Empire snipers?

i find empire snipers extremely powerfull against, basically everything. its not very hard to hit a fighter and or interceptor with the disintegrator speed increase module. 


13 000 meters, same damage as guided torpedo.


its like a super powerfull Positron Cannon.


positron cannon = long range, fast projectile speed. = perfect interceptor and fighter killer.


aslong as this one deals 10k dmg per hit, if mk4 weapon it deals 11k. and you got modules to increase damage by 30 precent and projectile speed by 120 precent.


this against guard hurts. its okay that you can hide and all this. but within the time you are fighting off the rest of enemies and you move a slightly bit aside you are in range of the long range again.


also it does not deal exlposion damage = the r1 implant federation, exlposion damage reduced by 30 precent.= useless. 


trying to go covert ops against it. “might work” but its quite hard to get to the long range before your invisibility is off. also its easy to spot the ship even as invisible.


it can get 57 000 survival, + with 2 survival modules and or one, this is getting quite hard to kill. 


i also find empire ships way more surviveable, the lightbringer is also overpowered 


you might be able to see the laser. but, if you are in a dogfight you wont always notice it and just suddenly get whiped out 13 000 meters away. 


also, they try to move either upp / down, left or right on corner of map and put on this stealth field so you cant see them. 


if you try rushing the long range you are already thousands of meters within their territory and everyone will charge at you aswell before you even get close to the long range. 


= op.


jericho long ranges = can hide, has 10 000 range. has 4x slower reload time than sniper. within the time you hide people can see the track of your guided torpedo.


the ship is weaker than sniper. 


if you hide you loose the field vision and if someone charges at you, you would not even see it. 


people often dies when they are using the guided torpedo module. loose sight around them instantly. 


its quite easy to avoid because you will hear the missile is coming quite long before its there. interceptors and fighters can avoid it easily. except with volley charge.


there is no reason to hide because if you get attacked you’re main weapon is useless and you are most likely dead before you even hit the enemy. 

I dont know man, the disinigrator is hard to use when an interceptor is about 9000 meters away. I mean, if you are moving with out cover or with out bobbing or weaving, then you deserve to get shot IMO

Boring to play with, and easy to play against, even on a frigate you can avoid 90% of Desintegrator players. Only good players will kill you, unless you play like a flying brick.


Quoting Error

Win chance = 50+(10*Enemy Sniper)-(10*Ally Sniper)%

well seeing as the team with the most long range frigates ALWAYS loses, LRFs are underpowered, if anything.

and anyone with a degree of skill can dodge the disentigrator, I can even dodge them consistently in my fed engineer.

the tachyon charge is a different story, however. it is really hard to dodge that but they can only use it once every ~20 seconds which is not often enough to kill a skilled pilot. if you build your ships to be fragile enough to be 1-shot by a LRF, then you deserve to be 1-shotted. 


LRFs are only “OP” against fruitcake players who cant dodge them, players who wouldnt contribute to the battle anyway and would otherwise be killed just as easily by any other ship. LRFs cant take objectives, and that makes them the least valuable player on any team.

 Well played T5 Emp LRF can win games for your team in Sector Conquest, especially if it is paired with ECM or good tackler on voice comm, all it needs is a single hit with boosted shot. in Capture the beacon you don’t get to respawn.

 I wouldn’t buff or nerf sniping abilities of Empire LRF as of yet, what i don’t understand is a tankiness that comes with it, you cant simple flank it and “take care of it”, clearly Disintegrator is a long range design, while torpedo (even though named as LRF) is more of a mid range fire support tool, meant to be used as a supplement to main guns, and yet Jericho LRFS are paper thin comparing to Empire.


I don’t think Empire LRFs has to be that tanky as sniper, or keep its tankiness and force it to be close-mid range fire support with 6 guns, but nerf disintegrator.

 Well played T5 Emp LRF can win games for your team in Sector Conquest, especially if it is paired with ECM or good tackler on voice comm, all it needs is a single hit with boosted shot. in Capture the beacon you don’t get to respawn.

