ECM's too OP

  1. Don’t dogfight with a Guard. It’s impossible.

  2. Torpedo to the face, Pulsar. You know… The usual iWin combo to kill ANY Interceptor?

  3. Surround yourself with friendlies. That’s a Guard’s job, PROTECTION. Not assault.



Hey, hey, hey. We’re not making space jokes, are we. <.<

I’m sorry, did you miss the part where it disables Pulsar? The second you pop Pulsar, you’re getting disabled. And they will wait. They will always wait. The Guard is only able to PROTECT if it has its active modules. It cant rotate fast enough to make effective use of its main weapons against ECM. Not without Pulsar.

If they changed it back to where it no longer disables pulsar, I wouldn’t have such a problem. But that change just made it rediculous for Guards. That and disabling emergency shields, which goes onto a 2 minute cooldown. That’s pretty bullshit too. No amount of proton walls can fix that.



Never in my life have I been killed, in a Guard, by an ECM. Why? Because there is such a thing as COOPERATION. You are in the slowest boats in the Verse (if you fly Jericho), so USE that.


  • Stay in the middle lines when you go for Beacons. Then, when the team is strongly set against the enemy, you move in, guns blazing.


  • You do NOT protect Captains. You protect the front lines so no ships get through you. If they do, you let someone ELSE do the killing while YOU stay focused on the enemy lines and protecting the Engineers.


  • You definitely do NOT carry the tossing bombs!!! If you do accidentally get one, move WITH the team, let THEM punch through enemy lines while you slowly make your way to their Stations. This is on purpose, it lets the rest of your team plant bombs on the enemy’s Stations while the enemy thinks you’re an easy target.


  • You HOLD the line next to Engineers on Team Battle. You only move in if you think you can survive with the Engineers backing you up. Otherwise, leave it to the actual DPS ships.




That said, you should totally be on the offensive if your team is too cowardly to do it for you. Situational awareness is always your best friend. If you fly smart, you WON’T die. It’s physically impossible.



Never in my life have I been killed, in a Guard, by an ECM. Why? Because there is such a thing as COOPERATION. You are in the slowest boats in the Verse (if you fly Jericho), so USE that.


  • Stay in the middle lines when you go for Beacons. Then, when the team is strongly set against the enemy, you move in, guns blazing.


  • You do NOT protect Captains. You protect the front lines so no ships get through you. If they do, you let someone ELSE do the killing while YOU stay focused on the enemy lines and protecting the Engineers.


  • You definitely do NOT carry the tossing bombs!!! If you do accidentally get one, move WITH the team, let THEM punch through enemy lines while you slowly make your way to their Stations. This is on purpose, it lets the rest of your team plant bombs on the enemy’s Stations while the enemy thinks you’re an easy target.


  • You HOLD the line next to Engineers on Team Battle. You only move in if you think you can survive with the Engineers backing you up. Otherwise, leave it to the actual DPS ships.




That said, you should totally be on the offensive if your team is too cowardly to do it for you. Situational awareness is always your best friend. If you fly smart, you WON’T die. It’s physically impossible.

Agree to disagree on the captain part. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve saved the captain with pulsar from fast xxxxxxxx,(or, when I occasionally have the anti-missile active, saved from a Jerico missile K.O.). Hell, shooting the captain with coil mortar is often effective for getting those interceptors off of him lol. Really depends on what the captain is flying though, I only protect them when they’re in a non-guard frigate.

I don’t know what you’re talking about, Fed guard is awesome for bomb running. Unless, of course, an ECM is on your xxxx. But otherwise fantastic haha. Get a ton of small guys on my tail while heading towards station, throw on pulsar/shields and while they sit directly behind me trying to kill me, the allies tear them to pieces. More reliable before rank 10+ though of course.

Agree on the rest. I still don’t think ECM should disable actives though. Prevent you from activating them? Sure. Pause them, if already active? Fine. But full on disable can be devastating, depending on what your actives are.

Agree to disagree on the captain part. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve saved the captain with pulsar from fast xxxxxxxx,(or, when I occasionally have the anti-missile active, saved from a Jerico missile K.O.). Hell, shooting the captain with coil mortar is often effective for getting those interceptors off of him lol. Really depends on what the captain is flying though, I only protect them when they’re in a non-guard frigate.

… Defend the front lines. The Captain should be there with you, not at the back of the map.



I don’t know what you’re talking about, Fed guard is awesome for bomb running. Unless, of course, an ECM is on your xxxx. But otherwise fantastic haha. Get a ton of small guys on my tail while heading towards station, throw on pulsar/shields and while they sit directly behind me trying to kill me, the allies tear them to pieces. More reliable before rank 10+ though of course.

