Enough balancing this game for Interceptors

Luckyo after your comments i can’t understand wether your pro or against or even on this planet…wut… :crazy:

Precious words from player who’s ability to fly equaled the facetanking everything with guard in 0.9.0 as if his religion forbade him from pressing strafing buttons that cried foul because guards were apparently supposed to just facetank multiple singularity fighters solo without ever trying to dodge, by just sitting behind the beacon solo.

Yes, totally. You are absolutely correct! ~Sarcasm~


Imagine people dying to a singularity in 9.0, how ridiculous, how dare I say they were OP back then! They obviously were UP back then! ~Sarcasm~


Like moving helped 1 bit against beachball gunships?

They were able to throw what? 15-25 bubbles in overdrive in a time spread of 5 seconds? And no matter how much you strafed it would hit you with insane hitboxes.

Yes, totally. You are absolutely correct! ~Sarcasm~


Imagine people dying to a singularity in 9.0, how ridiculous, how dare I say they were OP back then! They obviously were UP back then! ~Sarcasm~


Like moving helped 1 bit against beachball gunships?

They were able to throw what? 15-25 bubbles in overdrive in a time spread of 5 seconds? And no matter how much you strafed it would hit you with insane hitboxes.

No worries. They gave you effectively a frigate singularity cannon in new heavy rails.


As someone on russian forums loosely put it:


“It’s like a singularity for frigates, only it can hit targets far away”

“I pity the interceptors that get into my propulsion inhibitor. With new mortar machine gun, who needs pulsar?”

The amount of people that don’t know that interceptors are currently effectively instakilled with a two button combo by any guard frigate is staggering.


The amount of inty pilots that don’t disengage and run when a pulsar activates is also staggering. If they are willing to enter an inertial dampening field where they can’t afterburn for the sake of trolling a slow target, they should expect most competent frigate pilots to zap them.


The solution is simple, if you don’t want to get zapped, bring an ECM to shut down the Guards defenses. Either that, or figure out how to pick them off from outside pulsar range, or just avoid guards altogether.


The balance at present is fine (at least for Federation Guards). I’ve been killed easilly enough by two interceptors working together, and I’ve killed plenty of bonehead interceptors who think all it will take to score an easy kill is ride my tail.

You see, unlike guards, they actually require some semblance of ability to aim to dispatch interceptors in a speedy fashion.


Granted if a guard beats me to the beacon, there won’t be any interceptors left for me to kill when I get there since his two button combo will have cleared the beacon of anything that isn’t a fighter or heavier that is there.


You’ve just explained perfectly why Guards are working as intended. They Guard locations. If a Guard on a beacon activates pulsar, the damage to all ships in radius keeps them from capping the beacon. That is their purpose. Area denial.

Thats the point , this game gets balanced for the boneheads far too often.
and it leaves some cruicial things unbalanced and unnoticed

The amount of inty pilots that don’t disengage and run when a pulsar activates is also staggering. If they are willing to enter an inertial dampening field where they can’t afterburn for the sake of trolling a slow target, they should expect most competent frigate pilots to zap them.


The solution is simple, if you don’t want to get zapped, bring an ECM to shut down the Guards defenses. Either that, or figure out how to pick them off from outside pulsar range, or just avoid guards altogether.


The balance at present is fine (at least for Federation Guards). I’ve been killed easilly enough by two interceptors working together, and I’ve killed plenty of bonehead interceptors who think all it will take to score an easy kill is ride my tail.

Awesome. Now please tell us how with the nerfs in this patch?


(P.S. ECM does jack xxxx to a guard. Pulsar cannot be shut down and getting his active mods off for four seconds is pretty damn useless)


You know, I’ll end this post by loosely translating this post from posipaka, the man who mained guards since forever and is a better guard pilot than all of us posting in this thread combined:




Interceptors are already pretty hard to fly (not enough speed and maneuverability, inaccurate weapons, survivability below the floor and constant energy deficit) and devs keep nerfing them even more, where’s the logic? It’s even done covertly.