 I wouldn’t buff or nerf sniping abilities of Empire LRF as of yet, what i don’t understand is a tankiness that comes with it, you cant simple flank it and “take care of it”, clearly Disintegrator is a long range design, while torpedo (even though named as LRF) is more of a mid range fire support tool, meant to be used as a supplement to main guns, and yet Jericho LRFS are paper thin comparing to Empire.


I don’t think Empire LRFs has to be that tanky as sniper, or keep its tankiness and force it to be close-mid range fire support with 6 guns, but nerf disintegrator.

Desintegrator already has a delay and a mega zoom view which renders it useless in close combat, unless torpedo. In fact, if I go to the furball with an empire gunship, I can’t use the desintegrator, but with a jerry one the torpedo always leads the way.


I don’t find them unbalanced, just different. And empire ones are not THAT thanky. Sure they are more tankier than jerry ones, But anyway.


I’m not afraid of LRF players, except some of them who know how to play. But I would be afraid of them in any ship, not only in a LRF.


Ships are not OP, players are.

i find empire snipers extremely powerfull against, basically everything. its not very hard to hit a fighter and or interceptor with the disintegrator speed increase module. 


13 000 meters, same damage as guided torpedo.


its like a super powerfull Positron Cannon.


positron cannon = long range, fast projectile speed. = perfect interceptor and fighter killer.


aslong as this one deals 10k dmg per hit, if mk4 weapon it deals 11k. and you got modules to increase damage by 30 precent and projectile speed by 120 precent.


this against guard hurts. its okay that you can hide and all this. but within the time you are fighting off the rest of enemies and you move a slightly bit aside you are in range of the long range again.


also it does not deal exlposion damage = the r1 implant federation, exlposion damage reduced by 30 precent.= useless. 


trying to go covert ops against it. “might work” but its quite hard to get to the long range before your invisibility is off. also its easy to spot the ship even as invisible.


it can get 57 000 survival, + with 2 survival modules and or one, this is getting quite hard to kill. 


i also find empire ships way more surviveable, the lightbringer is also overpowered 


you might be able to see the laser. but, if you are in a dogfight you wont always notice it and just suddenly get whiped out 13 000 meters away. 


also, they try to move either upp / down, left or right on corner of map and put on this stealth field so you cant see them. 


if you try rushing the long range you are already thousands of meters within their territory and everyone will charge at you aswell before you even get close to the long range. 


= op.


jericho long ranges = can hide, has 10 000 range. has 4x slower reload time than sniper. within the time you hide people can see the track of your guided torpedo.


the ship is weaker than sniper. 


if you hide you loose the field vision and if someone charges at you, you would not even see it. 


people often dies when they are using the guided torpedo module. loose sight around them instantly. 


its quite easy to avoid because you will hear the missile is coming quite long before its there. interceptors and fighters can avoid it easily. except with volley charge.


there is no reason to hide because if you get attacked you’re main weapon is useless and you are most likely dead before you even hit the enemy. 

Disintegrator does more damage than a torpedo, a lot more.  Pretty much the only limitation on Empire LRF’s is line of sight.  I’ve one shotted some fed fighters without a damage boosted charge.


Also, you can dodge a disintegrator from 9000m away in any ship at all, even a slow xxxx Jericho guard.  Fly with the keyboard, use the Fed R5 Cheetah implant, and know how to strafe.  You might do little more than dance but you can still dodge.


I wouldn’t buff or nerf sniping abilities of Empire LRF as of yet

Ignoring Empire hull tanking dominance, I would nerf one thing in particular about Empire LRF’s: their range.  A recon is currently the best ship to try to go after it only because of MWD.  If their range were reduced to below that of a Jericho LRF then it would get a decently viable counter other than another Empire LRF.


Empire LRF’s are the most boring ship in the game to play, especially in large matches.  It’s also like just handing someone half decent a huge DSR.  I have no clue how so many people suck at it.

Desintegrator already has a delay and a mega zoom view which renders it useless in close combat, unless torpedo. In fact, if I go to the furball with an empire gunship, I can’t use the desintegrator, but with a jerry one the torpedo always leads the way.


