Evil Space Bears [ESB]

Greetings Pilots! We are glad to inform you that our corporation reached a new step in our history!

We are welcoming all international players to our community! Our international  officers are ComradTroY, Burn2Death, Zerk1, Varzhak, CowboyBebop, cloud  ask them about joining or clarification.



ESB is a private corporation, the reception is by invitation only from one or more  corporation  members… 

 Recruits have to meet the following stat requirements(though there have been exceptions): 


A total of 1000 + battles

Rating victories and defeats 1.65+

Rating downed ships 1600 +

The average number of downed ships 4.50 +

or the average aid per Battle 8.00 +

The presence of the ships T4



But even if fullfil this all, it doesn’t mean we’ll immediately invite you into our corporation.

Our members and officers will fly with you for a few days in order to learn more about your pilot skills and about you as a person.

However, if you don’t satisfy any of these requirements, you may also join our voice channels and fly with our pilots.

If you show proper skill and ability to communicate with your teammates, you also have a possibility to be invited.


There are some rules, which all of our recruits and players should follow:

  1. Respectable attitude to all of your corpmates

  2. No offensive language in game chats. Even if someone insults or provokes you, don’t be the same.

  3. Remember, that ESB squads and players always fight against each other if they are placed in the opposite teams. Ship tiers, game modes or team compositions don’t matter.

  4. If you have the ultimate advantage over the enemy team, try to end game as fast as possible (take all beacons, kill the captain, destroy all beacons). There is no need for spawn camping.

ESB, Training

Greetings to all foreign community!

It’s sad, that some of you think of us as cheaters, farmers, or something like that… I understand that it’s a pain to confront a full T4 squad, but let me recall some history of Star Conflict.

During the last few months there were 2 corporations fighting for the name of top-1 on the server: SYN and ESB. SYN was the older one and most of ESB players had to fight against them in the same conditions as now the other players are fighting against us. When this confrontation was taking place, ESB had much better reputation, at least in russian community, due to our different attitude to random players (SYN has a rule not to shoot at their corp mates, who are playing against them, ESB doesn’t have such). But after patch 0.7.3 the most SYN players left the game, including their top squad, because of some game mechanics changes. And immediately ESB became “the evil side”, only because of our dominance on server and the absence of force, which can match us.

The only one thing ESB can be blamed for it is desire of the corp leaders to create the strongest corporation. That’s why they are actively trying to recruit as much good players as possible. Only those, who proved their skill, may be invited to the corporation. But our Mumble server is free to anyone, who wants to fly in squad with us, and some of those players are entering ESB after leveling up their skill.
And our officers are actively recruiting those good players, who don’t have corporation. For example, in the beginning I wasn’t interested in corporations, but when I got 3 T4-2 ships and made it within top-100 of the ELO ranking, ComradTroY invited me, and I decided to try it. And I don’t regret about my decision.
So, if someone wants to blame ESB for trying to be the best - well then, it is their right to do this.

Now about our T4 ships. Many of players are finding this unfair, but you should understand us too. We put a lot of time and efforts to get and fit those, and many of us got used to them, so we prefer to fly on them. And it’s not so hard for anyone to get at least one T4-2 ship with good fit. Yes, harder than before, but not impossible to anyone. Then you may farm a synergy for those in PvE and kick our xxxx =D

Next, about the T4 epic loot. There are people, who think that our players have ship full-fitted with those, but it isn’t so. Yes, some of us are lucky with that, but someone is not. For example, I have epic assault lasers, epic shot-range plasma, and epic assault plasma, but all of them are useless to me, because I prefer other weapons at the moment. And, in fact, after near a thousand games on T4 I have only 10-12 epic modules and weapons (can’t remember exactly), and most of them are useless for me.

About T4 playing vs T2/T3. Yes, it is a problem. Yes, it confuses a lot of new players, and even the older ones. Unfortunately, the game is not so popular, and balancer itself is far from perfect, so a lot of teams are matched completely unfair. But, because of the reasons i stated before, we don’t want to give up our T4 ships. So, we have a dilemma.
But even there may be a solution. As you can see above, there is a video from our lobby practicing. I hope, such practice will become a tradition within our team (at least I’ll put all my efforts to make it so), and we will play as often as possible, during our prime time, so we can improve our skill, and other server may play peacefully without us.

Another topic, connected with the previous one: our attitude to other players. As I said before, ESB don’t have any rules, that forbid our players to shoot at each other, on the contrary, if two our squads will meet each other in combat, they should fight fairly against each other and put all their efforts to achieve victory. This, and other rules are fixed in “Parallax statement”, which was made by (surprise =D) Parallax, one of our officers. If someone wants, I may translate it into English.