For the clueless guardtards in this thread, he’s talking about the massive hidden nerf to the anti-slow implant. Kinda understandable, when you trollfaced through ints anyway, it’s not really noticeable to you that their last means of getting away from you has been taken away. It didn’t make that much of a difference for you after all, making free kill slightly more of a free kill isn’t really noticeable.




And one last quote of the day. This one goes to one of the better ESB players:




Show me the person that can’t fight off an interceptor on a guard. He’ll win “crab of all times and people” award.

(If you didn’t know - russians call players who can’t fly at all “crabs” as reference to inability to manipulate controls with their claws).


So, who is entering their candidature?

Intys are being nerfed patch after patch, yet there’s still people that want them even more nerfed. I don’t understand, why so much hate? If someone has the abilities, the reflexes and the hand-eye coordination to fly in a superb way their interceptors and kill you, you should aim to get better, not hope the developers try to nerf the skill of those players by nerfing the only type of ship that makes profits of being a capable pilot…

Thats just stupid, interceptors are good for game matches like Combat recon and Detonation, i don’t understand why people xxxx abuse them, ECM in large numbers are annoying as xxxx, think out of the box you never play alone you have a team.
if youre in  a game where the enemy team is 80% interceptors youll be dead by the time you kill one, the others will have clawed into your face.

they are good spotters for my LRF great debuffers if im flying a gunship
mass abusing them is gamebreaking and its just tryhardish
and people still mass swarm with them.
if people use them in masses they arent all that nerfed.

just because you die to a torpedo desintigrator once or twice every game after getting 8 kills seems nerfed…doesnt mean it is…
its means you should stop what your doing, adapt or die. its what i’ve been doing all this time, but its slowly getting ridiculous…
If you play against boneheads you will rack free kills.
i rarely find boneheads in T5/4
My fed gunship doesnt have half the evasive options of an interceptor and dies just as easy…yet no one complains about that , and neither do i…

I fly mixed T4/5 never had troubles with guards, counter a frigball with a frigball if i have to, its  a slow match, if the team is good its a win, regardless.

i don’t understand what you people are whining about with the freaking guards.

i can how ever, if all you do is fly interceptors

I’ve seen you in battle in T3, but never really got to see you in combat personally.  I didn’t know what tier you preferred.  I’m don’t complain about the guards in T4/T5, but at the same time some of those insane builds are piss poor in a 12v12.  I think a lot of the top players on the forums don’t like flying frigates so don’t understand them enough.  Frigates still take skill but there’s less of an adrenaline rush.  But interceptors have been nerfed a lot to me.  I used to almost only fly interceptors, but not anymore.  I am flying in battle with interceptors again, but mainly for synergy to get some ship lines ranked up.  They’re far from OP, they’re still UP compared to fighters and frigates.  Try leveling up your guards, see how many interceptors you kill per battle.

For the clueless guardtards in this thread, he’s talking about the massive hidden nerf to the anti-slow implant. Kinda understandable, when you trollfaced through ints anyway, it’s not really noticeable to you that their last means of getting away from you has been taken away. It didn’t make that much of a difference for you after all, making free kill slightly more of a free kill isn’t really noticeable.


Alright, lets take a look at one of the least talked about classes. Fighters. We’ve been discussing this from the POV of Frigates and Interceptors since forever, but nobody seems to mention fighters.


How effective are fighters against interceptors, in all honesty? I’ve been flying tacklers for as long as I’ve been flying frigates, and my impression is that fighters have a dang hard time defending themselves from interceptors unless they can cloak or debuff the speed of interceptors.


So, on a wild hunch, is it actually possible that this nerf to interceptor speed wasn’t so that guards could get easier kills, but so that fighters could better track and defend against interceptors? There are more than just two classes after all; this isn’t Star Conflict: Interceptors vs. Frigates.

When it comes to Guards I really get unnerved.


Lets face it: Inquisitor Series (and also at least the TOR S) are incredible OP in terms of survivability. 

In fact I cant kill the Inquisitor S 1v1 if its a good build and the pilot at least knows a little bit of this game. 


