Enough balancing this game for Interceptors

I have been flying gunships as half main after 0.9.2. gimped interceptors and overpowered frigates. I pretty much stopped playing two patches ago after the patch made it almost impossible for gunships + ecm+engineer in a squad with to take out a solo guard that is properly built in a timely manner and without losing one of the ships in the process.

What? Even newbie like me can take out guard on Wolfie equipped with lazor, and you can’t? Oh my.

Yes lets buff frigs!



Okay… so Antibus has gotten back to us regarding the nerfs. Still… not a fan of this change.

What? Even newbie like me can take out guard on Wolfie equipped with lazor, and you can’t? Oh my.

No, I’m just yet to see an interceptor take out my lightbringer, or hell even  solo. Or actually get even close. Or generally not scream like a little girl and run when it seems me coming, which is the sign of interceptor that has a clue.


Also, who the hell is dumb enough to take lazers on a fed gunship? Those are long range weapons for tanky imperials. Fed gunships are close and personal types and carry singularity.

Also, who the hell is dumb enough to take lazers on a fed gunship? Those are long range weapons for tanky imperials. Fed gunships are close and personal types and carry singularity.

Singularity is good, but too slow projectile for me - without booster circuit I can fly into own bubble lol. Also I can pump up range to 6.5 km and keep out of trouble my cardboard/“big fat interceptor” ship. Personal taste. Not to mention that bubble implant set doesnt work well with lazor set.

Singularity is good, but too slow projectile for me - without booster circuit I can fly into own bubble lol. Also I can pump up range to 6.5 km and keep out of trouble my cardboard/“big fat interceptor” ship. Personal taste. Not to mention that bubble implant set doesnt work well with lazor set.

Not the point. Long range tanky fire platform gunship is the empire one. Trying to make a fed into one is about as smart as trying to ram a square peg into a round hole.

Thats pretty much it, the only way to counter frig balls are with frigballs/ fighters, ECM Rape buttons are just ridiculous.

but this game needs a proper balance cleanup.

they keep making a noodle soup of xxxx every patch


What’s the problem with ECM? the only module that last too long on that damned ships is the Energy Drain, the rest are fine, I’ve been chased by ECMs with purples and their stun is not a big deal if you use rank 2 jericho implant or have a proton wall.



What? Even newbie like me can take out guard on Wolfie equipped with lazor, and you can’t? Oh my.



Then the guard must be even worse.

When it comes to Guards I really get unnerved.


Lets face it: Inquisitor Series (and also at least the TOR S) are incredible OP in terms of survivability. 

In fact I cant kill the Inquisitor S 1v1 if its a good build and the pilot at least knows a little bit of this game. 


If you can kill PPL like Skeletorius, Damia, Killroy… 1v1 in their Guards with an Inty, I call you a liar. It is not possible. 

If I cant kill a ship in reasonable time with ANY other given ship mechanics are broken. 


Its kinda funny tho, that there is a thread here “please reanimate the inties…” because they get nerfed every single patch: Last one was speed and survival mods, now its the Plasma Gun… On the other hand a measly 20% nerf on Mass inhibitor. But they get a by far better Gun. Nice tradeoff. 

 I think the point the devs are trying to make is that YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SOLO GUARDS they are FRIGATES for craps sake.

their modules are really nasty, and are over ranged indeed, but lets face it.

If you take away the propulsion inhibitor and the pulsar from a guard its just another engi without the heal buffs.

the fact that people are even having this argument because as it seems…guards are the only thing in this game that can effectively make a interceptor of any class useless.

whereas an inty pilot can easily take on any other ship class with ease.

i mean…i havent seen anyone complain about tacklers yet, and they are made solely to combat ceptors…\

i belive introducing interceptors into this game was a big mistake…why not corvettes…freaking interceptors…

all an ECM inty has to do is hit the 2/3 button combo and i can just go get a cup of tea and wait till i respawn.

because the game isnt getting balanced.

it keeps getting tweaked for Interceptors and frigates.

and for boneheads who refuse to fly more than 1 ship class.


once an Engi gets a ceptor on its back and its alone, its pretty much dead if the inty pilot has some common sense

to a guard its either a pulsar or death to pretty much everything else but another guard or an engi.

in either case youre more likely to team up with someone to kill it faster before the baboon you killed 10 seconds ago respawns to come back and shoot you in the arse

 I think the point the devs are trying to make is that YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SOLO GUARDS they are FRIGATES for craps sake.

