Enough balancing this game for Interceptors

Sometimes i honestly feel like this game keeps being balanced for one specific ship type.
as if its not enough that i get into a game and i always see that at least half the enemy team is Interceptors, people are abusing the living xxxx out of these flies, you won’t win a game if the enemy team has at least 3 ECM’s doesnt really matter what the rest of the team composition is.

I can’t really complain about Covert ops and recon since they pop like baloons in most cases, they still have their share of “i’m just gonna click this and avoid everything and run away” modules.

ECM are the biggest game breaker of them all, corp try hards abuse the crap out of them, the ability to have 3 modules that do essentialy the exact same thing, to just shut down anything either straight away or in sequence, especially when the Fed Fighters are basically Cardboard in comparison.

I still find it hilarious that some interceptors have more survivability than a goddamn fighter, to me it makes no sense.
people keep whining about interceptors not tanking enough, maybe because its an interceptor not a miniature version of the Jericho Guard which also gets solo’d because there is simply no way to deal with them.

They can carry Nukes, Mines that do 8k + damage tank , have god mode special abilities and enough modules to ruin your day to go with that.

Also, the Combat Reboot Module should work against ECM modules.
and the ECM Stasis field that freezes you shouldn’t have you take damage, if anything stasis should make you invulnarable and disable you.

People should stop using a class that was meant for Support as a Anti everything derp weapon.
and then whine about it on the forums that they can’t take a desintigrator shot, or that they can’t survive more than 10 seconds while everyone is shooting them.
I’ve been silent long enough, but this class of ships just stays as it is.

Don’t mention tacklers because you rarely see 5 tacklers in a game where theres 5 interceptors of each of different type.

Stop Feeding the Try hards who whine everytime you burst their bubble.

Have Frigates act like FRIGATES
Fighters act like FIGHTERS

Recon Work like RECON
Cov ops work like (its acutally fine…)
and ECM…work like a Debuffer, not a xxxx KO everything at will God Mode BS BBQ

Show me on the Plastic Spaceship where the bad man touched you.


Dude, inties are only good at top tier for the truly skilled, if anything the game is balanced towards frigates

!vote! for delete ecm and guards out of the game:D


everyone in a ecm thinks he is a master pressing his 3 buttons:D same with 2buttons guard pulsar torpedo

i feel with you dud :facepalm:

* double post*

Dude, inties are only good at top tier for the truly skilled, if anything the game is balanced towards frigates

:facepalm: :facepalm:

You havent played this game for long have you…

Every ship is good at top tier for the truly skilled.

if what you were saying were true, i would see alot more frigballs and alot less interceptor swarms, which is the exact opposite.

a narb tart will die in any ship regardless.


!vote! for delete ecm and guards out of the game:D

 You can still solo a guard in a fighter/ceptor if you know what youre doing.

 You can still solo a guard in a fighter/ceptor if you know what youre doing.

you dont solo my fed guard, i outrun you trust me xD and switch shield on em close face torpedo pulsar does the rest u dont need shoot xD


 a good buble gunship does but no intys, other fighters whateva:(

lets go with the fact thay youre not supposed to be able to solo frigates…

Did I just see funkybacon countertroll the frigtroll?


That’s a first. I guess it’s time to start buying salt in bulk to sell it for deicing roads in hell tomorrow.


I guess frigates are more broken OP than ever before to cause something like that.

 You can still solo a guard in a fighter/ceptor if you know what youre doing.

If guard is afk, you may have a chance. A low one, but still. In most cases, a passerby will shoot you down before you finish the job.


For the rest, have you tried pressing right mouse button followed by one for instagib on the interceptor yet?

Did I just see funkybacon countertroll the frigtroll?


That’s a first. I guess it’s time to start buying salt in bulk to sell it for deicing roads in hell tomorrow.


I guess frigates are more broken OP than ever before to cause something like that.

Oh look, it’s you again with more bullshitting. >.>

Obvious troll is obvious…  :facepalm:


In fact when I saw the title, I thought the thread would talk about the constant nerf to ceptors because the recent nerf to speed in the game and buff to the stupid guard frigates…

everything is equally easy to kill if the person flying it a total dumbtart.
I have no trouble soloing a guard in my fed gunship, if at any point i can’t solo a frigate, that means he has a good team.

You havent played this game for long have you…

Every ship is good at top tier for the truly skilled.

Sooo… A scrub in an Inquisitor-S with 100k hp with Mk2 modules… Doesn’t die… ever… kills 1-2 people throughout the whole match… Gotta be a pro, he outlives everyone else, right?

Obvious troll is obvious…  :facepalm:


In fact when I saw the title, I thought the thread would talk about the constant nerf to ceptors because the recent nerf to speed in the game and buff to the stupid guard frigates…

 I’m not trolling, People who fly interceptors keep getting one shotted and then whine about it because they can’t solo ships or tank good enough

EDIT: and i’m not protecting guards, their sole purpose is to tank a shitload of shots.

Its sad little xxxxxxx like you who thinks a ceptor should be a flying adamantium bar and a frigate should be a cardboard box, for once guards feel like frigates and not like an oversized fighter with different modules.

i didnt notice any speed nerfs besides the energy consumption.

the fact that fed guards are really fast and jerry ones are slow is xxxx is because the devs are too lazy to balance every race independently

Maybe if you flew more than 1 ship class you would know that.

i also dislike the recon+shield steal+mine op. it is such a joke in so many cases… the recon is invincible, your shields drain SO FAST without taking resists into account, the mine does almost 9k dmg and afterwards you can warp away? this playstyle is so boring imo, the module selection often leaves only one playstlye which usually is op as well… take a look at guards, ecm and recon and you know what i mean… especially the recon can suck up a jer guards shields while flying circles and then finishing it off with a mine. the guards are supposed to be an aoe denial vs. intis right? they fail horribly vs. recon…

i also dislike the recon+shield steal+mine op. it is such a joke in so many cases… the recon is invincible, your shields drain SO FAST without taking resists into account, the mine does almost 9k dmg and afterwards you can warp away? this playstyle is so boring imo, the module selection often leaves only one playstlye which usually is op as well… take a look at guards, ecm and recon and you know what i mean… especially the recon can suck up a jer guards shields while flying circles and then finishing it off with a mine. the guards are supposed to be an aoe denial vs. intis right? they fail horribly vs. recon…

Have you tried two shotting the recon yet? Shied drain can’t save from burst damage. Not to mention that shield drain really tickles. Have you tried just pressing 4 to get all of it back and more?