If you can kill PPL like Skeletorius, Damia, Killroy… 1v1 in their Guards with an Inty, I call you a liar. It is not possible. 

If I cant kill a ship in reasonable time with ANY other given ship mechanics are broken. 


Its kinda funny tho, that there is a thread here “please reanimate the inties…” because they get nerfed every single patch: Last one was speed and survival mods, now its the Plasma Gun… On the other hand a measly 20% nerf on Mass inhibitor. But they get a by far better Gun. Nice tradeoff. 

So, radiance applied for “crab of all times and nations” award within minutes. Interesting. There were no takers on russian forums, a few people even laughed at the impossibility of anyone even trying to make the claim in the current state of balance.


No wonder people here keep complaining about russians kicking their asses…

Its kinda funny tho, that there is a thread here “please reanimate the inties…” because they get nerfed every single patch: Last one was speed and survival mods, now its the Plasma Gun… On the other hand a measly 20% nerf on Mass inhibitor. But they get a by far better Gun. Nice tradeoff. 

It’s actually about the same. They nerfed most of the mandatory interceptor implants this patch, including jericho R2. End result is about ±0 on plasma and everything else is even more useless than it was before.

So, on a wild hunch, is it actually possible that this nerf to interceptor speed wasn’t so that guards could get easier kills, but so that fighters could better track and defend against interceptors? There are more than just two classes after all; this isn’t Star Conflict: Interceptors vs. Frigates.

Time until this particular baddie realizes that fighters relied on this implant just as much to operate in permanent AoE slows, which is necessary if you’re using any weapons except lasers in… probably never.

Not to even mention that 2/3 fighters do not have anything that interacts with that implant, while tackler’s impact on the nerf is fairly minimal. After all, implant cancels the slow beam, which goes on cooldown. Unlike auras.

It’s actually about the same. They nerfed most of the mandatory interceptor implants this patch, including jericho R2. End result is about ±0 on plasma and everything else is even more useless than it was before.


I think there is a theme behind it… survivability is going down everywhere, reason is imo, that the devs want to allow a n00b to have a luckshot on a vet. 

Since Frigates have the best stats overall, they suffer less. 

:facepalm: :facepalm:

You havent played this game for long have you…

Every ship is good at top tier for the truly skilled.

if what you were saying were true, i would see alot more frigballs and alot less interceptor swarms, which is the exact opposite.

a narb tart will die in any ship regardless.

you do have a point, but i could never fly a top tier inty, but an engie frig? its doable

I think there is a theme behind it… survivability is going down everywhere, reason is imo, that the devs want to allow a n00b to have a luckshot on a vet. 

Since Frigates have the best stats overall, they suffer less. 

Could be, but as quite a few people pointed out on russian forums, ints don’t really have any weapons left that are usable anymore. Interceptor duels are decided by rocket trades and ramming.


Frigates don’t suffer from it because they use a different implant in the first place. They much prefer sensor+weapon range one.

Time until this particular baddie realizes that fighters relied on this implant just as much to operate in permanent AoE slows, which is necessary if you’re using any weapons except lasers in… probably never.

Not to even mention that 2/3 fighters do not have anything that interacts with that implant, while tackler’s impact on the nerf is fairly minimal. After all, implant cancels the slow beam, which goes on cooldown. Unlike auras.


I think you missed my point. Because there are three classes at work here, and not just the two conversation favorites, balancing the entire game based only on the relationship of Frigates and Interceptors would break the game more.


Also, there are tiers to consider. Most of the complaints here seem to be T4/5, while I tend to stay in T3. So while the balance seems right to me in T3, it very well might be completely screwy in the upper tiers.


Conclusion: Arguing over power/survivability difference between Interceptors and Frigates is pointless if you don’t also factor the Fighters into the equation AS WELL AS the separate tier levels.


Overall you are looking at 15+ different factors that have to be considered and tweaked individually or you risk breaking the game even more. So the blanket statements “Frigates are OP” or “Interceptors are weak” need to be qualified on a per-tier basis.

Yes lets buff frigs!
