Evolution - PVP Corp - Uk/Us

Check out our requirements and apply.



yay not avaible in germany-.-


Too bad i hoped to see a few new tricks to chew all you corps guys up :wink:

u shud record team play lol :smiley:

Pretty sweet runs in some of those clips.


The only thing I noticed is that you did not often switch from Needler -> EM Damage to take out shields first.  You would of killed off people a lot faster in some situations.

Uhmari, not to hate on you but here is a thought.

Generally corp epeen vids should go in recruiting section. That being said, I didn’t actually watch the video, but from what I know of you I can guess that is what it is.

I also agree if you are making a vid about a corp, it by rights should show why your corp is better/has fun.

Teamwork baby!!!

yea raw numbers > skill for the ladders right now. always check the pvp ratting by how many pilots. if you have a 11 corp group and are beating out 30 player corps… your doing something right.


once clan content is released and the ladders will be based on clan v clan matches the true skill corp ladders will start to arise.


I will simply say 2 things.


Atleast you were honest about what that video is.

Video itself was good(effects/gameplay).



in his defense, there actually was a good amount of team play, infact i think there was also a bit where he was shooting another EVO member.

we love to kill each other, its great for vent trolling ;O

actually we tend to do like 3-4 groups in the same channel even if they are on other sides.

its funny because we call out “go to a beacon and take it” then the other team go’s there and fights us lol ;O

loads of fun.

/Topics merged and cleaned. Corp related posts should stay in the corp thread.

I know that there are people who have trouble with other corps, but keep this fights on the battlefield and don’t take them to the forum/chat.

I wasn’t hating, for sure, and I didn’t realize it wasn’t you in the video.  I was thinking about applying for Evolution at some point but I never much like being obligated to play a game for too many hours a week(even though I’m addicted to Star Conflict).


Just pointing out that switching between Ammo Types raises the efficiency of destroying someone dramatically :)  Good job at being #1!

Hard to be #1 with 150 members lol, even if majority of them are awful at the game (Raped them so many times in Regular and watched them fail hard in PVE the few times that I tried it).

Congratulations! http://forum.gaijin.ru/index.php?/forum/245-iin/’>INN will note it in the new publication!

To have a look on the Youtube Video go to the youtube site and add “ss” after “www.” bevore “youtube”. You will be redirected to Savefront and you can watch the Video, even be able download it. :wink:


Should have done a Vid with my 22.0.20 Frigate Rampage for a similar epicness



You are entering my “portable Death Zone”

Bump, Still browsing.

If people are destroying us they obviously haven’t been against our real players, whenever I play with a group of 4 of us we tend to destroy everyone. I don’t see how Stigez could have destroyed us so much.

If people are destroying us they obviously haven’t been against our real players, whenever I play with a group of 4 of us we tend to destroy everyone. I don’t see how Stigez could have destroyed us so much.


We will gladly take you up on Lobby fights in T2 Realistic, unless you are too afraid of arranged fights ofcourse, might have to eat your words lol.


I have yet to see a single good EVO in this game, PVP or PVE wise.

/Topics merged and cleaned. Corp related posts should stay in the corp thread.

I know that there are people who have trouble with other corps, but keep this fights on the battlefield and don’t take them to the forum/chat.


well that’s exactly my problem with EVO atm. ton of chat spam. I’d like to go 1-2 days without EVO officers abusing ctrl+v in general chat.