And the last few words. You may think of us good or bad, but, please, dont be mistaken on our intentions. We DO NOT think about others in the way like “Omnomnom, we are so pr0, go away n@bs”. We want to be the best, but also we want a contest, want to face opponents equal to us. So, we hope that SYN will return soon enough, or the new force shall arise. Hope, we’ll be ready for this =)

In order not to mislead someone, I am not the leader or officer of ESB. I’m just common ESB pilot who want international corporations to see his own corp in the right way.

Well, that’s the end. Sorry for my bad English.
Best regards.

Solo interceptor training   :00222:



you fly in scope modus? only for this video or in normal fight also?

Nice flying!

Little OT: what´s the song in the first video, i like that remix.


this is training, to better control the ship … 




Prodigy & Enya - Smack Up The Orinoco Flow

nice flying :smiley:

@F4KER we should try this asteroid dancing…

Solo interceptor training   :00222:




Blooody hell!!!


Look at that videos…

Where is the hud…??? Do the video again with hud and let us have a look at your speed and at the afterburners behaviour…

I got same ship, i’m lvl 12 and never been so fast!!! :o

Looks like afterburner is constantely activated and it should be automatically disabled while strafing…lol Looks like you got afterburner even while strafing…come on…


Sure you can have AB active while strafing!




Thank the matchmaking and the not included corp fights. Sure, not nice, but effective! :wink:




It´s war! There is no honor in war!





Thx for posting the song, Troy.


Are you sure m8?! I can’t! If i strafe using afterburners the AB bar goes down immediatly in basic mode! Could you do some more test pls. I thougfht they introduced this function coz fed ints were nearly unhittable once upon a time




i don’t know why you are blaming esb … the team of the killed capt. was obviously not interessted to support their capt. - their fault


some capt.s (including myself) tend to risky actions…it just another way of playing the game


@ FanFulla you can hide / show the hud by pressing alt+z … i guess he hide it so he can train to fight with the sensors blinded


I know, but i hope comrad will post another video with hud so i can compare his AB beahviour and speed with mine lol…just to be sure :wink:



well old one…


this is in 0.7.5… but still fun  :fed001:



the second  is guide  for russians


so speed is only 650+  and 450+ on strafe’s (real 650+ on strafe’s  :00222: )

it can be fun …

squad game without voice …




good you posted comrad thnx


obviously that iper speed in strife comes from the anticollision modules :slight_smile: i’ll give te a try

Good to seee that strafe effects on AB as i said before :wink:

never give up in PvE


Are you sure m8?! I can’t! If i strafe using afterburners the AB bar goes down immediatly in basic mode! Could you do some more test pls. I thougfht they introduced this function coz fed ints were nearly unhittable once upon a time


Just tested it, i can use AB when strafing, 100% sure. Expert mode though.

Anyway, just PM me, so we don´t spam this thread any more :wink:

Greetings Pilots! We are glad to inform you that our corporation reached a new step in our history!

We are welcoming all international players to our community! Our international  officers are ComradTroY, EvilBearArdi, Burn2Death, Zerk1, Error, Varzhak ask them about joining or clarification.


Requirements to our recruits:


Kill Rating – 1300+

Age – 18+

Ships – T4


But even if fullfil this all, it doesn’t mean we’ll immediately invite you into our corporation.

Our members and officers will fly with you for a few days in order to learn more about your pilot skills and about you as a person.

However, if you don’t satisfy any of these requirements, you may also join our voice channels and fly with our pilots.

If you show proper skill and ability to communicate with your teammates, you also have a possibility to be invited.


There are some rules, which all of our recruits and players should follow:

  1. Respectable attitude to all of your corpmates

  2. No offensive language in game chats. Even if someone insults or provokes you, don’t be the same.

  3. Remember, that ESB squads and players always fight against each other if they are placed in the opposite teams. Ship tiers, game modes or team compositions don’t matter.

  4. If you have the ultimate advantage over the enemy team, try to end game as fast as possible (take all beacons, kill the captain, destroy all beacons). There is no need for spawn camping.

Todays recorded fights of Zero corporation squad against ESB squads and with ESB in same team against other ESB squad. T4. Russian speech.



My fail in our first fight… I did a very stupid rush for enemy support frigate and missclicked my oh crap button earlier  :wink:

Love you guys! any game i get with, or against ESB are always class games with teamwork Specially your player D6KA ← this guys is a fantastic example of why I love ESB. and you should know :slight_smile:

Hello Space Bears :),


It would be nice if u answer me a question.


I tried Expert flymode and Basic, but if I watch ur videos it seems like u play with Basic.


So my question is with what mode u fly ?





StarConflict v.0.7.9
Flights to ESB squad against squad Zero
Interceptor a raise at speed.
The names of the music tracks are in the video.