As has been told several time to what I call “MMOtards” (who are known as such because they can’t wrap their heads around the fact that frigates are just like any ship in the game in spite of their bigger size), as long as frigates:

  1. Cost the same to purchase

  2. Cost the same to outfit

  3. Cost the same for team and player to deploy on the battlefield

  4. Cost the same to repair and maintain


They cannot be more powerful than other ships. Reason is simple and seen in the game today - if they are, people play mostly them because they become the “right ship to play” and everything else becomes “wrong ship to play”. Same cost as other ships, significantly more powerful. Who would be stupid enough not to fly them?




I hope this puts the issue of “well I picked the bigger ship, yes I suck but my ship is bigger so I deserve to win regardless!” to rest.

You can’t solo a guard but a guard can’t solo any interceptor or fighter (even maybe engineer). it’s a lose/lose situation.

you play guard if you have enough of those 75%inties games.

As has been told several time to what I call “MMOtards” (who are known as such because they can’t wrap their heads around the fact that frigates are just like any ship in the game in spite of their bigger size), as long as frigates:

  1. Cost the same to purchase

  2. Cost the same to outfit

  3. Cost the same for team and player to deploy on the battlefield

  4. Cost the same to repair and maintain


They cannot be more powerful than other ships. Reason is simple and seen in the game today - if they are, people play mostly them because they become the “right ship to play” and everything else becomes “wrong ship to play”. Same cost as other ships, significantly more powerful. Who would be stupid enough not to fly them?




I hope this puts the issue of “well I picked the bigger ship, yes I suck but my ship is bigger so I deserve to win regardless!” to rest.

Level of stupidity exceeded all Levels.

They are frigates.

you can outmaneuver them pretty easy, but if you charge a guard point blank in an inty and expect to win you have no right to complain.

they have their modules you have yours.

if you wait out his you can take out a guard, they arent more powerfull, they can outlast you, without support you can kill them just as easily as any other ship if you have any common sense.

an interceptor shouldnt be able to tackle and kill guards.

hence its smaller and has 2 guns.

by your logic.

why have classes at all.

lets just turn this game into 1 ship class and be done with it, everything should be able to kill everything. because. xxxx logic.

its dumbtarts like you that the game keeps getting dumbed down for.

next time you see a guard. don’t xxxx with it and wait for help.



Okay, I’m luckyo. The guy who was among the first non-russian players to hit R15, one who routinely ran T5 squads when ESB was rampant with decent success rate and making most people ragequit tier in hours and so on.


Who are you again? Some random person who can only succeed flying guards? Gotcha. Thanks for telling me how to play. Do you also teach your father how to have sex?



P.S. You should really post on russian forums to tell them your wonderful hypotheses about guards. They were pretty down on people telling them those pearls, with even posipaka talking about overpowered guards.

well he may not be the vet in the game but still has an opinion. not only the veteran opinion should count.

Or maybe you want to play a game with less and less players since begginners point of view shouldn’t be taked into account.


In T3 there is a lot of interceptors, because they have the least counter of all classes. Maybe guard are overpowered in T5 and need a nerf in T5 but in T3 they’re quite balanced now.

Not the point. Long range tanky fire platform gunship is the empire one. Trying to make a fed into one is about as smart as trying to ram a square peg into a round hole.

thats a load of hoo haa, i’ve made my fed gunship into a strafing laser platform once, was fun 5 sec lazoooring engis and pretty much everything else…untill i got bored of moving up and down sideways and crossways



Okay, I’m luckyo. The guy who was among the first non-russian players to hit R15, one who routinely ran T5 squads when ESB was rampant with decent success rate and making most people ragequit tier in hours and so on.


