Future changes in game economy

Woopsss wrong thread that I posted in… but still hmmmmmmmmmmm

3 hours ago, GatoGrande said:









R9 on one side and R6 on another side in MAX TIER???




This was posted to me 3min ago.


Nice MULTIPLE TIERS we have, or not??

I thought they removed the split queue shortly after they implemented it due to a bug or something

22 hours ago, xKostyan said:

So your problem is not the cap itself, but the stupid emails that come with it? Those are kinda different things, don’t you think?

They are  different things. And two different problems. But both of them lead to the same result - less fun. Usually if you want more players game design calls for making it more fun, giving more sense of achievement. Star Conflict is now based mostly on frustration for any player that is not purely focused  on PvP pew pew. Frustration can motivate a player to stay with the game for some time, but then he will go away (or maybe his OCD will kick in and will stay to grind in despair for next 20-30k battles). Someone from the dev team said some time ago that they are hitting desired target of players, so maybe this is designed to be like this? Instead of thinking about new ways to make the game more fun, think about another thing that can bring more frustration and keep the players rotation on desired level? I don’t want to speculate, but again - what is wrong with having no limits on those resources? And if there has to be a limit - why I cannot trade this useless crap for something I can still use (like nanoprojectors?) Why there are no missions for particular module or weapon or part ( Alpha/Beta/Gamma/ Delta containers with multiple items, why it has to be a random loot from the list instead of more logical “pick up one or two from the list”)?

I’ve just stopped trying in the game and it has become 19287382928x more fun. Just stop caring about goals and grinds and suddenly you have fun spacey future combat stuff.

On 9/9/2018 at 6:25 AM, xKostyan said:

You are free to spend over the limit amount and you will find your “joy” in saving up useless stuff again



On 9/9/2018 at 2:47 PM, Flash0914 said:

Then why do you give a crap about how many credits you have?



You still aren’t getting it I already own everything so what do I have to spend my over the limit amount on? The Answer is NOTHING.


It has nothing to do with what I can gain from the credits it’s that there is no reward for playing at all in fact you are penalised for participating in every match you play after you hit the limit, you obviously don’t understand this as your not at the limit so it doesn’t even affect you.


Ain’t it funny how all the people it doesn’t even effect seem pro this decision yet those it has an impact on are very annoyed



On 9/9/2018 at 6:25 AM, xKostyan said:

You are free to spend over the limit amount and you will find your “joy” in saving up useless stuff again

It’s not possible. After a few purchases the game will kick you out. So maybe if you are slightly over limit it will work, but not if you have a billion of more to spend.

This update (1.5.7d) lowered the credit cap again by 10000000 (10M) and they re added the 10 Iridium Open Space jump cost.

Wait, was the 10 iridium cost even removed or changed? And of course lower the limit, sure is what people wanted.

33 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Wait, was the 10 iridium cost even removed or changed? And of course lower the limit, sure is what people wanted.

It was removed in 1.5.7c and now reintroduced.

1 hour ago, OwnageMaster said:

It’s not possible. After a few purchases the game will kick you out. So maybe if you are slightly over limit it will work, but not if you have a billion of more to spend.

Make a short pause between ever 5th or 10th purchase, been there done that ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

3 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

It’s not possible. After a few purchases the game will kick you out. So maybe if you are slightly over limit it will work, but not if you have a billion of more to spend.

I am sure there is a way to slow down your clicker scrip ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

I am sure there is a way to slow down your clicker scrip ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

It wasn’t even scripted.  However my main question still remains: Why are players punished if they progress further? What is the reason for that? Will game “economy” collapse if someone will have 1000 monocrystals instead of 500? Or 50 ellydium parts instead of 10? Why are those limits even exist? What is the grand plan of getting players frustrated instead of happy (or even content - cmon - difference between having a billion credits and 6 billion credits is just in bragging rights).