English chat Filter Whitelist

So you fixed Sniper. But you didn’t include “sniping” or “snipe”. I mean that’s just lazy.

snipe, sniper, ridiculous, cultivate, computer, happen, happened, hercules, minigun,


Add some ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Some people are never happy. Dont listen to hum. If u fix these, hell come up with new ones.

3 hours ago, theNoob said:

Some people are never happy. Dont listen to hum. If u fix these, hell come up with new ones.

what? these are basic words used with a LOT of frecuency…even the game contains most of those words repeteadly but you as player cant use them? Of course we will come with new ones: the entire filter is messing up with more than 5.000 english words (note: just english, and the same filter is also applied to other languages). Let me show you this link again: http://www.morewords.com/contains/xxxx/ or http://www.morewords.com/contains/pen/

You can have fun looking for other words too.

Or just remove it.

We removed nip instead, don’t know what it was) You can try out new filter with the next update

And “cul” too?


Also there is a small problem with the licence, it has a hidden bonus of +50% loss rate. This is a bug.

21 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

We removed nip instead, don’t know what it was) You can try out new filter with the next update



You do realise how ridiculous this is getting, right? I can’t even chat with my friends anymore because half my messages get blocked. So much for “social aspects rework”…

The biggest problem with how it’s implemented right now is that I can spend around 30, 45 seconds typing out a long, thoughtful response, aaaand…

Bam. That one red message pops up again. I don’t want to spend another five minutes figuring out what word just blocked me, nor do I want to reword my response so that I don’t include that word. Frankly, it’s ridi cul ous.

I am getting punished for having good intentions and long, thought out responses. People who just want to use profanity can easily think, “Oh, ‘f­u­ck’ is probably blocked, I’ll type in ‘f­ uck’ instead” and get past the barrier almost certainly without punishment.



Not only that chat filter is utterly stupid and a big obstacle to freedom of speech. I know we agreed to EULA etc… but often we cant even speak. You want to say something in english containting letters forming a bad word from another language, you can’t. Like idk, calculating, assassin, omnipotent and probably thousands of other words. I heard germans are hit hard with that filter. And the filter is also useless because if someone wants to swear he’ll say fuc.k you or as5shole etc… which they do.

17 hours ago, StatueofLibroty said:

The biggest problem with how it’s implemented right now is that I can spend around 30, 45 seconds typing out a long, thoughtful response, aaaand…

Bam. That one red message pops up again. I don’t want to spend another five minutes figuring out what word just blocked me, nor do I want to reword my response so that I don’t include that word. Frankly, it’s ridi cul ous.

I am getting punished for having good intentions and long, thought out responses. People who just want to use profanity can easily think, “Oh, ‘f­u­ck’ is probably blocked, I’ll type in ‘f­ uck’ instead” and get past the barrier almost certainly without punishment.

You hit the nail on the head


9 hours ago, millanbel said:

You hit the nail on the head!

Yes, he did. It happened to me so many times, that I lost count.

I find this reason alone, enough to down-vote this game on Steam and not recommend it to others, if it won’t get fully fixed with the next update.

This is it! I had it!



16 hours ago, Koromac said:

This is it! I had it!

looks like the word ‘happened’, will figuire this out

50 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

looks like the word ‘happened’, will figuire this out

“happened” contains “pen”

Come on man, this is “ridi cul ous”, admit it

The word spectacular is blocked as well.


Serves u right for using such dirty words.

21 hours ago, millanbel said:

“happened” contains “pen”

Come on man, this is “ridi cul ous”, admit it

‘Pen’ is not restricted and ‘ridi cul ous’ is already available, alongside with some other words. Was updated with the last micropatch.

2 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

‘Pen’ is not restricted and ‘ridi cul ous’ is already available, alongside with some other words. Was updated with the last micropatch.

You really don’t get it do you…

Oh well I guess I’ll play other games with my friends then since this one is so anti-social. I’ll just play this one alone every now and then. This is the internet, and censorship is not welcome at all - I really couldn’t care less if some 12 year old gets offended by what I type.

1 hour ago, millanbel said:

You really don’t get it do you…

Oh well I guess I’ll play other games with my friends then since this one is so anti-social. I’ll just play this one alone every now and then. This is the internet, and censorship is not welcome at all - I really couldn’t care less if some 12 year old gets offended by what I type.

I share your opinion.