[Evo] Evolution is recruiting - Top English PvP Corp.



Hello, Evolution is currently recruiting active pilots team oriented players with ambition, and dedication to bettering themselves (and the corp) working towards superior positions.

We ranked 4 Over all in the first games competition, and rank 1 above all non-Russian speaking corps.


We are very relaxed in out atmosphere, joke and mess around, but we are very strict on our requirements for joining and operating with in the clan.

If you can follow a few simple rules, and will always look for ways to improve, you may be suited for Evolution.


Our Requirements


  • Team speak 3 (A free program used to talk with microphones while playing)

  • A working microphone

  • Rank 6 Or Higher

  • Active 15 hours A week, spread over a minimum of 4 days




  • Uhmari

  • commando07

  • Shiftsotu

Flame removed.

Guys don’t destroy threads from other corporations!

Hello, Evolution is currently recruiting active pilots team oriented players with ambition, and dedication to bettering themselves (and the corp) working towards superior positions.

We ranked 4 Over all in the first games competition, and rank 1 above all non-Russian speaking corps.

Can you, please, explain what does it mean? And when was it?

Can you, please, explain what does it mean? And when was it?

Back when I joined, and for 2-3 months straight, EVO was THE top Corp. Rank 1 in B/F ratings (back when they existed, now it’s just a renamed F-rating), keeping a titanic gap between them and whoever was fighting for 2nd place.


However… their leadership of the boards vanished when zerg corps joined the fray.


I’d love to see EVO try and reach for 1st place again, that’d be quite a sight.

Can you please explain on what basis you claim to be “Top English PvP Corp.”

The title is rather misleading to those who are new and don’t know the actuality.

Seems like we’re playing different games.



Good luck tho.

Please remove “top english pvp corp” from your recruitment message and thread. It is insulting and demeaning to other corporations, even if you would be the best, it would not be appropriate to make that claim, so please remove or become the most disliked CEO in this community forever.

Previous post was deleted due to “flame” (the truth usually hurt, badly), so I’ll be polite now: Please remove “top english pvp corp”, the actual and real top english PvP non-zerg corps are both NASA and WPK (current non-russian champion). Thanks.

I dont think he will change it.

Can you please explain on what basis you claim to be “Top English PvP Corp.”

The title is rather misleading to those who are new and don’t know the actuality.



Seems like we’re playing different games.



Good luck tho.



Please remove “top english pvp corp” from your recruitment message and thread. It is insulting and demeaning to other corporations, even if you would be the best, it would not be appropriate to make that claim, so please remove or become the most disliked CEO in this community forever.



Previous post was deleted due to “flame” (the truth usually hurt, badly), so I’ll be polite now: Please remove “top english pvp corp”, the actual and real top english PvP non-zerg corps are both NASA and WPK (current non-russian champion). Thanks.

Oh come on now, play nice boys! Maybe he meant the best english corp from the perspective of himself and his corpmates. Perhaps just showing some love for the corp :P. Anyway, good luck on the recruitment! Hope to see you guys in game.  :bomber:

Oh come on now, play nice boys! Maybe he meant the best english corp from the perspective of himself and his corpmates. Perhaps just showing some love for the corp :P. Anyway, good luck on the recruitment! Hope to see you guys in game.  :bomber:


Yeah I remember one of his corpmates. Captain recon micro warping to enemy captain and crashing into a rock.



Top indeed.

Yeah I remember one of his corpmates. Captain recon micro warping to enemy captain and crashing into a rock.



Top indeed.


Depends on the perspective. That’s definitely top in [REDACTED].

Oh come on now, play nice boys! Maybe he meant the best english corp from the perspective of himself and his corpmates. Perhaps just showing some love for the corp :P. Anyway, good luck on the recruitment! Hope to see you guys in game.  :bomber:


He’s trying to use the fact that Evo was #1 on the PvP leaderboards a year ago in the pre 0.8.0 era…but then again so was Dynamis, BeastsOfJericho, The Corp, and Alpha since then.   


All it takes to top the PvP leaderboards is a zerg corp…which by the looks of things Evo will be another of the same.  Who knows…maybe they can get back to the top of the leaderboards with enough tier rushers and lowbie players paving the way.


  I seriously doubt we’ll be seeing them in Sector Conquest anytime soon though.  The T3 Evo squads I’ve seen so far get wrecked so bad no matter who they face…and yes even the ones with Uhmari in them.


If he wants to claim #1 English corp then let him back it up with something more than empty words.   Come fight NASA or Wolfpack in SQ…we’ll settle who’s the best nice and quick like.

We should stop posting in this thread, its free bumps for Uhmari

We don’t care. Good pilots will know where to find a good home, he is free to take all the zerg he wants. A good corporation does not need an advertisement, our actions speak for themselves.

True, bad publicity is still publicity in a way.   I’d rather people know the real story though and the truth behind everything.   I’m not saying they’re a bad Corp, they just have lots and lots of room for improvement.

I’d love to see EVO try and reach for 1st place again, that’d be quite a sight.



already on the way, 166 ranks in 5 days.

already on the way, 166 ranks in 5 days.

Zerging like a champ, way to go.

By the way, enlist your corp here to see how much of “top” it is: [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/21881-corp-battle-opponent-search/page-2#entry245342](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21881-corp-battle-opponent-search/page-2#entry245342)

already on the way, 166 ranks in 5 days.

BTW, you, as a know it all and the one that understand better than anyone else about this game,

  • Do you know HOW PvP rating works?

  • Do you know actual mechanics of PvP rating? Such as how it is calculated?

  • Do you see any flaws in the way it is calculated?

As soon as some one start showing off their PvP corporation rating standing it shows a certain degree of ignorance and how clueless about the game that person is.

And person like that tries to push for his ideas under egida that those are better than every one else around including devs.

We all know PvP rating is just an indicator of Corp activity…no skill required to top this chart.    


A stat I wouldn’t mind seeing is Corp Win%.   Basically how often pilots from your Corp win or lose a game in Standard PvP.  Also this stat puts full capacity corps on the same level as smaller friends only corporations.    


For example:


Zerg Corp 1 flies in 300 battles in a given day but only wins 110 of them.    36% Corp Win rate


Friend Corp flies in 50 battles in a given day but wins 27 of them.   54% Corp Win rate



Under the current system the Zerg Corp is rated higher because of a higher total win count than the Friend Corp even though they clearly won a higher percentage of battles.   At least by adding this stat to what we already have, you’ll have a leaderboard for Overall PvP participation and one that’s a little more skill based.