Fixing the game...

Greetings, this post is to fix the problems this game has.



Fixing the games problems

  • Remove Tier 1-4.

  • Make Tier 5 The Initial Tier.

  • Replace Tier 5 Model with Tier 1 Ship Models.

  • Grant All Classes to all three races.

  • Take existing models for Tier 2-5 and turn them into Skins, Sold for Galactic Standards.



  • Improved Que Rates

  • Instant Game-Wide Balance

  • Instant Content Access to Open World for all players.

  • Improved Population in open world

  • Improved PvE Balance (your more up to par with aliens).

  • Removed the Grind from the game (it should never exceed 10 days).


Improving the Game

  • Remove Synergy from Ships

  • Apply Synergy System to a Faction, Or a “class” (interceptor, frighter, Frigate) across the board.

  • Synergy is now payed with via Faction reputation (Loyalty).

  • Synergy now effects the entire class, or faction of ship. This means you upgrade synergy for all interceptors at the same time.

  • Add More “homing” or “Aim-bot” weapons. These greatly help casual “unskilled” players. Manual Fire weapons should get a bonus.



  • More impact and value on the voucher system

  • Less grind, and more reward.

  • game is more suited for the casual player-base.


Adding Content.

  • Add mining. Keep currently looting asteroid mechanic.

  • Add trading.

  • Rework the cargo system from slots, to “mass”.

  • Significantly improve the size of cargo of each ship.

  • Create mining and trade ships out of some frigate or fighter variant (one for each, a faster and slower version).

  • Add another Set of Station between all three faction space (Maybe pirate bases?).

  • Reduce NPC Difficulty starting 20% of its current value (rank 1-5) And Work it up to 80% of its current value (highest NPC).

  • Add “bounties” on each ship, granting instant credit access upon kills.

  • Remove Star-gate “Ship rank requirement” All all gates

  • Keep “Rank 5” zone UI element to notify players of difficulty of the solar systems “npc” Mobs.

  • Improvements to the UI In pen world. (Displaying Corporation Sovereignty.

  • Force NPC Pirates, Etc to spawn only in specific area’s of each system, and mark these with some sort of “land mark” (like asteroid belts, etc).



  • More Walks of life in the game should attract more players.

  • New Trading and mining concepts will allow the game to obtain and retain better population rates.

  • New Trading and mining concepts open doors for advancement of the open world system in the game.

  • New NPC difficulties encourage people to use open world for credit income ( as opposed to PVE Que). This improves PvE Greatly.

  • New NPC open world changes significantly improve PvE Aspects.

  • New bounty system only furthers to improve open world pve concepts.

  • New trading system significantly improves the potential and future of a player and corporations industry.

  • All around improves the retention rates of the game.



No, thank you. There are other games that work the way you are suggesting this game should.

It would no longer be Star Conflict.

And besides, tbe devs have already made clear that there will be no more major overhaul of the economy of the game (only balancing changes). It is no longer in alpha!! The game is two or three years old!

Thanks but no thanks. This game was designed in a specific way, and that way is working. Sure, there are problems, but what game doesn’t have problems.


Like millanbel said, if these changes were to be implemented, it would no longer be Star Conflict.


There is one huge flaw in your suggestions that I have to point out. Putting everyone into one queue will be disastrous. N00bs playing in the same games as pros will only result in the n00bs insta-rage quitting… Actually, come to think about it, that is already happening, since tier-rushing is allowed.


But in any case, such drastic changes would strip this game of its identity. If you aren’t satisfied, play another game that has the features you are suggesting here.

Or you could just give the game some time, instead of looking at this from the viewpoint of a brand new pilot.

The game has no identity. It has a few people (like you guys) that want to run around beating on Aces.

By the way, how is that working out for the game? An all time high score of 97 people online?


I have been advocating for these changes for 2 years, and it keeps getting ignored.

The truth is, this game is dead, and its future is non-existent, especially if it keeps this model of “Pro owns Ace to get more ego”.

