ECM's too OP



ECM ar spoiling the fun. There’s no counter to them.

There is, just pick ECM and fight fire with fire!


Also, a good sneak attack from a cov ops with WNJ will give you 8 seconds to kill him, considering he is not using J2, Proton wall and he is using the Metastable shield bubble.

i would rather try to pick a tackler, and fly it sane (long range gravis, all 3 active tackler modules, cruise / one drone optional)


good tackler with team can counter multiple ecms


a CO can dogfight an ECM down with the right module / weapon set, but thats harder, since you need a window of opportunity, and experience in dogfighting, and probably less anti-frigate capabilities. or as evis said with a sneak attack, however, with better ECM pilots who do not stop the ship, thats a bit harder.

you can also try to fight them away as a defense co in a cohesive team, simply keep them occupied and kill the others.


also 1 ecm isn’t the problem. 3-5 is.

Move on guys…

ECM r going to be nerfed anyway and finally i’d say so the new discussion is not abpout coounter or not, or i’m better than u lol

Discussion is about what do you want to be nerfed lol

I vote for the ion diffuser without any doubt… Remove it or brutally nerf it like they did with plasma arc on covop :wink:

ECMs have been complained and whined about since the beginning of time. Do you think the devs are just suddenly going to nerf it because you said so?



ECMs have been complained and whined about since the beginning of time. Do you think the devs are just suddenly going to nerf it because you said so?


why not lol I’m in this game since 0.4 lol

You can see squads composition in the match preview and it was me suggesting it the first time, i also suggested some stuff about HUD etc… I’m sure many ppl on this forum made the same and saw their ideas followed by devs… So definetely devs follow the situation :wink:


Proton wall does the body ship good.  Guards are the only ships that suffer badly from ecm if you ask me.  I don’t think they are that OP

My feeling is that ion diffuser just lasts a little too long - by the time it has worn off, likely following a stasis too, the ECM has leeched most if not all of your energy, and you are in serious trouble - and there is nothing that anyone can do to prevent it.

A single proton wall helps, but from experience is certainly not enough on an interceptor, and it seems a little unbalanced to have to allocate 2 CPU slots to counter a single opposing class.

If the ion diffuser duration was lowered a little, and/or proton walls made a little more effective, I think that would do a great job of pulling ECMs back into line.

got to love waka ae’s 3-4 second stasis…

Doesn’t pw help against engine supressor, white noise and IR Pulsar also?

I love when I spend more time ECMed than actually playing a battle. 

Doesn’t pw help against engine supressor, white noise and IR Pulsar also?

engine supression? just use ion diffuser.


White noise? just jinx and fly in circles till it dissaperars.


IR pulsar? well, you did it, you made the ECM just an interceptor for 20 seconds.

Okay, I have been playing a lot of t5 pvp and sec con recently, and have noticed that having multiple ECMs is pretty over powered.  I still think ECM is a pretty balanced ship, but not when half the team composition is ECM (it becomes very hard to kill anything, and near impossible for guards to play at all).  By limiting spam of a certain type of unit that can shut you off, and do a fair amount of dps in higher tiers.  Maybe reducing the cool downs of the ECM modules by 10-20% would help too I think.


I think in order to prevent ECM spam, they should implement a diminishing return system.  Basically, it would work something like this:


Ships on enemy team = X


For Games of 3-4 pilots

If 33-49% of X are ECM, ECM’s non multipurpose active module duration reduced 33% and recharge increased 33%

If 50% or higher of X are ECM, ECM’s non multipurpose active module duration reduced 66%, and recharge increased 66%


For Games of 5-10 pilots

If 25-39% of X are ECM, ECM’s non multipurpose active module duration reduced 33% and recharge increased 33%

If 40% or higher of X are ECM, ECM’s non multipurpose active module duration reduced 50%, and recharge increased 50%


For Games of 11+ pilots

If 20-39% of X are ECM, ECM’s non multipurpose active module duration reduced 25% and recharge increased 25%

If 40% or higher of X are ECM, ECM’s non multipurpose active module duration reduced 50%, and recharge increased 50%


Thoughts on this? 

No, this is terrible idea, just as much as “limiting” LRFs on the map. or any other role.

Its, not limiting, just making them less effective.  And honestly in lower tier matches that would be nice to stop all the new players from bringing nothing but LRFs.  Have an indicator in the ship selection screen showing if you choose this ship, it will not be as effective.

no, there is no need to make them less effective. Maybe tone down a little ECMs dmg via dmg ammo, that is it.

no, there is no need to make them less effective. Maybe tone down a little ECMs dmg via dmg ammo, that is it.


That would help t5 mostly, I think, which is good.  ECM spam would still exist I think but would allow you to live just a few more seconds.

no, there is no need to make them less effective. Maybe tone down a little ECMs dmg via dmg ammo, that is it.

Well, Stasis could remain exactly as is it but the Ion Diffuser could be tweaked : Like Reduce the effects of Active module by x% for y seconds.

Part of the problem with ECM is that the modules can be used one-after-another, from multiple ships. Meaning two ECM can completely take a player out of the fight and kill him within seconds.


What if they introduced a small period of immunity after each ECM module? Like say, 7 seconds where the target ship is immune? In theory, multiple ECMs won’t be able to use the same module on the same target one after another.


If that seems OP, then add it on as a benefit of the Proton Wall. The ship’s computer puts up a ‘firewall’ that prevents another stun module from affecting the ship for 7-ish seconds after the first one wears off.

Part of the problem with ECM is that the modules can be used one-after-another, from multiple ships. Meaning two ECM can completely take a player out of the fight and kill him within seconds.

Again, each next effect duration will be shorter than previous one, it has stacking diminishing return on ECM effects

Part of the problem with ECM is that the modules can be used one-after-another, from multiple ships. Meaning two ECM can completely take a player out of the fight and kill him within seconds.


What if they introduced a small period of immunity after each ECM module? Like say, 7 seconds where the target ship is immune? In theory, multiple ECMs won’t be able to use the same module on the same target one after another.


If that seems OP, then add it on as a benefit of the Proton Wall. The ship’s computer puts up a ‘firewall’ that prevents another stun module from affecting the ship for 7-ish seconds after the first one wears off.


Definitely a feasible idea. It wouldn’t affect ECMs too much when only 1 ECM is present, but when more than one is present, it definitely prevents ECM-spam from being insanely effective.


People can argue all they want that ECMs can be countered, but there is no truly effective counter when more than 25% of the match’s ships are ECMs. For instance, in a 4v4 and 2 people take ECMs, there is no effective way for the other team to counter the ECMs without taking ECMs themselves. This is a huge flaw with ECMs in the game balance, as ECMs have far fewer weaknesses than any of the other 8 roles. Sure, a Cov Ops White Noise is a good repellant, but only for one ECM, and it only lasts 7-9 seconds (with a proton wall, 10-14 w/out). If more than one ECM gangs up on you (which is very common), white noise only temporarily deters one of the ECMs. Granting an immunity for several seconds will solve many of the issues of ECM-spam.


Just to be clear, I am talking about T5, where the teams are hardly reliable. If you have a great team, it is easy to counter ECM-spam, as you can simply focus fire, but teams are rarely coordinated or reliable in T5 (too many tier-rushers).