Empire snipers?

More precise than computers calculating enemy trajectory 1 bilion times per second? More precise than a computer analizing the enemy ship energy transfer to thrusters and auto-correcting the trajectory before the ship even moves? I dont think so, a human would never be able to be superior in aiming than a computer from the 41th century. It may lose to strategy, or tactics if the human is a super genius, but to raw tracking and shooting… I hardly believe that since in space you would have much more variables to compute.

In the 41th century there would be also a lot of electronic warfare and very advanced, what could make auto aiming useless.

And with that, advanced firewalls and ECCM (eletronic counter-counter measures) Unless they say on this universe only ECM evolved and ECCM was abandoned which would be catastrophic, since banks would be easily robbed on 41th century, as the creds the players have, which is eletronic currency.


Imagine how easy, you get a ECM ship, use stasis on a bank, the bank is impossible to use its modules (and defenses) some dude goes in, steal trilions of creds, and go away in his crappy ECM.



********BTW, this thread is beyond derailed already, maybe a shutdown is required?

Anyone else remember when we did have “autoaim”, then it was removed but because of ping no one hit anything?  Then the devs brought it back but reduced compared to how it was before to “appease” the players?


Back then, we barely even knew we had autoaim.


Considering the abilities of modern computer systems, and the skills of some of the bots, a human would never stand a chance in this game verse good AI’s.

Well, a good AI couldnt just land hits on a moving enemy, but also, be able to shoot it right in the cockpit and with one shot kill the pilot and begone an enemy.

The easiest way to actually get players to play the Jericho and Empire lrfs correctly is to simply have a different description of the 2. As it stands now reading the description makes the ship sound like a piece of paper. The truth is that it isnt, especially for Jericho ships. My ingame name is PAINISPOWER. If you see me ingame watch my playstyle the Jericho lrf is NOT a sniper its a bloody gunship. Sadly the description says otherwise.

FYI i am tier 3 having fun in my Ira Deus

I top score in Jerry lrf and they are my favourite ship. Do not underestimate it simply because of the torpedo module

The easiest way to actually get players to play the Jericho and Empire lrfs correctly is to simply have a different description of the 2. As it stands now reading the description makes the ship sound like a piece of paper. The truth is that it isnt, especially for Jericho ships. My ingame name is PAINISPOWER. If you see me ingame watch my playstyle the Jericho lrf is NOT a sniper its a bloody gunship. Sadly the description says otherwise.

FYI i am tier 3 having fun in my Ira Deus

I top score in Jerry lrf and they are my favourite ship. Do not underestimate it simply because of the torpedo module



let the duck rest in peace