Future changes in game economy

3 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

So that he can instantly build everything as soon as it is released, instead of grinding for it like everyone else does.

In all SC history there was not a single craftable/premium ship that could be bought immediately after the release even if you had all previously obtainable resources except GS. Waz’got was the closest one with 11 hours of grind. There were  always parts, special resources, missions etc. What is the point of premium licence if everything you earn goes to the bin? I still have about two years of premium licence on my accounts and every single battle reminds me of how useless it is for me. Even if all currency will be reduced to two - vouchers and credits - what is wrong with possibility of purchasing immediately new ship or module/weapon if you already spent thousands of hours farming them? It’s just  a matter of convenience - I can play when I feel like playing, not when I have to play but cannot due to real life circumstances. There are still some players with practically unlimited amount of GS  that will have every new ship immediately after the release - premium or not - so why is it a problem to have stockpiled credits and vouchers?  I see some double standards here.

10 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

No, thank you. 500 mill limit, when to equip properly your new ship can cost 50-70 millions? When a single Ellydium ship needs 380 millions? Take a look at some of the modules - you can easily see some more often used ones cost 5 mill for craft + few more for upgrades. I am sorry, but no. I was asked once to drop over 50k GS bought for my own money into containers to “avoid destabilizing the economy” and I got absolutely nothing valuable for that. Every single time I play I am just getting mails with “resource over limit” while my Tai’kin is still missing few nodes because I cannot get those required resources to unlock them. So in summary every single game ends with “hahaha, you wanted some resources? Here you go! Oh-oh you are over limit! you will see them destroyed in one hour/24 hours”. And the feeling of futility is just wrong. Instead of “hey we won very hard battle against Gladiator and his squad” there are few messages in my inbox reminding that all resources gained in that battle will be destroyed. Limits are just wrong. Now there will be another message added to them and watching the amount of credits going down after each battle will just add to the feeling of futility in this game. 


This is just WRONG.




I like this post 


And agree with it 100%.


I would propose to devs to make a poll about this,

but we all know poll from Devs are just big Trolling and ignoring results.



In general, I don’t get this any Limitation here. I lose hundreds of Monocrystals every day and get spammed with messages about this. 

It will be just worse if you add new limit. 

It is not clear to me why are we getting punished for actually playing this game?

Instead of that I get rewards after battles I lose them because of some stupid limitations.







There are 10, maybe 20 players in the game hitting the cap on credits, and the only reason they hit it is that they don’t need them.

So you should really stop blowing the problem out of proportion, on how “all long time players are affected”, it’s a tiny fraction of long-time players that affected anyways, while you can feel bad about not getting even more unneeded amount of stuff on top of unneeded amount of stuff, it really not a problem for us, regular folks.



I don’t like this and more of this will even be worse.

1 minute ago, xKostyan said:

There are 10, maybe 20 players in the game hitting the cap on credits, and the only reason they hit it is that they don’t need them.

So you should really stop blowing the problem out of proportion, on how “all long time players are affected”, it’s a tiny fraction of long-time players that affected anyways, while you can feel bad about not getting even more unneeded amount of stuff on top of unneeded amount of stuff, it really not a problem for us, regular folks.


Well count me in I have much more than 500mils and synergy is also on limit.

3 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:


Well count me in I have much more than 500mils and synergy is also on limit.



emails are a real annoyance - sure, but that is a different story.

2 minutes ago, xKostyan said:






Yeah, I get feeling that this is how devs react on community response.


When community response is what’s going down here then I sure wouldn’t want to have anything to do with it either.

2 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

When community response is what’s going down here then I sure wouldn’t want to have anything to do with it either.


13 hours ago, xKostyan said:

There are 10, maybe 20 players in the game hitting the cap on credits, and the only reason they hit it is that they don’t need them.

So you should really stop blowing the problem out of proportion, on how “all long time players are affected”, it’s a tiny fraction of long-time players that affected anyways, while you can feel bad about not getting even more unneeded amount of stuff on top of unneeded amount of stuff, it really not a problem for us, regular folks.


Sorry, but that is exactly the kind of thinking that reguarly pisses off players.

I’m playing this game now for 4 years and I got my 1.5 billion credits by also investing in this game by buying all DLCs and premium.


So to celebrate the 4th year of Star Conflict i’m getting ousted 1 billion credits being forced to buy containers…

![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”)


Let’s wait and see the contents of the containers … but I fear I will end up with a lot more of not needed ressources while still chasing e.g. parts of Boremys.

