" 2) a clear imbalance with a premium ships. At t3 problem is particularly acute, since the standard analogs too weak by themselves."
I totally disagree, t3 white ships are at least equal to golden.
I also disagree with it. the standard ships are enough strong by themselves.
IMO the only theoretically imba part between golden and white ships in T3 is,
without golden ships u lose a lot of potential tactic or u only can use them less effective, because 4example you don’t have R9 or R8 Empire gunship or an optimal cruise tackeler. this only a disadvantage if you think as a team.
But the MM should balance the games with the solo players as well, so in T3 PVP the white squad should get solo players with golden ships too.
Otherwise I think the game will only become balance if the ships count as what they are, not -1 rank if you pay for it.
I’m totally agains the team punishment, worst case, I have a “SC dev style” solution,
if the MM doesn’t find a squad against a team, fill the enemy with randoms and hide the squad mark in the game lobby… hide more info that always working…
Or my solution is give reward for the players who’s squadding up, and advertise the squad gaming everywhere.
create an achivements (Win 100 game in 4squad at least with R7 ships.)
I’m getting bored about the Solo Conflict.
The game will become more famous if the players can play together.
Seems the SC team have totally no idea how to make famous the game without a lot of money.
I am telling the secret now: The happy customer who want to share the fun will invite more customers who will do the same. This is a chain reaction. but this works backwards too. the disappointed customer makes the current customers disappointed too. And at the end, all leave the game. Because the MMO players like to play together, not in solo.
Stay on topic; atm. the problem is as follows:
- white R8 / R9 golden 4 squads have the chance to get a 3-man squad / 4-man squad in queue in T3.
- white R9 4-squads do not get games in T3 against anybody; it seems this is legacy from T3&T4 mix. It has yet to be tested if R9 4-squads get games against R10 squads.
It should be however this way:
- 4 squads should get other 4 squads, before they are considered given a 3-squad in their own tier.
- if there is a R8 rule for 4-squads, I have no problems if they get a 3-squad as enemy, but…
- if there is a R9 4-squad in queue and you queue as an R8 4-squad, you have to pay the iron price and get them, and not another 3-squad.
I agree with it for first. Please fix based on this.