as a timed in-game message.

The excess credits can be exchanged in the game store for unique containers, prepared for the fourth anniversary of the release of Star Conflict. Attention! The containers hold components for most of the ships built from parts and the rarest resources of the fringe sectors! The containers will be available only for a limited time, from Friday evening on September 7 to Monday on September 10! Due to the festive events, the UMC recommends pilots to start topping up their credit fund.


In the upcoming updates, the acquisition of items in the game and their production will become easier and more accessible. Stay tuned!

Now this sounds pretty nice, looking forward to it!

So they plan on making credits useful, but with yet another limit? Does that mean that the amount of credits we get will also be changed? And will those containers have not only rare but also useful things? Such as all destroyer parts, but not random, and resources for the Ellydium nodes, including the special modules, maybe even the Th’ak’Len on all tiers? Again, not random.

7 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

So they plan on making credits useful, but with yet another limit? Does that mean that the amount of credits we get will also be changed? And will those containers have not only rare but also useful things? Such as all destroyer parts, but not random, and resources for the Ellydium nodes, including the special modules, maybe even the Th’ak’Len on all tiers? Again, not random.

No random containers? Witchcraft!

So I’m guessing this is once again a double edged sword. We’re probably looking at a significantly decreased credit cap, decreased credit rewards, increased credit use and amped up loyalty requirements coupled with this.

i wonder if they are removing the current GS system and changing everything to regular credits you earn in battle. im not sure when they refer to galactic credits means GS or regular credits earned in battle. although this can be good and bad for pilots. the only way to know is to wait and see.

Part of what is keeping me at this game is its complexity and certain amount of frustration that I can’t have everything whenever I want; I need some farm, some luck, some time. I need to make decisions what do I need to invest myself in. Seeing as most of the games fall into trap “make the game easier, it will bring more players” and with time nose-dive into it, because “who needs all these complications”, I don’t really like these changes. The game is not only what I can do while flying. It’s the whole package of decisions and its consequences, and dumbing them down may bring children and xxxx on board, but it won’t really add to the game’s value.

yes once again the veteran player with billions of credits now looses years of in game farming so the new player that will only be here a week or so can feel equal and hopefully spend an extra $50

Looks like simplification, or what has been done to Opera and Skype. More options and adjustability would be more in line with the current spirit of diversification. It’s like using iOS instead of Android, or an Android tablet instead a Windows desktop. However, if the devs are going to focus on some other things, like Open Space…

All seems okay, i’d just prefer a 10mil cap for vouchers (so you dont lose what you have because i somehow know the voucher prices will stay more or less the same) and as for credits 1 billion seems enough as a cap. Looking forward to cutting the vouchers entirely, they were a bother anyway.

fact is that right now you can’t stack vouchers like we use to with plenty of missions, only vets that where already close to the cap will have issues but with the current amount of new modules, there is enoght to spent on. This cap is fair but it’ll be better without one ofc since i don’t really see the point of having one. 

This looks remarkably like a closing move.

I mean I have no idea what the devs are thinking but this just seems like one of those things you see done right before a game stops/slows development.

And the way of gaining extra vouchers is random in all aspects, unifying them is nice, and removing them altogether is better, since it takes up to 300k to upgrade a T5 module/weapon, but gathering all of that outside of actively researching that weapon/module takes a long while, assuming you get the right vouchers in the first place, if it’s also going to fix the randomness in getting destroyer equipment and Ellydium nodes, then even better.

Despite the attempt to “modernise” the game I see a deeper efford to prolong the grind. Although I have never had over 100 mil credits and atm less than 15 mil. I see as totally unfair the credits cap. Not to mention players that accumulated over a bil credits, will not be happy with this “new order” and frankly speaking I don’t blame them.

From what I’ve seen so far, main reason a lot dropped out was/is the grind. How about the heads upstairs will admit “lesson learned” and refarin from inventing new methods to increase the grind, everyone should have been working towards making the game more attractive if we want it to celebrate more anniversaries.

3 hours ago, Deelena said:

The number of Galactic Credits on the pilots’ accounts will now also have a limit of 500 million. 

Koromac must love this.

41 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

This looks remarkably like a closing move.

I mean I have no idea what the devs are thinking but this just seems like one of those things you see done right before a game stops/slows development.

No not really. Players have been asking for these kinds of changes for ages now with the recent addition of OS grinding for all also adding to the list of things players wanted gone.

The condensing of currencies and easing of the grind for newer players is far from a closing move but something we have literally been asking for.

I still think putting “caps” on things is silly.

They effectively divided the maximum vouchers for players by 6. Now instead of 1mil of each, you have 1mil period.

I like the idea of removing the randomness of upgrading though. It was always a pain to upgrade things ever since they implemented vouchers and removed dedicated voucher contracts.

500 million credits is more than enough though since anything expensive enough to put a dent in your wallet then would be minimal to a point where it’d be recoverable without trying

And they said that they will remove vouchers altogether, so that means upgrading equipment might require only credits, or it might start requiring materials, and hopefully not iridium again, unless they will make it easier to get.

16 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

And they said that they will remove vouchers altogether, so that means upgrading equipment might require only credits, or it might start requiring materials, and hopefully not iridium again, unless they will make it easier to get.

Let’s hope not materials.

Honestly I’d almost be ok with having “Unique” and upgraded items be drops in loot. Remember Military and Experimental drops. XD

They rewarded players who played the game, and gave actual value to the items that were dropped.