ESB killing teamates in SQ ?

Lighten up folks - Its only a computer game.


I often shoot my own team mates for fun, or if I dont like them

Lighten up folks - Its only a computer game.


I often shoot my own team mates for fun, or if I dont like them

Being a computer game doesn’t mean you can break the rules.


If you often do that you only deserve to be banned.

They are just being sore losers.  They think that because they are members of the Exclusive “I’m better than you” corporation (ESB), that means that nobody can kill or beat them.  Their arrogance is their downfall.  ESB has some damn fine pilots, sure, but they are not immortal.


When you kill one of them, they will go after you with a vengeance so they can heal their butt-hurt.  I killed PRM solo in his lightbringer (with all his bros on me too) with my lightbringer and you should have seen his determination to kill me afterwords.  I loled. 


But really, team killing like that can be considered ruining your gaming experience as Sec Con is limited and not 24/7. 


Also, WPK should come to fed so we can kick their butts together.  :006j:

Lighten up folks - Its only a computer game.


I often shoot my own team mates for fun, or if I dont like them

Picking your own rules doesn’t work.  Otherwise my opening move in chess would be checkmate.

Lighten up folks - Its only a computer game.


I often shoot my own team mates for fun, or if I dont like them

Kipps, everyone likes throwing a few random shots here and there. But crymaru and HASS are PURPOSEFULLY killing their own team mates.

Kipps, everyone likes throwing a few random shots here and there. But crymaru and HASS are PURPOSEFULLY killing their own team mates.

well. its possible. so why not.  :snowgirl: 

i bet they have a good reason to do so. and you can teamkill and still be friends.

i bet they have a good reason to do so. and you can teamkill and still be friends.

  1. Killing his own teammates isn’t reasonable if they did nothing wrong, and when you do so, it should have a really really good reason.

  2. Of course you can, but if a rival kill you (on your team), it’s your enemy - Not your friend.

Btw, did Crymary/Hass used lasers when they killed wolfpacks?..


…cause i heard that a good dog is a Hot-Dog…



i am terrible at these :smiley:

LOL that was so bad, it was funny Kostyan !

well. its possible. so why not.  :snowgirl:

i bet they have a good reason to do so. and you can teamkill and still be friends.

You… just get out. You’re worse than betatrash.


Btw, did Crymary/Hass used lasers when they killed wolfpacks?..


…cause i heard that a good dog is a Hot-Dog…



i am terrible at these :smiley:

You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day



I say just screw them up if you see them in Sec Con, kill them first before they kill you if the game rules are not being enforced anyway. If this is really true, as a punishment, they should be banned from playing Sec Con for an X amount of time.

Btw, did Crymary/Hass used lasers when they killed wolfpacks?..


…cause i heard that a good dog is a Hot-Dog…



i am terrible at these :smiley:


I loled

@Sephiroth : Well, playing a sector conquest where you have X vs X vs 2X is like 2 teams with X players vs 1 team with 2X players, in 3 way match. The only thing is that the smaller teams never reap benefits from killing each other.
So retaliation is nto really an option.

@Sephiroth : Well, playing a sector conquest where you have X vs X vs 2X is like 2 teams with X players vs 1 team with 2X players, in 3 way match. The only thing is that the smaller teams never reap benefits from killing each other.

So retaliation is nto really an option.

If you meet that JLRF guy that already destroyed 2 of your ships… you’ll probably rage kill that n00b

well. its possible. so why not.  snowgirl.gif

i bet they have a good reason to do so. and you can teamkill and still be friends.

Just lol.

Oh, you broke the game rules, but you had a good reason, so go on. fed014.png

Dude, sometimes, you should just stop trolling. Sure gonna be friends with someone who ruins my fun on the game by team killing… (sarcasm off)

If you meet that JLRF guy that already destroyed 2 of your ships… you’ll probably rage kill that n00b

Those are annoying, sure. I am still against killing teammates, but in this case - just save your team and make him fly something else. If you know what I mean  :01515:

Don’t you have shadowplay guys?
I believe to WPK but imo if you post some gameplay videos too, that should be enough to force at least the ESB to get rid of the “crymarus”, because this kind of “rumors” doesn’t make the corp so famous.
Also they are not that good to makes sense to keep them if they destroy the reputation of the corp.

But like this it feels like the UFO detection movies on discovery channel, when nobody have a proper camera when somebody see one.


If you meet that JLRF guy that already destroyed 2 of your ships… you’ll probably rage kill that n00b

You can use a warpgate so send the JLRFS to fight :smiley:  just warp them into the battlefield to show them where is the real enemy.

that should be enough to force at least the ESB to get rid of the “crymarus”, because this kind of “rumors” doesn’t make the corp so famous.

> implying ESB cares about image

> implying ESB cares about image

what do you mean?

sure best players could be a bit “arrogant”. and most strong players i know want to be dominant. but it doesn’t mean they are bad person. 

esb have a lot cool people. they can be your best friends.  :fed001:

what do you mean?

sure best players could be a bit “arrogant”. and most strong players i know want to be dominant. but it doesn’t mean they are bad person. 

esb have a lot cool people. they can be your best friends.
