ECM's too OP

All you need to do to be successful against ECM and other ships at the same time is by paying for another crew. Duh…

the ships themselves are pretty strong for different reasons

In regards to the video, being Captain is a rather specific situation, yes they’re a great class to be Captain (disables and 6 second emergency button), but the damage bonus skews their damage potential. Any ship is OP when you hand them a 75% damage buff and a competent pilot.

In regards to the video, being Captain is a rather specific situation, yes they’re a great class to be Captain (disables and 6 second emergency button), but the damage bonus skews their damage potential. Any ship is OP when you hand them a 75% damage buff and a competent pilot.


the damage is not what makes them strong, the point of the video is to show how much punishment it can take, not how many kills i get so being captain is irrelevant in that regard. if anything being captain backs up what I try to point out because suddenly you are the main target (as captain)

That just means you didn’t understand any of the basic principles of being a Guard pilot. Well done. Enjoy your continuous deaths at the hands of pilots who like taking advantage of you solo fliers.


FORTUNE, NO!! Hahaha, post the stats on that thing, I want to see how fast that glass cannon is.

Sureeeeee thing buddy.

the damage is not what makes them strong, the point of the video is to show how much punishment it can take, not how many kills i get so being captain is irrelevant in that regard. if anything being captain backs up what I try to point out because suddenly you are the main target (as captain)

with all due respect, this video is terrible proving point, naked kite would have done a similar job “taking that much punishment” in that game

with all due respect, this video is terrible proving point, naked kite would have done a similar job “taking that much punishment” in that game


sigh i will make another this week

I believe who says ecm’s just fine they are scarred to loose their  overpowered ships. I’m not saying ecms need a nerf , I dont like nerfs either but something must be adjust. Lets face it ; they are hard to take down thats why almost %80 captains use ecm ships. You say they are very good in group but very weak on 1 vs 1 , is it the case realy?


  An ecm able to disable any ship almost 10 seconds with only 2 modules rest of your modules up to you , you can steal your opponent shield or reduce damage rate or heal yourself whatever, in that 10 seconds your opponent just a siting duck your guns will hit him hard ok but … well lets talk about pylon madness , grim for example 3 hull slots that means  able to shoot 12 missiles in 4.4 seconds.  cartridge reloads in 22 seconds , faster than any other module… so in total;


28548 kinetic missile damage

23490 pulse laser damage

about 52.000 damage 




34.260 em missile damage

12.060 kinetic charger

46.320 total damage


while your opponent just able to  watch.


I fight with Zee today grim vs desert eagle , grim vs blood tormentor , grim vs … no way I can kill him on 1 vs 1 , yes he is very good so  I am too…his ship is fast , small ; hard to hit , you dont have have enough health left  to continue fight after disables anyway , and save the breath I did install purple protons and change implants. I killed him 1 time only with guard torpido I was lucky to able to shoot it…


By the way I dont know what was devs intention but pylons changed all balance ; any empire ship become rocket launcer ,torpido lrf’s , recons stronger than ever mine poopers kinetic blasters, ecm’s even more . 


ps, sorry for my english if I did grammer mistakes, I didn’t take any lessons learned it from  games movies etc… 

I believe who says ecm’s just fine they are scarred to loose their  overpowered ships. I’m not saying ecms need a nerf , I dont like nerfs either but something must be adjust. Lets face it ; they are hard to take down thats why almost %80 captains use ecm ships. You say they are very good in group but very weak on 1 vs 1 , is it the case realy?


Yup it is; cool supporter, weak duelist.


  An ecm able to disable any ship almost 10 seconds with only 2 modules rest of your modules up to you , you can steal your opponent shield or reduce damage rate or heal yourself whatever, in that 10 seconds your opponent just a siting duck your guns will hit him hard ok but …


Only one module can make you a “sitting duck”, and not even close to 10 seconds. The others can steal energy and disable modules. No further “sitting duck” included.


well lets talk about pylon madness , grim for example 3 hull slots that means  able to shoot 12 missiles in 4.4 seconds.  cartridge reloads in 22 seconds , faster than any other module… so in total;


28548 kinetic missile damage

23490 pulse laser damage

about 52.000 damage 




34.260 em missile damage

12.060 kinetic charger

46.320 total damage


while your opponent just able to  watch.


Nice, give away all tankyness and get a “I win” button, till you die. So around one time per player with some observatory skills. After that enjoy getting focused.


I fight with Zee today grim vs desert eagle

One gunship vs an ecm? Unless that gunship is really good and lucky, ecm will win. But so do recons and covert ops. Espicially the latter, somehow no one whines about them?


, grim vs blood tormentor

Again, you get outdanced and slowly killed.


, grim vs … no way I can kill him on 1 vs 1

Which is why this is a group game and not some wild west stand-off.


, yes he is very good so  I am too…his ship is fast , small ; hard to hit , you dont have have enough health left  to continue fight after disables anyway , and save the breath I did install purple protons and change implants. I killed him 1 time only with guard torpido I was lucky to able to shoot it…


By the way I dont know what was devs intention but pylons changed all balance

; any empire ship become rocket launcer ,torpido lrf’s , recons stronger than ever mine poopers kinetic blasters, ecm’s even more . 

I’m with you there, brainless rocket spam is on the rise.


ps, sorry for my english if I did grammer mistakes, I didn’t take any lessons learned it from  games movies etc… 

Could get what you wanted.

Well ,happy supporting. 00555.png

show me rakza flying this build and i’ll say it on his grave


I like to fly the Reaper because it’s probably the Hardest Guard to fly we have in T3 (Only 2 Shields Slots, no Gigas 2 Implant, no CPU slot ectect) but I’m far away from flying it with un-competitive Build.

