Forum downvotes

As the title sais give us the downvotes, those should be implemented and visible for all.

As for the likes that some people gets, it should show who is giving votes.

Oc: news, blog entries and mod posts should not have votes at all.

That wuold prevent some really weird post and opinion to get more attention than they needs.

Devs wants feedbacks? They can’t get who is entiteled to give them is a newb without experience or an attention wh… Or a spoiled guy. Downvotes in this regards works quite well. 

I’m tired of seeing people spamming their noobish ideas/useless opinions without drawbacks. Anonimus downvotes are silly but you need silly weapons to fight silly guys.

So let haters gonna hate? Hmm, it’s been removed a long time ago for a good reason. 

1 minute ago, OmegaFighter said:

So let haters gonna hate? Hmm, it’s been removed a long time ago for a good reason. 

It was removed 'cause people was downvoting news and forum’s moderators posts.

I said those post should not be “touched”.

Opinions or proposal from people who don’t knows what they are talking about? Those should be downvoted to the ground. Otherwise you will always have some silly guy saying that “everything is fine” when a legit criticism is moved on. I know it’s childish but, have you ever heard: fight fire with fire?


8 minutes ago, OmegaFighter said:

So let haters gonna hate? Hmm, it’s been removed a long time ago for a good reason. 

There were nothig good in those reasons.


1 minute ago, Spongejohn said:

It was removed 'cause people was downvoting news and forum’s moderators posts.

I said those post should not be “touched”.

Opinions or proposal from people who don’t knows what they are talking about? Those should be downvoted to the ground. Otherwise you will always have some silly guy saying that “everything is fine” when a legit criticism is moved on. I know it’s childish but, have you ever heard: fight fire with fire?


Tottaly agree, so some drunk racist old farts get what they deserve!

2 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

There were nothig good in those reasons.


Tottaly agree, so some drunk racist old farts get what they deserve!

![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) You are older then me grandma.

Apart that: let’s be clear, the word “haters” spreaded so much that now everyone who have a legit criticism is marked as such.

People with a grain of salt, don’t just hate. “We” mark them as haters just to feel more comfortable with our opinions.

24 minutes ago, OmegaFighter said:

So let haters gonna hate? Hmm, it’s been removed a long time ago for a good reason. 

It wasn’t removed on Russian forum though. Surely the same “good reasons” should apply there also?

12 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

Apart that: let’s be clear, the word “haters” spreaded so much that now everyone who have a legit criticism is marked as such.

People with a grain of salt, don’t just hate. “We” mark them as haters just to feel more comfortable with our opinions.

Tell me about it ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Just now, millanbel said:

It wasn’t removed on Russian forum though. Surely the same “good reasons” should apply there also?

There are no downvotes on Ru

1 minute ago, xKostyan said:

There are no more downvotes on Ru


I support this.




Just now, xKostyan said:

There are no downvotes on Ru


Even there’s no more down vote, I wonder what he/she/it did to receive that many negative points.

I think the down votes are a great idea. Yes the devs ideas will get downvoted a lot bcs many of them are really bad recently, but in turn, perhaps there will be less forum posts of angry players wanting to tell how angry they are about features being removed/added/broken.

150 downvotes say more than a thousand words.

Just now, Slacktivator said:

I think the down votes are a great idea. Yes the devs ideas will get downvoted a lot bcs many of them are really bad recently, but in turn, perhaps there will be less forum posts of angry players wanting to tell how angry they are about features being removed/added/broken.

150 downvotes say more than a thousand words.

The problem is there are a lot more negative people on the forum than positive people. So almost everything would get downvoted

22 minutes ago, Milfeulle said:


Even there’s no more down vote, I wonder what he/she/it did to receive that many negative points.


There is a dude on English forum with 1000+ downvotes, can’t remember his damn name, he was somehow related to Uhmari.


1 minute ago, millanbel said:

The problem is there are a lot more negative people on the forum than positive people. So almost everything would get downvoted

Not most content, but content opposing views of the heating majority. We have been there and have done that - most stupid stuff gets upvoted for one reason or another and more constructive content gets ignored or downvoted. Similar to how for example Nuk and Adam became moderators on Reddit, or how most hateful steam reviews that don’t have even half of the stuff right gets the most likes and support.

12 minutes ago, millanbel said:

The problem is there are a lot more negative people on the forum than positive people. So almost everything would get downvoted

Well that’s a fair representation of what those people think then. Just dont make any consequence from the downvotes. Its not the same as a flag/report

I don’t think its right to silence people because they are of opposing opinion?

6 hours ago, xKostyan said:


Not most content, but content opposing views of the heating majority. We have been there and have done that - most stupid stuff gets upvoted for one reason or another and more constructive content gets ignored or downvoted. Similar to how for example Nuk and Adam became moderators on Reddit , or how most hateful steam reviews that don’t have even half of the stuff right gets the most likes and support.

Do you really think that a diff choice was made for official international forums and game masters? Are you being naive or you are just jealous of Adam and Nuke?

We need downovets to takes down stuffs like:

Targha is a glass cannon

^ is not p2w even if during the first month no one apart paying costumers (and paid masters/moderators/testers/translators) got it and farmed guys that were better than them

“new recon is really balanced”

The “heating majority” is there for a reason… hiding truth will not makes it better. 

46 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

You really think that instead a diff choice was made for official international forums and game masters? Are you being naive or you are just jealous of Adam and Nuke?

We need downovets to takes down stuffs like:

Targha is a glass cannon

^ is not p2w even if during the first month no one apart paying costumers (and paid masters/moderators/testers/translators) got it and farmed guys better than them

“new recon is really balanced”

The “heating majority” is there for a reason… hiding truth will not makes it better. 

![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)

  1. Downvotes are as ret4rded as upvotes

  2. thinking that stupid stuff that is upvoted doing anything is as ret4rded as (1)

  3. implying that downvotes would fix anything is plain ignorant bliss. 

3 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)

1) Downvotes are as ret4rded as upvotes

  1. thinking that stupid stuff that is upvoted doing anything is as ret4rded as (1)

  2. implying that downvotes would fix anything is plain ignorant bliss. 

Downvotes are ret, no question about it. Still, those people that are actually ret: maybe if they see their bs downvoted, MAYBE, they will stop being so annoying.

tldr: You need to act ret4rd to beat a ret4rd.

31 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

Downvotes are ret, no question about it. Still, those people that are actually ret: maybe if they see their bs downvoted, MAYBE, they will stop being so annoying.

tldr: You need to act ret4rd to beat a ret4rd.

Or you know, instead of beating ret4rd with ret4rd, remove the original ret4rd?

Instead of contering upvotes with downvotes, remove upvotes all together, i’d vote that up  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

37 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)

  1. Downvotes are as ret4rded as upvotes

  2. thinking that stupid stuff that is upvoted doing anything is as ret4rded as (1)

  3. implying that downvotes would fix anything is plain ignorant bliss. 

I agree with Kosty in downvotes wouldn’t solve anything, but I still think we should have them. Not everything is about solving things.

And ret4rded or not thats just opinion. If you think downvotes are bad, then downvote them ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)