English chat Filter Whitelist

pene is restricted however…

Damn can’t misspell that type of pasta…Also, the filter option brought back would fix this.  That way new kids would still enter the game with a filter set to on, but older people can turn it off. And because you fixed the words, they won’t have to ask what is ******** when you are trying to help them with ships. They are now likely to leave the filter on because you won’t have to tell them to turn it off just to chat!

The word afaganga is blocked by the chat filter. It is the IGN of a player from the same corp as me and… well it could be nice if i was able to put the whole name in chat.

Don’t know why, but the german word dass or was it das? is blocked as well.

You are right: “dass”, which is a pretty common word is blocked for containing “xxxx”. Aswell “weniger” meaning “less” is blocked for containing “niger”.

1.Why do you restrict swear words and curses in a player community which is avg 20-40 years old?

  1. Why do you restrict words like “idiot” when the announcer says “sons of xxxxxxx”?

And if you really think you need this filter which can be avoided so easily: A little on/off button in the settings won’t hurt anyone.

Yeah it’s kinda silly.

I just miss out a letter or add a hyphen or something when I want to swear. There’s always a way round these filters, so they should be optional.

I totally apreciate being babysitted. Otherwise i could get into the situation where i cannot sleep at night because i wrote something about a xxxx in the Star Conflict Internets. Or worse, read it.
Guys it makes sense, there has to be some ground breaking foundation building in this game, so we can eventually play tamachgochi with dat kid in his Mauler.

Also, [@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/) when will you come for your 1 weekday on the forum where you hastily answer everyone with speculated information ( cant blame you for that as i assume that the ones giving you any information are probably not very interested to give information to you) and then dissapear afterwards, leaving poor Skula to deal with us who doesn’t even speak english nor has the necessary know how to help any of us?

A game is only as healthy as it’s community. Not saying im healthy tho ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)


Thanks ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) Will add your words to exceptions. Also will be a good reason to check all the list once again

On 3/20/2017 at 10:14 PM, ntboble said:



2 hours ago, Spaceland71 said:

The community could help

Excuse my laugh sire but hahahahah

Chat needs an on/off filter option but idk if we could get ti since, well, pegi rating.

On 3/22/2017 at 1:17 AM, millanbel said:

Yeah it’s kinda silly.

I just miss out a letter or add a hyphen or something when I want to swear. There’s always a way round these filters, so they should be optional.


Or be like Milf and don’t add/remove anything. Dev need to contact me and fix this too.

2 hours ago, Milfeulle said:


Or be like Milf and don’t add/remove anything. Dev need to contact me and fix this too.

![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”) How did you do it? I need to know (for… reasons…)!

Eitherdoesn’t filter in Corp chat,  or they are using a trick. I think they use a trick  of some sort, maybe different keyboard that’s still mainly English :slight_smile: