Enough balancing this game for Interceptors

You know how everyone seems to hate ecm inties? Well i found a solution on board another int. one for one some covert ops ints can make any ecm int useless for about 5 seconds. the secret is the wng. actively target ecm ints with it and now their abilities are locked out for a long enough time to kill them as they cant lock on to anyone

Ints are not ridiculous. Just today i killed 6 in about a minute with gauss wolf. If you are skilled, theyre not that challenging


Gauss Wolf is by nature any Interceptor nightmare :slight_smile:


actually any Gauss ship with decent aiming is a nightmare against average interceptor pilots (the vast majority of them)

Not the point. Long range tanky fire platform gunship is the empire one. Trying to make a fed into one is about as smart as trying to ram a square peg into a round hole.

Tell whatever you want, I still perform nice on my paper platform. Sometimes you need to go outside of narrow thinking.

Tell whatever you want, I still perform nice on my paper platform. Sometimes you need to go outside of narrow thinking.

Newsflash: you can perform well on an idiotic build in newbie tiers if you don’t suck.


Doesn’t mean you should make supertanky covops with nothing but regen and hardener mods, or LFR with nothing but lightweight hulls.

Newsflash: you can perform well on an idiotic build in newbie tiers if you don’t suck.


Doesn’t mean you should make supertanky covops with nothing but regen and hardener mods, or LFR with nothing but lightweight hulls.


I have a raw speed-build Reaper… IWIN buttons and all… which can AB faster than most Interceptors in T3.


I also have a pure hull-tank Sigurdr, which doesn’t have to camp at the far rear to survive. I’ve won several Fear Me medals on Beacon Capture.


Stupid builds? No. Just unconventional.


I get you’re going to go the whole “skill-less guard module spammer route” to justify why I can successfully speed tank a guard in T3 (although the price I pay with negative resists seems to balance that out). I’m more interested in seeing you try to paint an Empire LRF as OP. Or better yet, explaining why T3 is a n00b tier.

T3 is a baddie tier because whenever people like myself come down to play there, we solo dominate the hell out of it. Because people in it can’t play well enough to counter it. The fact that I was hilariously OP in a R7 jericho LFR just a couple of patches ago, tearing R9 opposition to pieces and having a huge problem with not getting enough assists for maniac medals because I got far too many kills says everything about the tier really.


Can’t do that in T4. Even when my personal skill is superior, and back when game wasn’t World of Guards, T4 was about teamplay first. People who weren’t as good would band together and tear you apart. T3? Nope, they’ll watch you gut their engineer, gunship or other crucial class right in front of them and not give a damn. Because it’s a baddie tier where people don’t understand anything more than basics, and often their understanding of basics is pretty shaky. Like your “unconvential” concept.


Some builds are unconvential but functional. Those builds are typically not often used by efficient. The build we were talking about? It’s terribly inefficient to the point of “how stupid do you have to be to run it?” You could call it “unconventional”, but you’d be fooling yourself. “Bad”, “terrible” and “stupid” are far more accurate and exhaustive descriptions.


In the end there’s a reason why Ales and other similar players left the game entirely instead of dropping back to T3. They tasted T4 gameplay, and they simply don’t enjoy the chaotic soup of badness that are lower tiers to the point where when tier died to World of Guards, they left.


Which is damn sad.

Some builds are unconvential but functional. Those builds are typically not often used by efficient. The build we were talking about? It’s terribly inefficient to the point of “how stupid do you have to be to run it?” You could call it “unconventional”, but you’d be fooling yourself. “Bad”, “terrible” and “stupid” are far more accurate and exhaustive descriptions.


Ok, then clear one thing up for me. Are you for or against diversity on the battlefield? With each patch the possible “useful” builds of each role is further restricted to comply with what the developers conceptualize as the ideal.


Do you agree with this philosophy, or are you simply reflecting on the current restrictions and their further encouragement for players seeking diversity to create “stupid” builds?

Have any of you has ever though that some people play casually a game ? Not passing hours on builds and theory crafting, not passing hours on strategies. That casuals are just trying to have “fun”. Add to that the fast they foften will play less and hour a day.


Do you mean those people should only play tier 1 and 2 ? That those people even after months of playing “casually” should stay in the lower tiers ? There is a name for that “elitism” and this is the best way to kill this game. Because most players in the worlds are casuals. not hardcore gamers.

Im a casual like you described and i agree with many of the “elites” not all, but most

Have any of you has ever though that some people play casually a game ? Not passing hours on builds and theory crafting, not passing hours on strategies. That casuals are just trying to have “fun”. Add to that the fast they foften will play less and hour a day.


Do you mean those people should only play tier 1 and 2 ? That those people even after months of playing “casually” should stay in the lower tiers ? There is a name for that “elitism” and this is the best way to kill this game. Because most players in the worlds are casuals. not hardcore gamers.

Please, tell me of a MMO with experience system that doesn’t require massive amount of hours in-game in order to progress.

Btw, you have plenty of casual games to play.

In a game like this casual gamers are rare and often go away to never come back. With a playerbase of 2500 in the peak hour, and only 1/5 of them actually in battle, the number of “skilled” or “experienced” pilots is too high for any casual gamer to actually enjoy the game,… more on T3… I agree with LuckyO on this

 Even when my personal skill is superior, and back when game wasn’t World of Guards, T4 was about teamplay first. People who weren’t as good would band together and tear you apart. T3? Nope, they’ll watch you gut their engineer, gunship or other crucial class right in front of them and not give a damn. Because it’s a baddie tier where people don’t understand anything more than basics, and often their understanding of basics is pretty shaky.

