Engine Suppressor

Also, real tackler pros use gauss cannons, even on the Parallax. 


Truly? I always thought that singularities had an edge over gauss because of the added versatility (more effective against frigs). Perhaps I should try the gauss out soon; I use positrons on my Styx these days, and the two weapons shouldn’t be that different, I guess…


The day players will understand that Tackler don’t go in the middle of a fight but stay near the objectives which have to be protected or near the engineer.


Flying a slow Jeri tackler makes you want to just stay in one area and defend. 

Truly? I always thought that singularities had an edge over gauss because of the added versatility (more effective against frigs). Perhaps I should try the gauss out soon; I use positrons on my Styx these days, and the two weapons shouldn’t be that different, I guess…


Yes. Read the part about closed-minded ship fitting and my mentality state again. Gauss adds versatility to the team, not the singularity. The Tackler is not a sword, stop trying to make it one. You will only break it.

Yes. Read the part about closed-minded ship fitting and my mentality state again. Gauss adds versatility to the team, not the singularity. The Tackler is not a sword, stop trying to make it one. You will only break it.


The Parallax is too fragile to be a sword. At most, a big dagger. If I cannot kill something within seconds, I don’t engage. If I engage, it has to die within seconds. If I engage and it doesn’t die… oops. 

The Parallax is too fragile to be a sword. At most, a big dagger. If I cannot kill something within seconds, I don’t engage. If I engage, it has to die within seconds. If I engage and it doesn’t die… oops. 


 If I engage and it doesn’t die… 


And that’s where your teammates come in to cover you. You can provide an easy kill for your team if you position yourself properly and bait to the right spot. 

After seeing Neocodex fly and being blown up into bits by his tackler a few games at t3, I decided to use gauss as my Parallax’s weapon aswell and boom inty’s are going down like flies with tackler debuffs+gauss but once they get close to me I’m dead.  Well just be sure to stay away from the inty’s and grind to max your tackler debuffs. It helps when you can use the debuffs at 3100m. With that range plus a max out gauss+crit module+good aim you can kill the inty before it reaches you…


And like what they all say tacklers work best with a good team. You debuff a target and your teammates FF on that target. With a good aim you can still get the last shot.


Anyway, sir Neocodex mabye I can see your Parallax build since seeing your ship makes me enjoy flying tackler more XD

Also, real tackler pros use gauss cannons , even on the Parallax. And can dogfight for a bit as well (ion emitter is the worst dogfight weapon). Singularity will force you to get close and kill yourself, the mechanic of the weapon conflicts with the tackler playstyle. We have gunships for that role. Fill in your niche and work with your team, you don’t need singularity on your ship if your gunships have them. Putting singularity on a tackler is closed-minded thinking, think more outside of the box and maybe you will succeed. Just saying.



We got a problem here, the weapon variety is so low that sometimes you must stick with 1 type of weapon in order tu sucess, I miss having a high pool of weapons to choose from.

Hopefully in the future we will have more weapons so roles and games in general will be more diverse.


Tacklers and Fed Gunships can’t use Ions because it’s the worst dogfight wepaon, Empire Commands can’t use bubbles unless they fit them with decent speed and maneuver, even with that Ions are way better for that ships. Gunships with Gauss are ok but compared to Ion or Bubbles (and even Railguns) they don’t do enough damage.


And the list would be longer if we start talking about Interceptors, Frigates and the fact that some weapons are just trash compared to others. Seems that some ships and roles are stuck with one or maybe two weapons out of four, and that’s not good.

Seems you are having problems with a tackler, thinking it is the final answer to any interceptor player. Well, you are wrong.


The tackler is an ambusher, you don’t have dps boost, or survivability boost. You need the surprise to kill your enemies, and you must know which are your targets and which are not.


I had no problems at all levelling tier 3 tacklers, and I played both of them the same way, which I will try to explain:

  • First of all, range. You are a squishy ship, even the jerry one, so you need to stay far from the fray. I used ion emitters with flat reflectors and horizon modules (where I could) so I had a nice 5000 m range, with 3700 optimal, which means anything I get in the suppresor is in optimal range.

  • Stay with the team, poke enemies, farm assists with the target painter and the afterburner suppresor. They don’t have recharge time, and are great for debuffing frigates and fighters.

  • Look out for recons, they are your greatest enemies, and in case you got droned, stay back and wait for the drones to dissapear. A droned tackler is a dead tackler.

  • Use your camo module for retreat OR for ambushes. Ambushes should be done from behind, always, and you should not allow the enemy to know what is happening. Just uncloak, burn all modules and kick his xxxx fast, then retreat. If the ambush fails, try to run. Even the Katana AE is quite fast if properly fitted, and you should be able to perma AB.

  • Engine supressor should only be used against fast fighters (fed ones) and ceptors.

  • Never dogfight. Stay at 2000 meters and break contact if the enemy gets closer. Use the speed debuffs to keep the enemy at range. A ceptor at 2000 meters without AB and with suppressed engine will melt in seconds if your aim is decent. But closer he can outmanouver you, even if he is slow, because he has superior roll rate and maneuverability.



Always remember, you are not a warrior, not a tank, you are a ninja. Strike fast, run and hide, rinse and repeat.


No sir, I don’t have a problem with the tackler. This is probably what most people assumed and explains all the advice that poured in. In fact this is my favorite class to fly. If I had a problem with it I would fly something else… This thread was aimed at the Engine Supressor and why it does not affect all axis of maneuverability. It makes no sense because technically you can stack this up and slow a ship down to a standstill but it will still move around on it’s axes at 100% speed. Guess that does not use the engine at all…


If anyone is looking for advice how to fly the tackler then what you said hits the bulls eye.