I know the limits of my ships 

I would have no problem to fly a full mobility/Speed Reaper, but in this situation, I would just have to work on a special Fitting/Crew Set just for it (Including tons of stats and videos Analyzis) but I’m too lazy for this right now.

I would have no problem to fly a full mobility/Speed Reaper…




For what? Having a Reaper going at 380m/s with no energy trouble, no negative Resistance and correct stats vs T4 ships?

Not even close to Happen with the actual matchmaking.

In my opionion ECMs are well, but the stasis generator is too op. In T5 this module make you flying 3 sec straight, and you can’t do anything. I think they should reduce the active time of the stasis generator 30% and increase the reload speed. And when you do a turn and get disabled, you shouldn’t just fly straight but hold your course.

This topic is an endless debate.


I find them overpowered. I know I can beat it one on one in a CO, but that situation does not always come up. Lategame ECMs with 9 second module stun, 3 seconds freeze, together with tank and team… impossible to kill, especially if the pilot actually has some skill.


So there it is, my main problem with ECMs: it’s the ship with the least of skill involved to survive in. Great captain ship, because it can stand against bigger odds. But it gets hilarious if the pilot is actually skilled. A Covert Ops or Recon, even a Guard it seems to me sometimes, would never survive so much punishment, as ECMs do. Once Tacklers and own ECMs are gone, such an endgame-ecm can become simply unkillable, by no effort whatsoever.


And that’s what I dislike about them, but I have no suggestions on how to change it.

Because sadly, without the ECMs powers, other ships would get overpowered.

Wait till you start seeing more ECMs with attack drones… :00666:      specially those of us that have HONED our use of the drones through Engineer frigates…    Cloaking is USELESS !    :00444:    



Talk about Hating…!  

Here’s a quote by xKostyan from the current patch discussion. I’ll do him the courtesy of quoting his whole post and highlight the relevant part.



Currently ECMs are the most valid counter to enemy Interceptors in Sec Con , so it make sense to have plenty fo them or you get screwed by CovOps

Another thing is that there is a diminishing return on ECMs disables, so having chain disables on a target that has proton wall/J2 is almost pointless. And most efficient "disable " ECMs have vs inties is Energy drain. ANd whil eother roles/classes do nto run much of proton walls, they have their won way to deal with this crap. So far multiple ECMs are only “very” efficient in relatively small games.


See that part I highlighted? This is part of the problem. Interceptors in general cannot be dealt with effectively with two classes that are supposed to be able to deal with them according to their active modules: Tacklers and Guards. Instead, their most valid counter is another interceptor class.


That is called unbalance. Tacklers have slowing modules so they can take out Interceptors. Guards have the inhibitor field and pulsar so they can take out interceptors. But instead, we get ECMs that can disable Guard modules and Covert Ops with their Plasma Arc, rendering Guards practically useless against even a single interceptor. And every interceptor has a get out of jail free card either in the form of a cloaking device, a scrambler, or a warp jump that lets them foil a Tackler’s attempt to slow them down. That’s plain wrong.


So instead, the most valid counter to Interceptors is… the ECM Interceptor. No wonder we see so many of them.

Guards are supposed to be useless against a single interceptor, the Recon being one of it’s best counters. Where they come in handy is multiple interceptors. Guards rely on a team, if you operate a Guard against a single ceptor, you are using the Guard wrong.

The only time a Guard should be alone is if he flanks, or guards (both including the risk of being intercepted)

Interceptors are mostly close range, which is why guard modules can deal with a coordinated ceptor strike, by catching them near the team, applying unilateral damage, and demanding attention. He is not supposed to kill all of them, but for the ceptors, he becomes the main obstacle, while the rest of the team are supposed to clean it up.

Tacklers, especially with Gravibeamers, are great tools against Interceptors, but they lack damage output. They are, besides other ECM, and a lucky Guard slow or a superior dogfight pilot (CO, Recon) to the one sitting in the ECM, the only role that can counter an ECM, but has troubles in a 1v1, if it’s not on it’s own terms. They need, as the guard, to be part of a team.

Late usage of Tacklers with Cruise modules and drone deployment trolling however make them useless for this task, so they operate as 20% tackler, and 80% troll.

Since CO are actually also pretty strong in countering ECMs, but they have a lot more to fear on a Sec Con battlefield, and since Tacklers are still a better choice against ceptors, as long as your team has cohesion, I think the ECM spam has not to do with “countering interceptors”, rather with countering “some interceptor pilots”, and general OPness when it comes to upsides and downsides - the ECM has almost no downsides in T5 anymore, it’s fast, agile, small, tanky, has damage, has good modules, has a temporary invul, and profits from low player numbers in matches, has a custom buildable model, and so on.

Many think that best ecm module is the stasi generator, but i’ve been flying waki in t5 for so long and it’s nearly full purple now, and i can say that this is not true… The stasi still requires skill to be used properly and good timing, but the ion diffuser is insanely OP. That’ the main problem with ECM guys…IMHO the ion dissuser should be simply removed or at least brutally nerfed to nothing more than 4 secs stun for a purple… I would replace it with some boosting module for allied ships like on commands… or defensive modules anyway…

 the ion dissuser should be simply removed or at least brutally nerfed




ECM ar spoiling the fun. There’s no counter to them.

There are counters… Biased n00b pricks. It takes skill to successfully counter an ECM. If you don’t have any skill then it may seem like there are no counters. Counters for ECM have been scattered all over the forum. All you have to do is look.