Can’t wait to have my T4 ships as i’m tired of playing with xxxx as teammates that cannot play a game mode after going through T1, T2 and now T3… at this pont they should know enough tactics to win a game or at least have the knowledge to properly build a ship for agiven role or a style of play…



Do you mean those people should only play tier 1 and 2 ? That those people even after months of playing “casually” should stay in the lower tiers ? There is a name for that “elitism” and this is the best way to kill this game.


It’s funny that your post is almost identical to one of my own when I first joined. The semi-offical statement from the devs (back before Tier 5 even existed) is that Tier 1/2 are training/beginner tiers meant for casual gamers. Tier 3/4 is meant for corporation/serious players. And Tier 5 is meant mainly for Tournament Play.


So by that standard, this game was pretty much designed around elitism and even goes so far as to foster it.

In a game like this casual gamers are rare and often go away to never come back. With a playerbase of 2500 in the peak hour, and only 1/5 of them actually in battle, the number of “skilled” or “experienced” pilots is too high for any casual gamer to actually enjoy the game,… more on T3… I agree with LuckyO on this

Can’t wait to have my T4 ships as i’m tired of playing with xxxx as teammates that cannot play a game mode after going through T1, T2 and now T3… at this pont they should know enough tactics to win a game or at least have the knowledge to properly build a ship for agiven role or a style of play…


I have a surprise you may not like when you get to t4/5

there are judt as many dumbtarts.

as for luckyo.

I wish he stopped turning everything into a fick waving contest.

no one cares luckyo…seriously.

there are no “stupid builds” its what it was made for originally and how you use it.

narrow thinking like this is what killed off the diversity this game had very early on.

before ship roles were introduced.

On casual vs pro distinction, I think the new MM is one of the best tools to make game enjoyable for both. Simply segregate them so that casuals get to fly a 3-6 ranks higher ships when flying against pros, depending on skill level differential. It’s one of the reasons I think that current MM is better than old one. Essentially up them in strength until they have a chance against pros, and pros don’t feel like they barely stumble over casuals, killing them in the process.

That MM wont work properly without a larger playerbase.

That MM wont work properly without a larger playerbase.

Considering the fact that you also think that interceptors are overpowered, that would mean we’re good with MM.


If a person who consistently claims that black is white claims that something won’t work - it likely means it will work just fine.

If a person who consistently claims that black is white claims that something won’t work - it likely means it will work just fine.


Just curious, but are you still in NASA?


It took a lot less trolling on my part to be kicked from their ranks…

Just curious, but are you still in NASA?


It took a lot less trolling on my part to be kicked from their ranks…

You may notice that most of the NASA’s T4/T5 players, back when they were still actively posting agree with me on most of these points. They’re not as blunt about these points as I am, but there’s very little disagreement on the topic. Unfortunately like ESB and other top corps, most of them left the game though, as World of Guards destroyed dynamic gameplay at top tiers. So you probably don’t see many of them posting any more.


That said, back when they were, some people liked to accuse them of “trolling” as well. It’s usually about me calling a completely idiotic statement, like the “interceptors are OP” guy in this threat a completely idiotic statement. Interceptors are not just underpowered - they are dead in top tiers. ESB’s kill squad, which runs the most viable comp is currently guard+guard+engineer+gunship. Hell, [CORP] guys most of whom have serious issues with knowing how to play run as many guards as they can - and they can win because of it!


Because guards are so overpowered and have such a low skill ceiling, you can be an utterly terrible player, and dominate games. Interceptors on the other hand are so weak, that you can be rekombo27, and you’ll still take it up the backside from the baddies flying guards. Which is why about the only “fast” ship that’s even flown any more is fed gunship. Pretty much everything else is guards and lightbringers. If you’re playing to win, there’s little sense in running anything else, apart from maybe that one recon for bot spamming from half across the map.


Sure, those of us who simply do not enjoy keep on flying interceptors of various kinds. Sure, we fail horribly in the process unless we’re facing people so bad that they can’t even connect EM torps or hit pulsar at the right time, but at least there’s some enjoyment to be derived from the game in stead of “WoT in space” where everyone just sits behind rocks and occasionally pops out to shoot for a while.

You may notice that most of the NASA’s T4/T5 players, back when they were still actively posting agree with me on most of these points. They’re not as blunt about these points as I am, but there’s very little disagreement on the topic. Unfortunately like ESB and other top corps, most of them left the game though, as World of Guards destroyed dynamic gameplay at top tiers. So you probably don’t see many of them posting any more.

As an officer of NASA, a top-100 player and one with T4/5 ships (albeit I never play those due to the MM), let me point out: No, we do not agree with most of your points. Especially in regards to the match making we have virtually direct opposite views. A few people may agree with you, but not the majority.

That said, some of your points are valid.


As far as my opinion on interceptors - simply look at my last login time in-game. That’ll say enough. I get virtually no enjoyment out of playing them at the present, a lot of the balancing has gone in directions I don’t really understand and my opinion on the MM is and has been very clear.


It makes me a little sad as I held this game in incredibly high estimation a few months ago, and racked up more play time than I even did in the likes of EVE or Rift. And that’s saying something.

You may notice that most of the NASA’s T4/T5 players, back when they were still actively posting agree with me on most of these points. They’re not as blunt about these points as I am, but there’s very little disagreement on the topic. Unfortunately like ESB and other top corps, most of them left the game though, as World of Guards destroyed dynamic gameplay at top tiers. So you probably don’t see many of them posting any more.

Let’s be honest, there is no variety in T4/5. It’s either Guard Conflict or the usual Gunship/Engi/ECM combos…