Enough balancing this game for Interceptors

Not to mention that shield drain really tickles. Have you tried just pressing 4 to get all of it back and more?

Have you tried not charging into the whole enemy team?(alone)

or not trying to charge the whole enemy team?(alone)

or trying to solo attack something youre obviously not supposed to, and then of course get your xxxx handed to you?

Large groups of simpletons shouldnt be calling others trolls, because others disagree with them.

this game is a beta and im trying to prove a point, you can either point out real issues or keep acting like an xxxxxx.

the latter won’t help you

Have you tried two shotting the recon yet? Shied drain can’t save from burst damage. Not to mention that shield drain really tickles. Have you tried just pressing 4 to get all of it back and more?


are you kidding? once the recon orbits your guard there is nothing you can do besides the pulsar… but even that gets outhealed by the shieldsteal. i also got the shieldboost on cooldown quite often, the cooldown is just very long and recharging guard shields takes forever. don’t forget about the mines as well… a recon inti can solo a t3 guard, which is a joke.

Stop whining about guards and fly something other than a goddamn interceptor.
Every game i have is filled with swarms of those bloody things, i wouldnt care if they got removed at all, its a no brainer they keep getting nerfed, people barely fly other classes these days.
and why not the guard since what kills a ceptor swarm faster than a guard.
something small that easily kills a fighter and is barely hittable to newer players is obviously fraustrating, so its a no brainer people prefer flying guards eventually because they get sick of chasing something that eventually cloaks or goes into xxxx god mode.

never had troubles killing a guard in a Gunship or a command with a team that has more IQ than that of a pineapple

Who votes to ignore the OP and get on real issues, like the MM.


I don’t, I agree with him, inties should not be able to solo a guard.


Count me in… Also, can we throw eggs in his/her house?


Really ? How about refuting his posts with fact, rather than just dismissing the poster as a troll/whatever ?


I think this post has firmly established  poster as either an extremely obvious troll or exceptionally clueless poster that cannot handle pressing two buttons in quick succession.


Either way, call it a lost cause and stop feeding the troll.


There are many trolls on this forum, Radiance does not seem to be one of them, mayne you could use facts from the game rather than just insult the poster.

Or if you can’t offer game facts to rebut him, maybe you should just look in the miror when troll hunting…

They filled the forums with 2k+ posts and think its their right and wisdom to call everyone who points out unblanced crap a troll.
If you think i’m wrong, prove me wrong and form an actual debate, if you can’t do that, then ignore the post and let someone with a functioning frontal lobe do that.

They filled the forums with 2k+ posts and think its their right and wisdom to call everyone who points out unblanced crap a troll.

If you think i’m wrong, prove me wrong and form an actual debate, if you can’t do that, then ignore the post and let someone with a functioning frontal lobe do that.

I use my in game name on the forums. Feel free to take a look at my stats.


P.S. The amount of people that don’t know that interceptors are currently effectively instakilled with a two button combo by any guard frigate is staggering.

I don’t, I agree with him, inties should not be able to solo a guard.

So in other words, you think guards need a massive nerf because right now, they can take about 3 average/2great interceptors on and brutally murder them before they are in any real danger of dying.

Radiance, what tier are you flying in?  There’s a lot in T2 as usual, but realistic matches always seem to start out with a mess of frigates.  The higher the tier, the weaker interceptors get and the more frigates are buffed.  See a T1 or T2 guard?  Kill it!  See a T5 guard?  It’ll take you 13 minutes to kill and the match is over in 12.

Well then mister smart, have you tried killing guards with anything other than your interceptor Mr. Pro?
Stats don’t mean jack crap and we both know it.

fly in a squad with 4 people on team speak and anyone can rack up stats, i do neither and have a 1500 + rating
so don’t even go there.

If you want to have a literal xxxx fight go to a male strippers club

Apologies to the OP. Didnt mean to sound like a total xxxx. 


Right now is the worst time to talk about some balance issues as the MM is now the main focus. 


Granted an inty cannot and should not solo a guard. (Trust me, I tried, and Blackfold showed me his T3 guard against my T3 CO, it was impossible.)


Sorry again radiance, but the forums have activated Hate [on]

Radiance, what tier are you flying in?  There’s a lot in T2 as usual, but realistic matches always seem to start out with a mess of frigates.  The higher the tier, the weaker interceptors get and the more frigates are buffed.  See a T1 or T2 guard?  Kill it!  See a T5 guard?  It’ll take you 13 minutes to kill and the match is over in 12.

I fly mixed T4/5 never had troubles with guards, counter a frigball with a frigball if i have to, its  a slow match, if the team is good its a win, regardless.

i don’t understand what you people are whining about with the freaking guards.

i can how ever, if all you do is fly interceptors

Well then mister smart, have you tried killing guards with anything other than your interceptor Mr. Pro?

Stats don’t mean jack crap and we both know it.

fly in a squad with 4 people on team speak and anyone can rack up stats, i do neither and have a 1500 + rating

so don’t even go there.

