ECM's too OP

Just because we are having 4v4 in our time zone in t5, it does not mean Russkies are not having 8v8-12v12 in T5, you have to understand, this game is not balanced nor designed for small matches, it is impossible to simultaneously balance 4v4s and 12v12 with same parameters, and introducing power modifications depending on game size would be just plain stupid.

It is up to the pilot to adopt and be able to play equally efficient in 12v12 and 4v4 games, and that includes ability to understand how each ship/build perform in given situations (maps/game modes/game size/ping) and you have 4 hanger slots to help you with adaptation.

Well, Stasis could remain exactly as is it but the Ion Diffuser could be tweaked : Like Reduce the effects of Active module by x% for y seconds.


Agree… that’s the only thing to do and i’ve already said this few time ago… The nerf ion must be brutal. Better removing it at all… enrgy absorber and stasi are more than enough for any skilled pilot :wink:

Agree… that’s the only thing to do and i’ve already said this few time ago… The nerf ion must be brutal. Better removing it at all… enrgy absorber and stasi are more than enough for any skilled pilot :wink:


NOOOOOOO  !!!     I need every advantage I can get

Just because we are having 4v4 in our time zone in t5, it does not mean Russkies are not having 8v8-12v12 in T5, you have to understand, this game is not balanced nor designed for small matches, it is impossible to simultaneously balance 4v4s and 12v12 with same parameters, and introducing power modifications depending on game size would be just plain stupid.

It is up to the pilot to adopt and be able to play equally efficient in 12v12 and 4v4 games, and that includes ability to understand how each ship/build perform in given situations (maps/game modes/game size/ping) and you have 4 hanger slots to help you with adaptation.


If its not balanced in small matches, then it needs to be fixed.  If it is designed for larger games, then I expect to get larger games more often (I can’t remember the last time I got in a game larger than 5v5).  Small matches don’t need to be exempt from the equation and exclude a large quantity of the gaming population.  If the devs want a complete and all around good game, they will have to make it work for every game size.  This is not just for ECM, but for anything. 


The only way to adapt to a t5  4v4 match where at least 2 of the opponents are ECM is to bring your own ECM.  ECM are interceptors, which make them already hard enough to hit, but when they both freeze you and stun you, it won’t matter about the diminishing stacking blah blah blah, you will be dead.  3000 dps on ECM in t5 is easy to get, and is also easy to get to 30% crit chance with ammo and implants as well.  Add piercing missiles or doomsdays and they will easily blow up anything they want, over and over again.  On top of that, the r13 implant insures they are able to do it again really soon. 



Thank you for contributing to the discussion

Thank you for contributing to the discussion

Discussion is impossible if your opponent does not understand (hopefully yet) fundamental things about the game or game  balance in general.

Discussion is impossible if your opponent does not understand (hopefully yet) fundamental things about the game or game  balance in general.


I understand well and have put many hours in the game, xKostyan.  ECM is okay as a class, I’m not arguing that.  What I am arguing, is that when ECMs makes up at least half of the enemy team, its not balanced, at all. 


In that suggestion, I wasn’t limiting the number of ECM you can bring, just how effective they are if they are spammed. 

Mass ECM efficiency regulated by itself. 

  • Lack of the all the benefits and advantages other classes bring into the game

  • Diminishing returns on the effects

Mass ECM efficiency regulated by itself. 

  • Lack of the all the benefits and advantages other classes bring into the game

  • Diminishing returns on the effects


I does not matter if they still win games anyway. They don’t need other classes if the enemy can’t even fight back without bringing their own ECMs.

Mass ECM efficiency regulated by itself. 

  • Lack of the all the benefits and advantages other classes bring into the game

  • Diminishing returns on the effects


Like I said, all it takes is 2 stasis/2 stun against a very good pilot along with focused fire and you will be dead.  Nothing you can do.  The ECM efficiency will return after you are dead.

Mass ECM efficiency regulated by itself. 