Federate Guards are awesome for bomb running until a Tackler even looks at them and everyone decides to focus on them. And you still wonder why the hell you die when you’re doing that. You immediately pop the Pulsar AND the Shield Booster… It’s like you’re saying “HEY, OVER HERE!!”



Agree on the rest. I still don’t think ECM should disable actives though. Prevent you from activating them? Sure. Pause them, if already active? Fine. But full on disable can be devastating, depending on what your actives are.

Disabling is fine. Just think a little before clicking EVERY button on your keyboard.

… Defend the front lines. The Captain should be there with you, not at the back of the map.



Federate Guards are awesome for bomb running until a Tackler even looks at them and everyone decides to focus on them. And you still wonder why the hell you die when you’re doing that. You immediately pop the Pulsar AND the Shield Booster… It’s like you’re saying “HEY, OVER HERE!!”



Disabling is fine. Just think a little before clicking EVERY button on your keyboard.

No reason to address your points, as the number of assumptions you made, added with your tone, makes it clear that there’s no sense in discussing anything with you.

You are in the slowest boats in the Verse…


  • You definitely do NOT carry the tossing bombs!!!


Don’t underestimate my stupidity.


No reason to address your points, as the number of assumptions you made, added with your tone, makes it clear that there’s no sense in discussing anything with you.

That just means you didn’t understand any of the basic principles of being a Guard pilot. Well done. Enjoy your continuous deaths at the hands of pilots who like taking advantage of you solo fliers.


FORTUNE, NO!! Hahaha, post the stats on that thing, I want to see how fast that glass cannon is.

It may be fast, but once I disable it with stasis, it will get crushed on a rock, taking massive collision damage and after I disable for the 2nd time I will get him to the critical hull breach point, then make a bubble, after bubble burst, fire one more rocket on him to finish a Reaper.


Reaper got ripped… RIP

It may be fast, but once I disable it with stasis, it will get crushed on a rock, taking massive collision damage and after I disable for the 2nd time I will get him to the critical hull breach point, then make a bubble, after bubble burst, fire one more rocket on him to finish a Reaper.


Reaper got ripped… RIP

From my experience it manages to blowup before your Lock is complete on it, similar to this:


From my expiriense


From my experience it manages to blowup before your Lock is complete on it, similar to this:

Tell that to Rakza.

Tell that to Rakza.

show me rakza flying this build and i’ll say it on his grave

Rakza is now in Cabo Verde living la vida loca.

FORTUNE, NO!! Hahaha, post the stats on that thing, I want to see how fast that glass cannon is.

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24030-video-soldiers-monster-garage/)

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24030-video-soldiers-monster-garage/)

Christ, that’s ludicrous…

After having played more since I wrote this post, I have realized my own errors in writing this. I have come to realize, ECM is not nearly as OP as I stated previously. I have come to realize that it is the ECMs who fly in squads and demonstrate high levels of teamwork that kill me. They combine their efforts with their squad mates to focus on targets. If you are killed by and ECM, it is probably luck that the ECM dealt the final blow. Normally, and ECM will disable you, and the squad will finish you.

Having played ECM myself now in t3, I have come to understand ECM a lot more, and no longer think it is OP.


My suggestion to those of you who still view ECM as OP: Try playing it. You will realize it is a very hard ship class to master and requires teamwork to do anything useful.

My suggestion to those of you who still view ECM as OP: Try playing it. You will realize it is a very hard ship class to master and requires teamwork to do anything useful.


I don’t think there’s much to master. Timing your modules properly is everything but hard, and they are more tanky than other interceptors so you don’t need to be a genius to effectively fly them and survive. I’ve played ECM and I keep saying they’re damn strong, that’s why I play them even though I dislike them. Their utility is just too high to be ignored. 

ECM’s easy, lock on ally’s target, hit a disable, score an assist.  Good luck getting a kill.

ECMs are not OP in general, but some of them.

4 vs 4 Sector Conquest.

Enemy: 2x Wakizashi AE, 1x Storm Viking, 1x Octopus.

That was not funny.

ECMs are not OP in general, but some of them.

4 vs 4 Sector Conquest.

Enemy: 2x Wakizashi AE, 1x Storm Viking, 1x Octopus.

That was not funny.

rank 2 jerico implant+3 proton walls and they will just tickle.

rank 2 jerico implant+3 proton walls and they will just tickle.

Then you suck against everything else, great.