I don’t find them unbalanced, just different. And empire ones are not THAT thanky. Sure they are more tankier than jerry ones, But anyway.

 You really underestimate ability to tank up a T5 Empire LRF, so you have a potential to nuke stuff ant the very long range and in the same time you have no downsides in closoe range, it can easily take care of itself with smart positioning and tankiness and 6 guns in closoe combat.

I’m not afraid of LRF players, except some of them who know how to play. But I would be afraid of them in any ship, not only in a LRF.


Ships are not OP, players are.

If you give an OP ship into a hands of a very good player it will wreck the balance.

Good example is recent Gauss nerf, there are still players saying it was “to weak” but in the right hands it was retardedly off the balance.

Disintegrator does more damage than a torpedo, a lot more.  Pretty much the only limitation on Empire LRF’s is line of sight.  I’ve one shotted some fed fighters without a damage boosted charge.


Also, you can dodge a disintegrator from 9000m away in any ship at all, even a slow xxxx Jericho guard.  Fly with the keyboard, use the Fed R5 Cheetah implant, and know how to strafe.  You might do little more than dance but you can still dodge.


Ignoring Empire hull tanking dominance, I would nerf one thing in particular about Empire LRF’s: their range.  A recon is currently the best ship to try to go after it only because of MWD.  If their range were reduced to below that of a Jericho LRF then it would get a decently viable counter other than another Empire LRF.


Empire LRF’s are the most boring ship in the game to play, especially in large matches.  It’s also like just handing someone half decent a huge DSR.  I have no clue how so many people suck at it.

a) with enough patience and experience you can hit ANYONE with charged disintegrator shot, and it is that much easier with dedicated disabler. and again, in Capture the beacon it is all you need - one clean shot

b) my whole point is about sector conquest and how effective can it be. It is particularly effective vs Fighters.

the more experience you have with and against them, 


the more you would know.

a) with enough patience and experience you can hit ANYONE with charged disintegrator shot, and it is that much easier with dedicated disabler. and again, in Capture the beacon it is all you need - one clean shot

b) my whole point is about sector conquest and how effective can it be. It is particularly effective vs Fighters.

atleast what you say makes sence. 


since its not explosive damage its damage is so high, either increase jericho long ranges damage or turn down damage from sniper.


one way or another.


the sniper shots 4x faster than the guided torpedo long ranges. 


take that into consideration. 


tachyon charge + 170% projectile speed increase. perfect for interceptors and fighters.


weapon overcharge + 30% damage.  perfect for guards and engineering. also if you hit a fighter with that its gonna be emergency shield upp right away or death. 


i also dont have any archdragon or asked anything about it. so how is the disintegrator damage with a mk4 weapon? 14 000?


jericho long range standard mk1 is 8383, with mk4 its 11 150 damage. 


how much is the sniper?


Ignoring Empire hull tanking dominance, I would nerf one thing in particular about Empire LRF’s: their range. 


Definitely NOT! 

It needs smth to be better in comparison to Jerry-LRF. They can hide… Emp. cant. 

Also not that the desintegrator gradually looses dmg. beyond 10km. At max range you do about 1/5th. 


And yes, I agree that Jerry-LRFs are UP, BUT: They multiply like cancer at the moment. I dont know why, but its fact. 

If you buff that ship … Its gonna be a very one-sided-time. 

the more experience you have with and against them,

the more you would know.

You should fly every class at least until finishing T2.  You’ll learn their strengths and learn their weaknesses.  By watching how you’re attacked, killed, and unable to kill your opponent you will learn how to dominate your opponent.


Definitely NOT!

It needs smth to be better in comparison to Jerry-LRF. They can hide… Emp. cant.

Also not that the desintegrator gradually looses dmg. beyond 10km. At max range you do about 1/5th.