If you want to feel good about yourself, go find some poor person in need, and feed them, and help them. Then you will have a reason to feel good.

dont bring your ego inflated “No thanks, i dont want to play another game because i want to own Ace” nonsense in here.

Now that thats been said.


This game has been working on this tier nonsense for 3 years. For  years people like me have fought hard to fix this game and better it. Its not working.

Changes need to take place, and if that means “changing the game from start to finish” Then we need to do it, for the safe of star conflict, and the star-gem (the development company). 


On a more serious note.


Making the game more Ace friendly, removing the grind and reducing the que times will in no way destroy the game, or rob it of its current identity.

and as for “Aces” getting “Stomped” that is fixed with some other que system changes.


  • All Games are 5v5 (until the population has reached 10k+).

  • Premade Requirements for groups

   2v2 ques into 2v2, with 3 random pugs on both sides to fill.

   3v3 ques into 3v3, with 2 random pugs on both sides to fill

   Etc. Up to 5v5.

  • Introduce a win loss ratio, where players are placed on a ladder system, based on W/L, on a point value system (1% = so  many points, person with highest points is on top).


From here everyone in one tier is fine.



Additionally, everyone being in one tier helps the game significantly. Both in generating income through selling the already (and future models), and but reducing que times, and vastly improving balance. Open world is not good for everyone not just the general epeen ego inflated higher ranked players.

dafaq is this…?

coming in demanding that entire principle of the game gets changed?

aiming at “pros egos” to justify your demands?

are you aware of the dev team size?  are you probably maybe aware of the managment?


besides arent there those high ranked super pros whos egos feast all day, IN EVERY GAME? btw i dont see much egos in here tho… there are many hotshots out there… i used to suk at this game, but eventually things got better, but i still get owned by them. and i cry…oh i cry so much…


maybe the real problem is actually in steam reviews… shitting everything down and up voting negative comments, yes game has its propblems, and by upvoting such review, game has lesser chance of survival. perhaps we are here today with such small playerbase thanks to massive upvote on negative on steam… maybe que times would be better with more players, hm?


go on think, process things a bit

The game has no identity. It has a few people (like you guys) that want to run around beating on Aces.

By the way, how is that working out for the game? An all time high score of 97 people online?


I have been advocating for these changes for 2 years, and it keeps getting ignored.

The truth is, this game is dead, and its future is non-existent, especially if it keeps this model of “Pro owns Ace to get more ego”.

If you want to feel good about yourself, go find some poor person in need, and feed them, and help them. Then you will have a reason to feel good.

dont bring your ego inflated “No thanks, i dont want to play another game because i want to own Ace” nonsense in here.

This game is far from dead and I don’t were you got the 97 people online highscore, but it is completly wrong. During peak times we always have over a few thousand people online.



Greetings, this post is to fix the problems this game has.



Fixing the games problems

  • Remove Tier 1-4.

  • Make Tier 5 The Initial Tier.

  • Replace Tier 5 Model with Tier 1 Ship Models.

  • Grant All Classes to all three races.

  • Take existing models for Tier 2-5 and turn them into Skins, Sold for Galactic Standards.



  • Improved Que Rates

  • Instant Game-Wide Balance

  • Instant Content Access to Open World for all players.

  • Improved Population in open world

  • Improved PvE Balance (your more up to par with aliens).

  • Removed the Grind from the game (it should never exceed 10 days).


Improving the Game

  • Remove Synergy from Ships

  • Apply Synergy System to a Faction, Or a “class” (interceptor, frighter, Frigate) across the board.

  • Synergy is now payed with via Faction reputation (Loyalty).

  • Synergy now effects the entire class, or faction of ship. This means you upgrade synergy for all interceptors at the same time.

  • Add More “homing” or “Aim-bot” weapons. These greatly help casual “unskilled” players. Manual Fire weapons should get a bonus.



  • More impact and value on the voucher system

  • Less grind, and more reward.

  • game is more suited for the casual player-base.


Adding Content.

  • Add mining. Keep currently looting asteroid mechanic.

  • Add trading.