If you want to have a literal xxxx fight go to a male strippers club

I have been flying gunships as half main after 0.9.2. gimped interceptors and overpowered frigates. I pretty much stopped playing two patches ago after the patch made it almost impossible for gunships + ecm+engineer in a squad with to take out a solo guard that is properly built in a timely manner and without losing one of the ships in the process.

The amount of stupidity from luckyo who apparently keeps flying into torps is staggering.  :facepalm:


Radiance, I don’t fully agree with you(And your first post sounded really butthurt, thus my reaction there) but it’s good to have someone who doesnt rage at guards just because they cant solo everything in 10 seconds.

In T5 the inties become a lot weaker than in T3 however,(Well, they don’t get weaker, everything else becomes a lot stronger, exept naga) which is why they are saying what they are. In T-1T3 inties are generally actually better than guards.

Apologies to the OP. Didnt mean to sound like a total xxxx. 


Right now is the worst time to talk about some balance issues as the MM is now the main focus. 


Granted an inty cannot and should not solo a guard. (Trust me, I tried, and Blackfold showed me his T3 guard against my T3 CO, it was impossible.)


Sorry again radiance, but the forums have activated Hate [on]

The MM is an issue, but not the only one. Don’t see only one thing :wink:

MM requires feedback each week for sure, but there are a lot of issues that should get adressed as well.(Ship tree, ship bonuses, income etc.)


And having 10 devs working on MM will only make it go wrong, better have a few that have proper discussions about it.

Well i’m glad we got back on friendlier terms.
The real issue seems to be the devs keep doing Whole board balance, which doesnt work cross tiers.
One patch makes the Torpedo frigs hilariously op
another makes enginerring useless
then another removes weapons.
then the other makes guards modules go 5k

they should individually nerf/buff ships modules more thoroughly because the game takes a 180 degree turn each tier and it causes a stir, and a clusterfuck to balance in the long run.

I fly mixed T4/5 never had troubles with guards, counter a frigball with a frigball if i have to, its  a slow match, if the team is good its a win, regardless.

i don’t understand what you people are whining about with the freaking guards.

i can how ever, if all you do is fly interceptors



In other news, singularity gunships have have slightly more problems with interceptors than guards. You see, unlike guards, they actually require some semblance of ability to aim to dispatch interceptors in a speedy fashion.


But only some. I can usually go through all interceptors that are below rekombo27 level of skill at the beacon within seconds of arriving there. Granted if a guard beats me to the beacon, there won’t be any interceptors left for me to kill when I get there since his two button combo will have cleared the beacon of anything that isn’t a fighter or heavier that is there.

The MM is an issue, but not the only one. Don’t see only one thing :wink:

MM requires feedback each week for sure, but there are a lot of issues that should get adressed as well.(Ship tree, ship bonuses, income etc.)


And having 10 devs working on MM will only make it go wrong, better have a few that have proper discussions about it.



Mright, no clue what’s happening here… I’ll just ignore the rest (most) of this thread and start from the OP.


I can confirm the recent inty swarm across T2-3-4. Started easy-doubling my average kill streak because of them. However i can also notice a drop in engineers in favor of guards. Bad ones at that. I don’t know how T4-5 looks atm in the frigball aspect, but i do know the Inquisitor S is a mad-hp bull on steroids. T3 Crus line seems just fine, except that Styx still out-survives guards.


What’s to inties:

CO - fine?

Recon - slightly OP imo - i basically don’t see them use guns anymore, just drain > mine > gtfo if in trouble - still easy to kill if you focus your shots well, however you ALWAYS need backup against them

ECM - dunno, it’s a class i thorougly hate, but after the last nerf-streak, they feel on par (meaning fighting against them) (and i’m still standing FOR the removal of stasis)

Guess what: Learn to xxxx fly.

Precious words from player who’s ability to fly equaled the facetanking everything with guard in 0.9.0 as if his religion forbade him from pressing strafing buttons that cried foul because guards were apparently supposed to just facetank multiple singularity fighters solo without ever trying to dodge, by just sitting behind the beacon solo.


Some people learned. You didn’t. Facetanking is still a way of life for you, but the game now makes that possible through massive guard buffs that followed. So I can understand why you love the game. It made baddies like you into veritable gods. Why dodge when you can just tank all damage and then ask “what was that, it kinda tickles” from the corpses of attackers?


Just one question: do you have the “RMB into 1” combo macroed yet for ease of access yet? I’m considering making a macro for it because frankly I’m too bored and CBA routinely pressing the same two buttons when I see an interceptor go for me when levelling jericho frigates.


I’m not even back on guard tree yet and I’m yet to see an interceptor that would live against my supposedly papery LFR that doesn’t even have pulsar. Please tell me oh “stats don’t matter” what am I doing wrong that I’m wiping ints out like flies on LFR when I’m supposed to have such unbearable problems with them on a guard with well over three to four times of real life survivability and a helluva lot more close quarters damage potential?

Funnily enough, after AMS buffs, I do have problems leveling the damn thing because of guards. But who doesn’t? :dntknw:

Thats pretty much it, the only way to counter frig balls are with frigballs/ fighters, ECM Rape buttons are just ridiculous.
but this game needs a proper balance cleanup.
they keep making a noodle soup of xxxx every patch