Engine Suppressor

The Engine Suppressor module should reduce speed of ship in all areas including strafe, acceleration, pitch and roll. This module is not working properly as intended against interceptors who can still outmaneuver a tackler even when ‘suppressed’ at close range.

Here’s an idea: don’t let Ceptors get under your guns and maybe that module will work better for you.

or perhaps give it an effect bonus when used against interceptors.

Here’s an idea: don’t let Ceptors get under your guns and maybe that module will work better for you.


It’s called an Engine Supressor for a reason and you are not even making sense. If you have some constructive feedback as to why you think it works properly then go ahead and spill it.



or perhaps give it an effect bonus when used against interceptors.


I don’t agree. It should affect all ships equally just like all other modules.

It’s called an Engine Supressor for a reason and you are not even making sense. If you have some constructive feedback as to why you think it works properly then go ahead and spill it.

The reason you’re not killing Ceptors (because I assume that’s the sole reason you’re complaining about this) is because you trigger the Suppressor TOO CLOSE to yourself. Thus, you’ve proven the Tackler’s sole downside: enemies being too close to you. Trigger the Engine Suppressor when it’s at its range so you can effectively kill the Ceptor BEFORE they get under your guns and kill you, instead.


Engine Suppressor is fine as is. No modifications are needed for this or any Tackler module, at this point.


Engine Suppressor is fine as is. No modifications are needed for this or any Tackler module, at this point.


I’d like to agree with all of this. You are correct that the engine suppressor is fine as is, but what about the Sentry Drone? 

Here’s an idea: don’t let Ceptors get under your guns and maybe that module will work better for you.

Here’s an idea, T4 interceptors can strafe faster than some fighters fly forward.

I’d like to agree with all of this. You are correct that the engine suppressor is fine as is, but what about the Sentry Drone? 

The Sentry Drones just need a projectile speed buff to be effective. They’re already awesome at hitting ships on Beacons and are almost always ignored by everyone until it’s often too late. It’s an excellent underused weapon.

or perhaps give it an effect bonus when used against interceptors.

A strait different value or effect against interceptors would not be appropriate, module effects should be the same to all targets, however you could change the effect from from a flat % based change to something that would scale based on the target.  For example a root of some kinds (such as 1.2 root) or have it cap the targets max speed to a set value (such as 200m/s for example), thus the impact would be larget against things with higher natural speeds.

The reason you’re not killing Ceptors (because I assume that’s the sole reason you’re complaining about this) is because you trigger the Suppressor TOO CLOSE to yourself. Thus, you’ve proven the Tackler’s sole downside: enemies being too close to you. Trigger the Engine Suppressor when it’s at its range so you can effectively kill the Ceptor BEFORE they get under your guns and kill you, instead.


I trigger the module as soon as interceptor is in range but it does not prevent the enemy from moving towards you, it just lowers their speed. I think you are confusing this with Engine Inhibitor Beam which I don’t have equipped. As soon as interceptor is close enough it will outmaneuver the tacker due to superior strafe, roll and pitch which are not affected and should be affected for the allotted time. The sole purpose of the tackler is to take out interceptors and any module it has is either not powerful enough or can be easily neutralized. This module in particular should affect all engine related components as its name suggests. If it was just ‘speed’ it would have been called ‘Speed Suppressor’.

I trigger the module as soon as interceptor is in range but it does not prevent the enemy from moving towards you, it just lowers their speed. I think you are confusing this with Engine Inhibitor Beam which I don’t have equipped. As soon as interceptor is close enough it will outmaneuver the tacker due to superior strafe, roll and pitch which are not affected and should be affected for the allotted time. The sole purpose of the tackler is to take out interceptors and any module it has is either not powerful enough or can be easily neutralized. This module in particular should affect all engine related components as its name suggests. If it was just ‘speed’ it would have been called ‘Speed Suppressor’.

Killing them also depends on which weapons YOU have on and whether or not they’re a Recon to Spy Drone you cause you still CAN cloak out of their way. Anyway, you’re a Support ship, why are you spear-heading the attacks?

Killing them also depends on which weapons YOU have on and whether or not they’re a Recon to Spy Drone you cause you still CAN cloak out of their way.


How is this relevant to why the ‘Engine Suppressor’ works as expected? Again you are not stating any fact to support your theory. I don’t think you understand the game well enough when you say ‘you can just cloak’. Every interceptor has an anti-cloak module of some sort from spider web to spy cameras.



Anyway, you’re a Support ship, why are you spear-heading the attacks?


Who said anything about spearheading attacks. This has nothing to do with that. This is about a module that is not working as intended whether in support role or not.

This is about a module that is not working as intended whether in support role or not.

Technically speaking it was never “Intended” by Developers to work the way you want it to work, i am not arguing if it should or should not reduce rotation/strafes, just saying.

I’d like to agree with all of this. You are correct that the engine suppressor is fine as is, but what about the Sentry Drone? 


If you don’t agree, that’s fine, even if you don’t even give a reason for that, but just don’t open new topics.

The Sentry Drones just need a projectile speed buff to be effective. They’re already awesome at hitting ships on Beacons and are almost always ignored by everyone until it’s often too late. It’s an excellent underused weapon.


They suck like 30-31 energy per second, and you can’t destroy them, so when you don’t need them you are pretty fucked in terms of energy.


If they just had more fire rate they would be ok, but a multipurpose module is way better than a drone.

How is this relevant to why the ‘Engine Suppressor’ works as expected? Again you are not stating any fact to support your theory. I don’t think you understand the game well enough when you say ‘you can just cloak’. Every interceptor has an anti-cloak module of some sort from spider web to spy cameras.


Who said anything about spearheading attacks. This has nothing to do with that. This is about a module that is not working as intended whether in support role or not.

Because it IS working as intended. Just because you don’t like the way it works, doesn’t mean there is need to change. I don’t like the way Engineer heals work or how a particular ship’s Passive Slots are laid out. That doesn’t mean I’m going on a war to change them.

I agree.  I think that the Engine Suppressor is fine as is, but I do think that the Devs could experiment with some other combinations.  It could be interesting if they mix in some of KitLatura’s ideas.  Perhaps, perhaps not.

May I direct your attention [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22021-suggestion-discussion-tacklers/)? We have a comprehensive poll about tacklers.

I like the idea of having the suppressor affecting Interceptors more… since essentially a Tackler should be an anti-interceptor class. Not saying it should be an “iWin™” button.


However with that said, I share sentiments of the suppressor being effective enough if you use it correctly. And if the guy is too close to you, manoeuvre yourself into a position while he’s suppressed then lay waste to him?


It sounds like you just have tough luck against 'ceptors. Practice makes perfect.

I just tested the ‘Engine suppressor’ in conjunction with a ‘slowing missile’. Guess what? An interceptor can still out maneuver a tackler at close range! Plain BS! Moreover I saw interceptors at rank 8 with 12,000 pts which is more or less the same as a tackler at the same level but with superior maneuverability. Moreover, they also had hull and shield regeneration! Can you believe that!? I mean just how much more OP can you get? Forget the ‘firepower’ of the bigger ships. There is no such thing at close range. At close range all that matters is whether you can hit the opponent or not. The tackler is in NO way capable of doing its role at the moment in a 1v1 battle unless the interceptor is busy doing something else and you get a head start on it. This is about a ship that is meant to go “hunt and kill” an interceptor not hide behind a frigate and spam target paint.