The recent changes in economy basically meant more limits and a lot of frustration about lost ressources.

Sorry but this game’s economy developed more and more from free market style to banana republic style.

I’m not even allowed to transfer credits to some of my mates who might need them to progress…


I agree with Koromac - this credit limit really sucks

4 hours ago, Neosoma said:


Sorry, but that is exactly the kind of thinking that reguarly pisses off players.

I’m playing this game now for 4 years and I got my 1.5 billion credits by also investing in this game by buying all DLCs and premium.


So to celebrate the 4th year of Star Conflict i’m getting ousted 1 billion credits being forced to buy containers…

![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”)


Let’s wait and see the contents of the containers … but I fear I will end up with a lot more of not needed ressources while still chasing e.g. parts of Boremys.

The recent changes in economy basically meant more limits and a lot of frustration about lost ressources.

Sorry but this game’s economy developed more and more from free market style to banana republic style.

I’m not even allowed to transfer credits to some of my mates who might need them to progress…


I agree with Koromac - this credit limit really sucks

I am playing this game for 5 years, and I have spent about 600 000 gold in the game, I have 15 000 000 credits I have less than 1500 storage used and I don’t really need anything in the game.

49 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

I am playing this game for 5 years, and I have spent about 600 000 gold in the game, I have 15 000 000 credits I have less than 1500 storage used and I don’t really need anything in the game.


This sounds like a fulfilled life…  :stuck_out_tongue:


15 minutes ago, Neosoma said:


This sounds like a fulfilled life…  :stuck_out_tongue:


Because I play for the process, when I want, instead of going nuts for missing a mission/day of a farm for a new shiny thing that I don’t really need or want to play.

3rd year and counting, still at 70mil credits and some minor assets aaand thats all, i like to farm but i do have limits.

3 hours ago, xKostyan said:

Because I play for the process, when I want, instead of going nuts for missing a mission/day of a farm for a new shiny thing that I don’t really need or want to play.

and it does not annoy you that they constantly put new grindwalls up so your 15 mio credits are unusable for anything new that is added to a solo progression modeled game?


On 9/5/2018 at 9:44 AM, OwnageMaster said:

I am sorry, but no. I was asked once to drop over 50k GS bought for my own money into containers to “avoid destabilizing the economy” and I got absolutely nothing valuable for that. Every single time I play I am just getting mails with “resource over limit” while my Tai’kin is still missing few nodes because I cannot get those required resources to unlock them

talking about solo progression model, how would you have destabilized that “economy” anyway… i mean yeah they introduced the trading but that is not an economy, since it is just a paid item exchange, not a real market…

they also introduced loot that is in a specific gamemode to grind, but you cannot trade it

and since it is solo progression, it would not hurt anyone else if someone already buys something new because of old richness, so all these forced sinks are totally crazy

it is like someone behind the team really reads a lot of articles about game design trends and misunderstands them every time and does it *every* *single* *time* wrong.


but it is nice you wake your critical side, even if it is a bit sad it only happens if you get hurt. also, now i get, why you don’t see how op the taikin really is :stuck_out_tongue: just joking.

anyway, i find caps is a bad idea, yes.


On 9/4/2018 at 7:12 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

Honestly I’d almost be ok with having “Unique” and upgraded items be drops in loot. Remember Military and Experimental drops. XD

honestly, back then was horrible for newcomers. this game has a pvp core, and in a pvp game progression, especially equipment progression, should be acquireble fast.

maybe, add a few weapons which have some PvE abilities and bonuses that are rare, or some cosmetics, but no, having a system where some players had 20% worse gear just because they were more casual was the first mistake on a long list, and actually drove away a lot of potential long time players, who really enjoyed the mechanics but loathed the grind.


you should be really careful what you whish for.

and start reading game design articles. since you are interested in it anyway.



i find it good to put all loyalty in one pot. i dont really care about loyalty tho.


i spent hundreds of millions of my credits back then on those stupid boxes, until they changed how credits worked, since then i feel how hard it is to upgrade stuff, because almost every single item costs a few millions of them extra. with such a history, do they even wonder, why the major still existing population either does not care at all about progression, or was always just here for the carrot?


i hate to come with this, but in every other arena game i have a seizable amount of stuff lying around, when they drop something new, i can try it and enjoy it, even tho i am not a loyal customer. if i would not like star conflict sheerly because of its mechanics and be so addicted to it, i would not take up with this grind and treatment. and most likely, if any game offers me the fun i have with these mechanics but with better care for the playerbase, i jump ship yesterday.



