ESB killing teamates in SQ ?

LOL toda agente sabe que eu cago completamente para o DSR :wink: achas mesmo que eu ligo a isso??? 

Sim, por isso Ă© que passavas a vida a fugir na D-Eagle.

what do you mean?

sure best players could be a bit “arrogant”. and most strong players i know want to be dominant. but it doesn’t mean they are bad person. 

esb have a lot cool people. they can be your best friends.  :fed001:

You do know what ESB stands for, right?  You can call them evil as a compliment.


Everyone can kill me, im not imortal!! But at least i dont quit the game as soon as it started Mr. Tesla!! You must have a precious DSR LOL

I know you don’t fly only ion gunships.  You also fly kites without EB and die to EM torpedoes back to back.  :01414:

I know you don’t fly only ion gunships. You also fly kites without EB and die to EM torpedoes back to back. :01414:

Since when you can install an Emergency Barrier on a Kite?

You do know what ESB stands for, right?  You can call them evil as a compliment.


I know you don’t fly only ion gunships.  You also fly kites without EB and die to EM torpedoes back to back.  :01414:

yes  :005j: 

i bet they like role-play.

Since when you can install an Emergency Barrier on a Kite?

You can’t, but after I killed him with an EM torp he came for revenge and swiftly died to an EM torp.

I guess I should report Tillowaty for killing me in SecCon! That n00by basterd!


Want to hear something funny. I got banned for saying basterd a month ago. Just proving my point about something is all. 

I am sure this post will be deleted. But at least a few will read it.


I seem to get killed a lot in secor con by team mates and they are not ESB. In fact I have not seen them in game for as while.

Must be my luck I guess. Probably a good thing in this case.


If i get killed in sector con I just try to kill them back. I am usually ganged up on and can’t get my revenge.

Want to hear something funny. I got banned for saying basterd a month ago. Just proving my point about something is all. 

I am sure this post will be deleted. But at least a few will read it.


I seem to get killed a lot in secor con by team mates and they are not ESB. In fact I have not seen them in game for as while.

Must be my luck I guess. Probably a good thing in this case.


If i get killed in sector con I just try to kill them back. I am usually ganged up on and can’t get my revenge.

context means a lot  :fed001: 

players misunderstand very often and make to quick decisions.

Conspiracy theory lvl over9000


everyone wants me dead - MassDeath

Want to hear something funny. I got banned for saying basterd a month ago. 


That just means the game agrees with me about Tillowaty  005j.png  and has not about your guy.

context means a lot  :fed001: 

players misunderstand very often and make to quick decisions.

I actually agree with you on this. I believe he was using that word in a joking context while you were using that word in a derogatory context DrDeath. Anyways both of you can’t spell b@stard.

Stop using the freaking emotes in every post!

so why you put my name on ?

Just as an example of how much ESB doesn’t like to be killed.

Just as an example of how much ESB doesn’t like to be killed.

No one likes to be killed. It just depends on how much can you run to keep the enemy team busy.

Just as an example of how much ESB doesn’t like to be killed.


he is one of the few people that doesn’t give a f%%%  :fed014:


you are hating on him because he kills you over and over again, not because he plays (as you think) like a coward

he is one of the few people that doesn’t give a f%%%  :fed014:


you are hating on him because he kills you over and over again, not because he plays (as you think) like a coward

careful game-play is also important. the longer you survive longer you can apply damage  :001j: 

PrM actually has a fetish for dying.

Wow, it is not deleted yet. I wonder if they will make an achievement for getting into trouble. I surely would have earned it if they decide to role it out. 

I’m just watching this unfold :00555:

What is love?

he is one of the few people that doesn’t give a f%%%  :fed014:


you are hating on him because he kills you over and over again, not because he plays (as you think) like a coward


I wasn’t hating on him, or called him a coward on this post.  I was stating that when I killed him, he went after, and still goes after me like a starved wolf to bacon (as does any good pilot honestly).  You are making assumptions, putting words in my mouth, and adding to the forum drama.  I was using his example to relate and extend on what was occurring with the original topic of team killing in sec con.  The other ESB were just carrying it over to sector conquest.


You are focusing on one specific part of my post trying to start inter corp drama.  In that one small part of the post, I was just stating that PrM and his death squad isn’t good for new players to face which is not the main point of this thread/topic, but rather filler to add context.  

What is love?

Baby don’t hurt me