  • Lack of the all the benefits and advantages other classes bring into the game

  • Diminishing returns on the effects

Well, I’m not sure that a bonus on objective capture speed is a lack of benefit

Discussion is impossible if your opponent does not understand (hopefully yet) fundamental things about the game or game  balance in general.


You know nothing X Kost. :stuck_out_tongue:

Like I said, all it takes is 2 stasis/2 stun against a very good pilot along with focused fire and you will be dead.  Nothing you can do.  The ECM efficiency will return after you are dead.

If you see two ECMs focusing fire - then they work as a team. Something I see in T5s in maybe 2-3 games per day. As you probably know - the team can only be countered by another team. So grab covops and gunship and just kill them. You can’t? Your team is worse than theirs.

You know nothing X Kost. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, I  know that, huehuehue

Hey, I  know that, huehuehue

So you know something?

So grab covops and gunship and just kill them. You can’t? Your team is worse than theirs.


You can?


Show me this video of you and a buddy taking on dual ECMs in T5. I’d love to see it. Sector Conquest preferably.

Guards are supposed to be useless against a single interceptor, the Recon being one of it’s best counters. Where they come in handy is multiple interceptors. Guards rely on a team, if you operate a Guard against a single ceptor, you are using the Guard wrong.

The only time a Guard should be alone is if he flanks, or guards (both including the risk of being intercepted)

Interceptors are mostly close range, which is why guard modules can deal with a coordinated ceptor strike, by catching them near the team, applying unilateral damage, and demanding attention. He is not supposed to kill all of them, but for the ceptors, he becomes the main obstacle, while the rest of the team are supposed to clean it up.

Tacklers, especially with Gravibeamers, are great tools against Interceptors, but they lack damage output. They are, besides other ECM, and a lucky Guard slow or a superior dogfight pilot (CO, Recon) to the one sitting in the ECM, the only role that can counter an ECM, but has troubles in a 1v1, if it’s not on it’s own terms. They need, as the guard, to be part of a team.

Late usage of Tacklers with Cruise modules and drone deployment trolling however make them useless for this task, so they operate as 20% tackler, and 80% troll.

Since CO are actually also pretty strong in countering ECMs, but they have a lot more to fear on a Sec Con battlefield, and since Tacklers are still a better choice against ceptors, as long as your team has cohesion, I think the ECM spam has not to do with “countering interceptors”, rather with countering “some interceptor pilots”, and general OPness when it comes to upsides and downsides - the ECM has almost no downsides in T5 anymore, it’s fast, agile, small, tanky, has damage, has good modules, has a temporary invul, and profits from low player numbers in matches, has a custom buildable model, and so on.

so what you are saying is, you need at least 2 ships to bring down 1 ECM. In my book, that’s what is usually referred to as ‘unbalanced’ or ‘OP’. Mainly because it’s the only ship class you can’t bring down with one ship of another class in a direct confrontation.


Also about the ‘torpedo’ solution: If you catch an ECM, who is attacking you, with a torpedo the pilot just sucks. Even I never managed to catch a torpedo in an ECM, and I’m a terribad pilot. If a frigate is able to shoot a torpedo at you and hit you, you’ve done at least one of the following things:

 * stood still for the past 10 seconds

 * didn’t deactivate the frigate

 * flown in a straight line right at the frigate (usually recons coming out of warp do this…always fun, either they hit a 'roid, a beacon or a torp)


Those are things you learn to avoid in T1.

Just because we are having 4v4 in our time zone in t5, it does not mean Russkies are not having 8v8-12v12 in T5

I play in that timezone a lot, I have yet to see an 8v8. 12v12 is far off in the dreams

The matchmaker is probably set to get us games faster instead of waiting longer for bigger game. In a recent poll highest vote count was for “small battles, faster matchmaking”, iirc

I play in that timezone a lot, I have yet to see an 8v8. 12v12 is far off in the dreams

The matchmaker is probably set to get us games faster instead of waiting longer for bigger game. In a recent poll highest vote count was for “small battles, faster matchmaking”, iirc

Most of the time I get 5v5 or 6v6, but with really fast times (less than 1 min) So the player base is there, and big games are possible in T5, but it will increase the waiting times.