ESB killing teamates in SQ ?

ESB is now killing teamates in sector conquest or shooting at them on purpose. They have doen it to some WPK players and ||HawX|| from THE CORP so far. HASS and raymaru cant handle losing to us in normal pvp and the reaction is bad manners in game with alot of flame, then they put you on ignore list. LIKE WE CARE. but shooting on teamates in sector conquest is just plain childish. ESB can change sides in sectors if they dont like to be with WPK peoble. if anyone else had the plesure of being shot at in sector conquest from the biggest losers in this game just type here. my msg is do whatever you like in pvps but dont ruin sector conquest. In sector conquest we fight for the same side cause we choose so.


Kurdi WPK CEO 

So… report them?

The reason iam putting this up so peoble can report them when they do such thing all the ones that reported this to me dint report them.

I just realized an issue with “reporting in-game”. Nothing ever gets done.


Friendly Fire in SQ is meant to be a tactical disadvantage on the field. Hitting friendly ships every now and then is all fine and dandy, but intentionally killing friendly pilots is wrong.

ESB don’t play friendly at all, simple as that. But the fact that they purposely kill their teammates in SQ is ridiculous. I can understand having team killing to make it more challenging for players, but when people kill teammates on purpose is crazy.


I know I’ve killed a few in SQ by accident using my JLRF, but I usually pull my missile off to the side and away when there is a teammate nearby my target.




I just realized an issue with “reporting in-game”. Nothing ever gets done.


Friendly Fire in SQ is meant to be a tactical disadvantage on the field. Hitting friendly ships every now and then is all fine and dandy, but intentionally killing friendly pilots is wrong.

Agreed, I have never seen anything done with in game reporting.



~ Semaphorism [GArc] CEO

Welcome to the internet

Welcome to the internet

The part of the internet that any kind of report is useless is just sad.

Make sure you record next time so you have proof, and you can always remember their names that does the team kill. Change to ESB’s sector and whenever you get a battle with them on your side and you know what to do on them. If they like team kill, let them have it, since GM and game reporting will do nothing about it.

esb is a clan/corp and you are talking about player. i am sure esb have some cool people.  :fed001:

No one will believe you anything without any solid proof, such as in game combat logs, screenshots or even short video clips, if the match is being recorded.

Catch them in the act, not just accuse them and spread rumors, that might be true or not. "Innocent, before proven guilty rule still applies.

If they were reported, I am sure that department responsible for that, will take an appropriate action.

No one will believe you anything without any solid proof, such as in game combat logs, screenshots or even short video clips, if the match is being recorded.

Catch them in the act, not just accuse them and spread rumors, that might be true or not. "Innocent, before proven guilty rule still applies.

If they were reported, I am sure that department responsible for that, will take an appropriate action.

so you are protecting ESB now?

If they were reported, I am sure that department responsible for that, will take an appropriate action.

Heh, i doubt this part, we had a JP intentionally shot down by DNO in sec con, and he is a GM, guess what happened to DNO guys? - That is right, nothing, not even a warning :smiley:

so you are protecting ESB now?

He is a ESB now

so you are protecting ESB now?

Why he shouldn’t protect his own corpmates?

He is a ESB now

I know.


Why he shouldn’t protect his own corpmates?

coz he like to complain about everything and protecting someone by Koro isn’t right.

Heh, i doubt this part, we had a JP intentionally shot down by DNO in sec con, and he is a GM, guess what happened to DNO guys? - That is right, nothing, not even a warning :smiley:

They gave him some sweet rolls that he would forget it and they didn’t get punished.

Guys I put this up cause no matter the hate. sector conquest is sector conquest. we all choose a side. we fight for that side. we fight together. teamkilling or dmging team on purpose is stupid. raymary and HASS should understand this. Koromac why would we come up wich such thing if it wasn’t something that actually happened ? I understand your mad koromac I would too if I got kicked out of WPK. raymaru and HASS has a beef with me not to whole of my team. They cant handle that I kill them with doomsday misiles :slight_smile: like I cant kill them without. raymaru told me to use deimon cause it was awesome. I tried it out. got in a match against raymary killed him 2 times and then he raged and called me a newb xD.

I (ZenChronos) was one of the teamkill victims. I was playing SC alone and i got an ESB squad in my team. Right after the game started, i got shot by raymaru and HASS. First i thought that was a small joke from them but i saw that they won’t stop shooting at me, so i overdrived / speed boosted and escaped. After that, as I wanted to go into the fight again, ray and HASS turned back and chased me again for a while trying to kill me. ( Thx to StormPetrel for healing me again :smiley: )

so you are protecting ESB now?


No. I wasn’t there, so I don’t know, what really happened.

I (ZenChronos)

Oh, you are on forums? You should continue this!

And yes, why should Kurdi post smth like this if it didn’t happen? I didn’t saw it happening, but like i know HASS & raymaru… They would do that. And they did it, and it’s wrong.