Enough balancing this game for Interceptors

Having the game change every week completely, its absoltely irrelavant to say


 “did you also teach your father how to have sex” remark. Think about it for a moment.

Taking this analogy to this game especially while its in beta would actually work, because if the ways to have sex were changing as often as this game has yes, i could indeed teach my father to have sex if my xxxx was changing its location every 2 weeks.

Clearly, some of the best players in the game are doing it wrong, and a guy who can’t fly anything but guards and calls everyone else “stupid monkeys” and advises those who disagree with him to “leave the thread” is doing it right.


Just out of interest, are you a teenager? You sure keep acting like one. Dumb, ignorant and incredibly certain in his own righteousness.

Maybe thats because you’re a judgemental idiot.
this original post wasnt about guards or frigates it was about balancing interceptors twards fighters.

I fly every ship class.

Clearly, some of the best players in the game are doing it wrong, and a guy who can’t fly anything but guards and calls everyone else “stupid monkeys” and advises those who disagree with him to “leave the thread” is doing it right.


Just out of interest, are you a teenager? You sure keep acting like one. Dumb, ignorant and incredibly certain in his own righteousness.



A guy who can fly anything but guards just deserves to die. hitting 1 buttom is not that hard

A guy who can fly anything but guards just deserves to die. hitting 1 buttom is not that hard

I admit, I haven’t bothered macroing RMB > 1.


Mea culpa. Though that’s mainly because I CBA to fly guards, at least LFR’s pose some semblance of a challenge and they are a faster path to getting all T5 frigates on jericho side.

That and I got enough of guard flying to last me a life time in 0.8.0. Ugh.

Just out of interest, are you a teenager? You sure keep acting like one. Dumb, ignorant and incredibly certain in his own righteousness.


Well, I was trying to be productive in this thread, but I guess nobody is interested in that.


For the record, I don’t agree with the way Luckyo or Radiance are going about this. But seriously, Luckyo? You’re going to condemn others for being self-righteous?


Just take a break guys. Go out and bond with other humans and enjoy life instead of being a raging ball of pointless fury.

Game isn’t fun to play right now with all the frigballing and shooting at people behind rocks for the entire game, firefall cut out purples from thumping for some weird reason and I have had a long week.


Might as well vent at some random clueless teen who wants his imba IWIN wagon to stay.


And I don’t mind self righteousness provided you’re someone who can actually back it up. Isn’t that so raymaru? ;)wt

Then you should stop doing it luckyo, obviously you can’t handle it. 

Well, I was trying to be productive in this thread, but I guess nobody is interested in that.


For the record, I don’t agree with the way Luckyo or Radiance are going about this. But seriously, Luckyo? You’re going to condemn others for being self-righteous?


Just take a break guys. Go out and bond with other humans and enjoy life instead of being a raging ball of pointless fury.

Im not raging, he can boast as much as he wants honestly

Im not even flying guards at the moment, so he can live in denial


Game isn’t fun to play right now with all the frigballing and shooting at people behind rocks for the entire game, firefall cut out purples from thumping for some weird reason and I have had a long week.


Might as well vent at some random clueless teen who wants his imba IWIN wagon to stay.


And I don’t mind self righteousness provided you’re someone who can actually back it up. Isn’t that so raymaru? ;)wt

if youre so eager you can check my profile.


Then you should stop doing it luckyo, obviously you can’t handle it. 

No, that would be you and T4, remember? :lol:

Don’t project your failures on others please!

There are many obnoxious xxxxxxx on the internet.
and you’re one of biggest i’ve met so far. grats Luckyo. :learn:

Now please go play with you big xxxx and stop waving it at others.


There are many obnoxious xxxxxxx on the internet.

and you’re one of biggest i’ve met so far. grats Luckyo. :learn:

Now please go play with you big xxxx and stop waving it at others.


See, I’m not a teenager, and haven’t been one in a long time. I have a person whom I can wave it at and who will play with it for me!

Lol, typical response for a 15 year old Luckyo.

I’m just getting trolled hard at this point :lol:
p.s Lucky you make yourself so old here, i bet you wish your one armed bandit still functioned.

Ints are not ridiculous. Just today i killed 6 in about a minute with gauss wolf. If you are skilled, theyre not that challenging

and if your opponent has an IQ over 20 you are in deep trouble.

Nah, some have been pretty skilled. They still died :stuck_out_tongue:

It depends on your skill, your fit. Enemy skill, enemy fit. And a bit of luck of when and where it happend.


Sometimes I can solo every ship in a match, sometimes I have to fall back and work together to get kills. Same with any of my ships.

Quoting oryngton from here: [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/21624-how-long-before-somebody-says-coil-mortar-is-op/#entry235081](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21624-how-long-before-somebody-says-coil-mortar-is-op/#entry235081)


I had a Guard when I faced 3 LRFs head on. Usually, they’re easy to beat. Usually, they’d die even if they had Torpedoes. They did not die. 220 Kin resist. That did precisely jack xxxx as Mortars just exploded all around me.


We now finally know what it takes to down a single guard. Also, still not OP, right funky? It’s all about [anything I can invent so my IWIN boat stays IWIN], right?


I havent posted here in a long time, but there is just one thing i was to say to all this. (Guard Frigs arnt suppose to be able to be soloed.)


Frigs have more hull and shields obviously, but guess what they respawn at the same speed as Intercepters, except they should SHOULD die alot less often.


So just know when u feel that sense of victory, after finally besting a Guard Frigs shields. Remember. He is going to be back on the field in no time, and will require another battle all his down to be defeated.


(Now of course u have reason to celebrate if u defeat one in beacon hunt cause he is so slow he wont really be back in the fight for a few additional seconds but he probaly did his job in soaking up 3 or 4s other piolets attetion in the process)