  • Rework the cargo system from slots, to “mass”.

  • Significantly improve the size of cargo of each ship.

  • Create mining and trade ships out of some frigate or fighter variant (one for each, a faster and slower version).

  • Add another Set of Station between all three faction space (Maybe pirate bases?).

  • Reduce NPC Difficulty starting 20% of its current value (rank 1-5) And Work it up to 80% of its current value (highest NPC).

  • Add “bounties” on each ship, granting instant credit access upon kills.

  • Remove Star-gate “Ship rank requirement” All all gates

  • Keep “Rank 5” zone UI element to notify players of difficulty of the solar systems “npc” Mobs.

  • Improvements to the UI In pen world. (Displaying Corporation Sovereignty.

  • Force NPC Pirates, Etc to spawn only in specific area’s of each system, and mark these with some sort of “land mark” (like asteroid belts, etc).



  • More Walks of life in the game should attract more players.

  • New Trading and mining concepts will allow the game to obtain and retain better population rates.

  • New Trading and mining concepts open doors for advancement of the open world system in the game.

  • New NPC difficulties encourage people to use open world for credit income ( as opposed to PVE Que). This improves PvE Greatly.

  • New NPC open world changes significantly improve PvE Aspects.

  • New bounty system only furthers to improve open world pve concepts.

  • New trading system significantly improves the potential and future of a player and corporations industry.

  • All around improves the retention rates of the game.

Thank you for the suggestions. The majority is of your suggestions is far too drastic to be added so I am not sure which of the suggestions might be realized.

Uhmari is back?

Yes, Uhmari is back.


Error, your not fooling anyone, there is not thousands of people online in this game, it is dead and there is a mass exodus of players leaving. You know how i know? because i ran into four of the old big corps in another game, so lets drop the whole “We will make it” nonsense, and be real.


The Tier system is and has been destroying this game from the start, and you are just to stubborn to admit it. It has never worked in a game, Except with it was implemented in a way that defies the norm of that tier system (in other words, it has only worked when used as a horizontal progression system, and not Vertical).


The Tier system removal would remove almost all of the games problems.

 Listen to korom and them, they are telling you the same thing i have been saying for two years.

go on think, process things a bit



Yes You Should. Let me explain.



Tier systems (that use VP) are highly destructive. They cause the following negative effects


  • Section off the games population which results in

  - corporations having “mixed” progression levels

  - the game having mixed progression levels.

  - spliting the population reducing que times

  - spliting the population causing balance issues.

  - lack of focus from corporations kills them ultimately (its a long process but i can explain if you want to understand it).

  - almost always they are designed to grind like crazy.


the tier system is highly abusive and destructive to the game. 



additionally, open world is useless because players dont have the drive to go there often.

As koromoc has raised the point, the whole process is overly grind-filled, and inconsistent at that.

Players need to know, if they go to x, they get x. If they do Y, they get Y. In this game, this does not happen, and if it does, it takes huge amounts of time.


In sort, the person focusing the game to be grind related are driving away the vets, but the new players leave for other reasons


  • In ability to compete

  • The “feeling” like their competition or efforts are useless (ie they get owned, and they feel like they have no chance)

  • Insane que times


On top of that, the heart of the game (clans) Which keep it alive are having the problems

  • Inability to play with friends

  • lack of reason to exist as a corporation

  - What ever reasons it has to exist do not feel rewarding.



These are almost all brought on about either 

  • Tier system (80% of the problems)

  • Lack of trading and mining (in a way similar or identical to eve)

  • Lack of feeling to exist, and reason to progress (In open world).



I am starting to lean in the direction of deleting the que system also.

Dont like it? Dont play it.


As simple as that…

You do mention some problems the game has, however I don’t think you propose a solution that would be good for this game. If you don’t like the core of this game maybe you should leave again and find something else to do?

You do mention some problems the game has, however I don’t think you propose a solution that would be good for this game. If you don’t like the core of this game maybe you should leave again and find something else to do?


