Evolution - PVP Corp - Uk/Us

well that’s exactly my problem with EVO atm. ton of chat spam. I’d like to go 1-2 days without EVO officers abusing ctrl+v in general chat.

Apparently I am playing on a different server because I haven’t seen an Evo recruiting in general in almost a month.

In response to the Evo player hate, I have seen a lot of terrible Evo players, but some really good ones too. Most the terrible ones are running solo though…

I am against the 18+ age limit. I do know there are 18+ playing the game but you should let the 14 and 15+ have a chance

I am against the 18+ age limit. I do know there are 18+ playing the game but you should let the 14 and 15+ have a chance

then start you own under 12’s corp you could name it.

Jailbait …

Am i the only one that thinks a 30 hour min a little high?

Due to absurbly idiotic events. This positive feedback has been removed. Thank you.

In light of recent events, I’m removing my post.


Check out our requirements and apply.



Where exactly is the requirements and applications?




Where exactly is the requirements and applications?





We are invite only now. PM Uhmari in game. 




Ignore vin. 

/topic cleaned.

Now keep it clean!

Thank you Erorr,