I can’t recall that much damage loss when I was flying them.  It’s been a little while since they added the Hydra 2 -> Styx line and I’ve only flown it one or two times since then.  I might jump back into Empire LRF’s once I get Minotaur ranked enough.  It should be my fastest Empire R15 ship to get for contracts.  Currently, an Empire at 10km has no counter other than recon.  The torpedo will lose range, and a lot of if just by maneuvering.  A Jericho LRF at 10km is no threat.  Around 9.5km is the real maximum.


Remember, Empire LRF is more repositionable.  It will probably be outside of sensor range of most ships.  Only a red ball reveals it and that can be quickly canceled.  If it’s off to the side, top, or bottom of the map it’s not going to gain fast attention even if making kills.  You can circle the map and snipe their spawn point from behind.  The torpedo’s trail gives a huge path to follow to the LRF so it’s suicidal to move too far out so it had to be able to hide while using the torpedo.


And yes, I agree that Jerry-LRFs are UP, BUT: They multiply like cancer at the moment. I dont know why, but its fact.

Was bored last night in Sec Con solo, so Mauler time!:

Try this…


3x Acceleration Coil in capacitors

3x Horizons in CPU

Cruise Missile as missile slot

Tychon charge for boosted torpedo

Was i effective? hell no, i sux at LRFs big time

But man was it fun…

It’s more fun, that’s why it happens.  Empire LRF’s OP, but boring as hell.


On a side note, I’m not seeing a lot of Ira Deus’s.  Maybe people are just grinding the line?  Maybe Mauler has an effect?

Ive been debating about buying a chiron, seeing this makes me lean towards doing si.

Always remember, snipers are not going for objectives;)

Always remember, snipers are not going for objectives;)

In Sec Con “kill them all” is a good objective :slight_smile:

I think Sniper are a wrong way in development.


Even if you balance them, and i agree that Jerocho LRF is UP compared to Emp, then there is still one thing.


A) Its boring for the player, imagine a web page, where you have such a snipe thing and a high score…how long would you stay on that web page?

And same with the game, Desintegrator Sniping gets boring very very fast…


B) it usually makes your own team loose, as you not care about objectives

(Frustration withing your team)


C) Frustration at the enemy: Usually Snipers hardly kill or hit something, but…if they get the lucky shot out of nowhere a beam bam…and u are instant dead, that is really frustrating.

This is a space combat game, and you want to fly around and dodge and bom bang…und not wanna be ZAP out of nowhere …respawn…

I’m amazed with most of the comments here. Snipers can fight for objectives, and they are critical for siege warfare in capture the beacons. Maybe they are not there capping the beacon (or maybe they are, I have capped a lot of beacons with LRF) but they open the way for the team with the long range damage, or just with the threat of it.


Also, they are the best counter to snipers in the game.


And boring? What is boring is to play like a n00b, camping in the spawning point. But finding a nice position, waiting for the shot, choosing the right objective, cycling your lrf modules, choosing the right one each time, and knowing when to stay back, and when to charge in front to help with your raw DPS. That is not boring.


Maybe the devs should rename the class “Heavy gunship” instead of “long range frigate” and people won’t camp that much.

The broken thing on the Imperial Engineer is not the Dammage/Range/Tanking/ect.


It’s the RATE OF FIRE of the Desintigrator.

I’m amazed with most of the comments here. Snipers can fight for objectives, and they are critical for siege warfare in capture the beacons. Maybe they are not there capping the beacon (or maybe they are, I have capped a lot of beacons with LRF) but they open the way for the team with the long range damage, or just with the threat of it.


Also, they are the best counter to snipers in the game.


And boring? What is boring is to play like a n00b, camping in the spawning point. But finding a nice position, waiting for the shot, choosing the right objective, cycling your lrf modules, choosing the right one each time, and knowing when to stay back, and when to charge in front to help with your raw DPS. That is not boring.


Maybe the devs should rename the class “Heavy gunship” instead of “long range frigate” and people won’t camp that much.




The broken thing on the Imperial Engineer is not the Dammage/Range/Tanking/ect.


It’s the RATE OF FIRE of the Desintigrator.

Pff… most PPL dont hit with it anyway.