Yea, your probably right, but we came back to play with nasa, we heard they missed us a lot and were getting depress because evo was not around to school them in tournaments and matches, so we came back for a while.


On a more serious note, I ask a serious question here, if anyone could fix this game, who would it be? (that question was rhetorical by the way).

There is on one else that has the ability, or knowledge in this community that can rival me in game development, there never has and likely never will be.


If this game has a chance, it will be because of me*.

I mean its that, or i can go and leave the game to die and return in some point right after the shut down is announced, so i can troll the crap out of everyone, if you think that would be better we can do plan b (no pun intended there btw).


seriously though, we all know what the truth is, no one is fooling anyone here.


So the question remains, do we want to fix the game or not?



some times i feel like the guy in the background jumping up and down saying “pick me!” “ME!” “OVER HERE!” “Pick me!”. but everyone keeps calling “anyone have any good idea?! anyone!?”

I mean its that, or i can go and leave the game to die and return in some point right after the shut down is announced, so i can troll the crap out of everyone, if you think that would be better we can do plan b (no pun intended there btw).


seriously though, we all know what the truth is, no one is fooling anyone here.


So the question remains, do we want to fix the game or not?



some times i feel like the guy in the background jumping up and down saying “pick me!” “ME!” “OVER HERE!” “Pick me!”. but everyone keeps calling “anyone have any good idea?! anyone!?”

3.2. It is forbidden to disseminate personal information about users without their consent. In addition, publication of slander and false information is also prohibited. This prohibition applies to both public messages and personal messages and complaints.

So, Fractured Space’s Teamspeak users finally found you were lying when you were pretending to have worked on StarConflict?

So, Fractured Space’s Teamspeak users finally found you were lying when you were pretending to have worked on StarConflict?


You obviously have no idea what your talking about.

what I see, and maybe kind of agrees with these suggestions: trading in some way, and more expansion of exploration in future. but: only trading with goods, which are important for an additional layer of gameplay, which revolves around corporations, and specialization, not with basic pilot things (weapons, modules). something to look into, once you do have all the ships. but first, make the dreads perfect.

what i also see: more rewards, more steady progression, we need to get people up in modules. pvp has to get the focus. squad games have to be encouraged, even if its just with progression bonuses. monocrystals into the pvp reward system. ways to specialize which loot you are looking for. things like that i can argue about.


what i do not agree with: drastic changes with a hunch. this is not a list of how to improve the game, this is a list on how to make a different game.


what i also dont agree with: all roles to all factions. why? this is a good thing, that factions have ups and downs. it makes the game interesting to have 3 different feels of the same theme.

and honestly, i do not need empire cov ops or guards, fed lrf, or a jerri healer. some of these would be OP, others useless.


no, i do not like to kill easy prey. i was once also a nab. now i am growing upwards, and learning the game in humility, and hard work and exercise, made that. time passed, so did patches, and things which killed me or made me kill others in an unfair way were slowly removed or fixed, and i learned to trust that the game is “improving”. in fact, if it comes to fighting, i like to see people improve, by trying again and again, until they succeed. they need encouragement for this.


a tierless approach is too late. it would have made sense, yes, because if you do it right, it works, however it also creates a lot less shiptypes, and every ship has to be balanced against every other; but at the same time, there has to be something, where you have to put time/grind into, because players need some goals to exercise. no matter if there are progression systems, after a while 10% of your population will stomp the rest, no matter what. because at some point you have to realize: some people are just better in some things. at least, the tier system protects very early players, and slowly introduces new things. i think, to enrich the game, suggestions should aim to take the game as it is, and add new facets to it, which make it even better; point out problems in the balance;

Uhmari is back?

Yes, Uhmari is back.


I thought you were banned for violation of TOS. I see you didn’t learn anything, since you’re just as brazenly demanding as ever…


BTW, how’s that independent game you were working on? You know, the one that I’ve never heard or seen anything about?



So, Fractured Space’s Teamspeak users finally found you were lying when you were pretending to have worked on StarConflict?


Lawl. I wouldn’t be surprised.