Enough balancing this game for Interceptors

I think the dev shouldn’t nerf/boost any classeS. they should think differently since in T3 it’s interceptor swarm. They need to change the way the game behave to equalize classes in all tiers. I don’t know how I agree. But if they boost inties. It’s gonna be inties conflict in T3 (even more than currently is)

As an officer of NASA, a top-100 player and one with T4/5 ships (albeit I never play those due to the MM), let me point out: No, we do not agree with most of your points. Especially in regards to the match making we have virtually direct opposite views. A few people may agree with you, but not the majority.

That said, some of your points are valid.


As far as my opinion on interceptors - simply look at my last login time in-game. That’ll say enough. I get virtually no enjoyment out of playing them at the present, a lot of the balancing has gone in directions I don’t really understand and my opinion on the MM is and has been very clear.


It makes me a little sad as I held this game in incredibly high estimation a few months ago, and racked up more play time than I even did in the likes of EVE or Rift. And that’s saying something.

I never said that folks mostly running T3 and doing some dabbling in T4 agree with them. I was talking about our old “T4 or GTFO” group that sadly fell apart a few patches ago when guards dominated the hell out of the tier and many people just found it too boring to continue. That and the fact that even when you don’t agree with my points of view, calling them “trolling” is a bold faced lie.


Heck I can understand why core of the corp, which was T3 would hold a different opinion on balancing. It’s a different tier with very different requirements. I still remember coaching some of you guys when you tried out T4, and the first words were usually “forget everything you think matters from T3 and relearn” usually followed with “yeah, you should start by understanding that teamwork is king” from one of the other guys of the group. But while we could often disagree, I’m pretty sure no one called one he disagreed with “trolling” when talking points had logical arguments backing them.


Except for a certain frigateer of course…



And tbh, I much prefer ECM+gunship+engy comp to current guard+guard+engy+gunship because old comp was dynamic, allowed for a very wide array of tactical approaches to each situation and it gave everyone something to fly. Frigateers got their snipy backline engineer, fighters got their powerful but fragile gunship and inty pilots got their weak but tactically extremely important ECM.


Now guard pilots get everything and everyone else is left helplessly raging on the sidelines.

I think the dev shouldn’t nerf/boost any classeS. they should think differently since in T3 it’s interceptor swarm. They need to change the way the game behave to equalize classes in all tiers. I don’t know how I agree. But if they boost inties. It’s gonna be inties conflict in T3 (even more than currently is)

If you fly a frigate in T3, and it’s anywhere near what it was a patch ago, you should love the “helpless crappy ship swarm”. EM torp in the face and finisher with guns or pulsar and you can move on to killing the next one. I farmed up a R7 and R9 LFR and my main problem with interceptors was that they didn’t let me get maniac medals - I got too many kills and too few assists from them.

luckyo did someone poke you in the rearside?

interceptors WERE Very op the day they were introduced.

the only reason people complain is because you expect to kill everything in it and when you fail you go crying on the forums for using a support/scout class as a jack of all trades class.

they arent getting nerfed they are getting tuned for their role.

and people dont get the message.

imagine WoT a scout tank vs a kv-1s

interceptors are just flies now.

you almosy always see swarms of them regardless how much they get nerfed.

tgis is why this game keeps getting tilted instead of being balanced.

people use ship classes wrong keep dying and then complain.

guards as of now are useless again and you can go facerape them in your recon

again so whipe that tear from your eye

Honestly i cant think its possible to properly balance this game right now because you either make something utterly useless or stupidly op.

this game is a bit broken.

they need to change some things completely anf leave some as they are.

and they are doing the exact opposite.

as for the MM you can only make the MM as complex as tne amount ofplayers you have.

tiers arent equally populated

guards as of now are useless again and you can go facerape them in your recon

again so whipe that tear from your eye

Most people in NASA are reporting increase in survivability on guards after this patch. Most people also reporting routinely going into 1v3 vs three recons on a guard and winning.


Have you ever considered that problem may not lie in balance, but simply in your lack of skill? Which is admittedly pretty unbelievable, considering how low the skill ceiling on guard flying is.

what part of.

“I dont play guards” didnt you read.

all of the 1 shotting butthurting bad mean things can be negated with an emergency barriers.

if your stupid enough tobgo toe to toe with a guard In a ceptor.

again dont complain, its not the game. its just that you have the common sense of shoe.

I 1v1 guards pre patch in commands gunships engis no problem.

and before you say they were narb builds they were high ranking clan members.

I dont get my dsr by killing narbs.

newer players prefer guards because they get sick of chasing and wearing down things that cloak warp or go god mode.

i say the problem lies elewhere.

deep down the cert core game aspects they need to redo some things…like the torp frig that is hilariously useless evn after they made it immune to missle defence, which they arent anymore.

The truth about Guards, as of 0.9.9:


  1. They are weaker, in terms of survivability.

  2. When in LARGE matches, they are weaker than they previously were because they can’t survive as long, but make no mistake, they are still mobile tanks.

  3. In SMALL matches (read: up to 4-6 pilots on each team), Guards are still powerhouses. This is SOLELY because finding them and hitting them with different damage types is hard, due tot he limited amount of pilots.



So, yes, Guards are still OP in small matches, but have gone a mediocre nerf on large matches.

or a simple fix to all problems.
instead of having their special module active all the time.

make it toggle, jave ot add like 50 res to all at once for 10 sec or something and then increase damage to 25% would make them like every other ship

Ints are not ridiculous. Just today i killed 6 in about a minute with gauss wolf. If you are skilled, theyre not that challenging



and if your opponent has an IQ over 20 you are in deep trouble.



Nah, some have been pretty skilled. They still died :stuck_out_tongue:


Wait, your saying you hit an interceptor pilot, who had an IQ of 20 or greater, with a gauss canon?  Are you a politican?  Because you LYIN’ son!

or a simple fix to all problems.

instead of having their special module active all the time.

make it toggle, jave ot add like 50 res to all at once for 10 sec or something and then increase damage to 25% would make them like every other ship


that’s stupid, you can buy that shield resist booster that gives you like 70-80 resists for 6-8 seconds, the new phase shield is really nice, +150 resist to 1 type of damage makes you invincible in almost any 1v1 situation, or 1v2-1v3 if everyone uses the same weapon type. Now Guards are vulnerable if they get hit by different types of damage, I don’t know where is the problem. 


I can still 1 shot any interceptor without EB with a EM torpedo, and if they have EB you use pulsar and they explode.



Today I saw a funny thing in combat recon, 3 kites attacking a Crus-S, the 3 of them with lazors, they all used plasma arc almost at the same time, then the Crus-S popped a torpedo and he got an instant triple kill, with 3/4 of his shield intact. It was nice to watch xD

Inties this, frigates that…don’t you think that we should look in fighters instead to balance both?

I agree with residente, beachballs are still OP against inties due to their AoE. I rarely have any problem killing inties at all with my singularity gunship, and that is a wolf-M, so if it gets hit by a single projectile it’s dead already. The times I do have problems with killing inties the fault lies at my hands and eyes for not able to track/find the aim lead/weapon aim.

I take offense at the insinuation all corp pilots are idiots, i certainly know how to fly

Inties this, frigates that…don’t you think that we should look in fighters instead to balance both?

This. ^^^^


Solutions can usually be found where you didn’t look before.