31 minutes ago, g4borg said:

and it does not annoy you that they constantly put new grindwalls up so your 15 mio credits are unusable for anything new that is added to a solo progression modeled game?



I don’t see star conflict as progression game at all, the only thing that really progresses in the game is the player itself ( i mean knowledge, muscle memory, combat experience). That is after you reach clearance 15 in a “campaign”, which on its own really is just unlocked more options.

13 hours ago, xKostyan said:

I don’t see star conflict as progression game at all, the only thing that really progresses in the game is the player itself ( i mean knowledge, muscle memory, combat experience). That is after you reach clearance 15 in a “campaign”, which on its own really is just unlocked more options.

Of course it’s not a progression game. Buy yourself a Ghost, equip focusing laser and you are good to go. But… Why are there over 200 other ships? Where is the PvP tactical part that was so huge at the beginning? You know - team play and all that crap. Developers made it a frustration game now, borderlining on a scam - “hey, buy yourself a premium licence to progress faster! together we can win!” (and then we will destroy everything you earned as we don’t need people that play a lot or even enjoy the game beyond shooting stuff). Some time ago devs asked what they should do to make this game more popular. The answer is very simple - make it fun to play. Make it in some way that players will have any sense of achievement. After a year we have this:



And this is just after a single battle. What is wrong with gathering stuff? Some players do like only pew pew, others like to have a feeling of “I have all stuff in the game, I can deploy a lineup for every scenario in seconds”. Why ostracize the latter? 85% of new players that are staying after first PvP battle and not posting “P2W and utter BS game” review want to have all ships in the tree and proper equipment for those ships. Why not make it easier for them removing the limits? As someone already said it looks like someone from the management was reading actual trends and then deciding to implement them all wrong (“Hey, EA made a random loot boxes - let’s implement them here as well” and forgetting to put anything valuable in them - or "Hey, people can pay for game and have fun playing them and forgetting the “having fun” part, leaving only frustration watching your resources vanish).

2 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

Why resource the latter? 85% of new players that are staying after first PvP battle and not posting “P2W and utter BS game” review want to have all ships in the tree and proper equipment for those ships. Why not make it easier for them removing the limits?


Be so kind and explain how resource limits prevent so-called  new players from unlocking stuff? For new players, there is always something to spend their resources on. You don’t need to hit the limit to purchase anything, there are plenty of small priced resource sinks, and if a player has nothing to sink their resources on, in no way that player is a new player.

6 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Be so kind and explain how resource limits prevent so-called  new players from unlocking stuff? For new players, there is always something to spend their resources on. You don’t need to hit the limit to purchase anything, there are plenty of small priced resource sinks, and if a player has nothing to sink their resources on, in no way that player is a new player.

I disagree, while synergy and credits cap are irrelevant for new players, it is still quite easy for them to hit mono crystal or ellydium ressources while still missing other ones to be able to spend them. A old player is more likely to be able to just dump 70 mono crystals into a mk5 weapon.

So here are the new containers … great.    ![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)


Ship component container

  • Contains parts of Stingray, Brokk, or Karud, as well as enriched beryllium.
  • Price in the game store: 7 million credits.

>>> Have those ships already


Rare ship component container

  • Contains parts Ghost, Kite-E, Archelon, or Nightingale, as well as neodium plates.
  • Price in the game store: 3 million credits.

>>> Have those ships already


Elite ship blueprint container

  • Gives one of the blueprints:
    • “Wolfhound cabin” blueprint
    • “Wolfhound processing chip” blueprint
    • “Wolfhound hull plate” blueprint
    • “Granite hull plate” blueprint
    • “Granite processing chip” blueprint
    • “Granite cabin” blueprint
  • And also enriched electrum.
  • Price in the game store: 20 million credits.

>>> Have all blueprints already


So as I already anitcipated nothing useful to spend 1 billion credits on.

I guess i will max all ressources to the limit.

The Elite ship container only increases my stock of blueprints for Granite and Wolfhound without reasonable return of enriched electrum.

Can’t you at least automatically give electrum in case all blueprints are already available ???


Dear Developers, if this is your idea to reward loyal SC veterans, then please abstain from future celebrations  !