Who are you again? Some random person who can only succeed flying guards? Gotcha. Thanks for telling me how to play. Do you also teach your father how to have sex?



P.S. You should really post on russian forums to tell them your wonderful hypotheses about guards. They were pretty down on people telling them those pearls, with even posipaka talking about overpowered guards.

also im not talking about guards not being overpowered you stupid monkey.

just because my father is a abnoxious xxxxxxx who thinks hes always right because he lived longer than me, doesnt mean he is.

This game changes every patch and practically turns into a new game.

Saying “im in this game loger thus infinitely smarter than you” is being a ignorant baboon

You don’t get the right to measure your xxxx when the game is in beta.


You people keep forgetting the ONE detail missing in this thread. That ceptors got a HUGE buff a load of patches ago. And they’ve been constantly getting tweaked afterwards.

also im not talking about guards not being overpowered you stupid monkey.

just because my father is a abnoxious xxxxxxx who thinks hes always right because he lived longer than me, doesnt mean he is.

I like how you call other people names, then in the next sentence you show that you actually described yourself. And you don’t even see it. Hilarious.


Here’s another hint, since you’re clearly that “stupid monkey”. How did you father make you?

thats a load of hoo haa, i’ve made my fed gunship into a strafing laser platform once, was fun 5 sec lazoooring engis and pretty much everything else…untill i got bored of moving up and down sideways and crossways

And you can also make your guard into paper thin ship with a lot of energy regen. And you can in fact get the square peg into the round hole.


Both require that “stupid monkey” thing you mentioned.

well he may not be the vet in the game but still has an opinion. not only the veteran opinion should count.

Or maybe you want to play a game with less and less players since begginners point of view shouldn’t be taked into account.

And I would be fine if he realized his level of skill and didn’t actively try to school his betters in basics, which he apparently recently discovered. Hence the “did you also teach your father how to have sex” remark. Think about it for a moment.

 I think the point the devs are trying to make is that YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SOLO GUARDS they are FRIGATES for craps sake.

their modules are really nasty, and are over ranged indeed, but lets face it.

If you take away the propulsion inhibitor and the pulsar from a guard its just another engi without the heal buffs.

the fact that people are even having this argument because as it seems…guards are the only thing in this game that can effectively make a interceptor of any class useless.

whereas an inty pilot can easily take on any other ship class with ease.


Your joking, right? 

Have you ever met one of these IWIN Guards? 

You cant kill them neither with an Inty nor with a Fighter. You call that balance?!?

And yes, i very much strongly belive that you should be able to solo ANY ship with ANY other ship. That it might be easier with some as with other, granted because THATS the role-mechanics. But if it is JUST NOT POSSIBLE, mechanics are broken. And in this case they are broken quite obvious. 


On a side note: This is not reality, its a game, and a game needs mechanics so it can be enjoyable. 


So, what do you do if you get combat rec. 1v1 with such a thing? Give up? You lost anyway, if you dont have the same ship.

Also, take at example Killroy, that guy tries to kill me with his other fighters or Interceptors, he fails every single time. Obviously he isnt that good, but when he gets his guard its just impossible. And btw. you are not talking with some whining nawbs. Even if I would be a bad player, Luckyo and Kipps arent. Maybe you should take a good look at the last pages of the 0.9.7. Patch discussion.  

Btw. Guards have the best self-heals overall, and with R13 Empire you can use them quite often. 

The original post wasnt about guards it was Interceptors against fighters not guards vs interceptors.
If youre trying to solo a guard…youre doing it wrong.

as of now, untill they get nerfed.
Luckyo you can leave this topic if you so much wish, i don’t care how long you played a game thats constantly changing.
and yes youre acting like a stupid monkey.