We got a problem here, the weapon variety is so low that sometimes you must stick with 1 type of weapon in order tu sucess, I miss having a high pool of weapons to choose from.

Hopefully in the future we will have more weapons so roles and games in general will be more diverse.


Tacklers and Fed Gunships can’t use Ions because it’s the worst dogfight wepaon, Empire Commands can’t use bubbles unless they fit them with decent speed and maneuver, even with that Ions are way better for that ships. Gunships with Gauss are ok but compared to Ion or Bubbles (and even Railguns) they don’t do enough damage.


And the list would be longer if we start talking about Interceptors, Frigates and the fact that some weapons are just trash compared to others. Seems that some ships and roles are stuck with one or maybe two weapons out of four, and that’s not good.


I’d love to have a wider range of weapons to choose from. I’m sad and glad at the same time that the Christmas weapons are gone.

Anyway, sir Neocodex mabye I can see your Parallax build since seeing your ship makes me enjoy flying tackler more XD


Sure, here it is:


Sure, here it is:



Knowing about your R2 and R6 implants is vital for that ship build.

Knowing about your R2 and R6 implants is vital for that ship build.

Indeed. So is the proton wall with combination of Oculus a better choice if you don’t get the Jericho one.

kinda out of topic XD ohh kinda intriguing build… for mine I used pulse discharge for added dmg and had galvanized hull,auxilary shield,asy projector. What do you think about that? and how bout the implants? :slight_smile:


yeah hopefully tacklers get new buffs reading here and there that this class is really underpowered…

In current game balances Gauss on a tackler in Sec Con (T4-T5) will make you a big liability to your team

Tacklers and Fed Gunships can’t use Ions because it’s the worst dogfight wepaon,

 Ions on a Federation Fighters are as hard as pulse lasers on interceptors, which not so hard. I personally find Gauss to be the worst in a close dogfighting and it is more related to the a “vantage point” of a camera and where your aiming reticule is, kinda the same way where it is much harder to hit shrapnel in <300 range.

 I remember making a “melee” crit WolfM with Ions+Curved reflector, i wouldn’t say it is very effective overall comparing to other builds, but it is sure fun and kinda makes a CovOp out of you

T5 is another story:)


kinda out of topic XD ohh kinda intriguing build… for mine I used pulse discharge for added dmg and had galvanized hull,auxilary shield,asy projector. What do you think about that? and how bout the implants? :slight_smile:


yeah hopefully tacklers get new buffs reading here and there that this class is really underpowered…


I have a general rule, if your average resists are below 75 and ammount below 7.500, increase resists first. The higher you go from these numbers, the more appealing stacking the ammount becomes.


Not a fan of galvanized, need that rotation.


About PD: 


Base 661e / Regen 128e/s, with PD 116e/s

Both debuff modules, -91e/s

Afterbruners -84e/s


All at once = -175e/s


Keep in mind you need a buffer for activation of other modules and cloak as well, so e-management is pretty important altough your base is stable, but I think PD could work (specialy with engineer’s EE, no problem), but I just like my EB better.


And Gauss can work in a dogfight, it’s not easy, but still better to hit 1 charged shot for 1-4k than missing 50% of the time with the lasers all over the place for 200 dps. Easier with Parallax too, with that heating bonus.

 Ions on a Federation Fighters are as hard as pulse lasers on interceptors,


I don’t agree with that. Pulse Lasers have very high fire rate and for a few seconds Pulse Lasers deal a lot of damage and then overheat. When using Ion you have lower fire rate, and if you are not using Overdrive it’s even lower, and you need to keep the laser constantly on the enemy to deal good damage on him. That’s why Ions are better Imo for


Empire Gunships, because they have more CPU slots and they are slower than Fed ones, they will be from a mid-long range distance with higher crit chance/damage values dealing slowly but constantly high amounts of damage.


I have of course seen Fed Gunships with Ions, but compared of how they work with Bubbles I don’t think that weapon is designed for them.


And yes, Gauss is a sniping weapon so in dogfights you’re pretty much dead unless you the enemy is very bad and you have a good maneuver and aim or you have mates close to you to give you a hand.



I’d love to have a wider range of weapons to choose from. I’m sad and glad at the same time that the Christmas weapons are gone.


I think (and just think) new weapons will be added, not sure when, but every game needs variety and this one needs it, and a lot, we can only wait, at least we know they are “testing” with new weapons like the holiday ones.


I don’t agree with that. Pulse Lasers have very high fire rate and for a few seconds Pulse Lasers deal a lot of damage and then overheat. 



Funny thing is, if you use pulses on an ECM, with heating ammo, and jerry rank 6 implant, you can shot for 6 secs before it overheats, giving you a lot of damage at close range.

Empire Gunships, with Ions are f-ing deadly. I managed to get something like 6-7k crits, CONSTANTLY. Granted it’s not the best way to kill someone because it implies your positioning is perfect, but it’s still deadly as everything, especially against Frigates.

Funny thing is, if you use pulses on an ECM, with heating ammo, and jerry rank 6 implant, you can shot for 6 secs before it overheats, giving you a lot of damage at close range.


I know, they will need more time to overheat, but the damage will be less. ECM ships have no extra crit chance like Cov Ops and Recons, and they don’t have orions. Good thing that a ECM with PLasers don’t need anti spread modules or crit modules and can fit a Proton Wall to make his job better.