ECM's too OP

I’ve been playing this game since its release for open beta March 1st 2013, and through this time playing, I have noticed several things about ECMs.

Number 1: They have way too much survivability for their abilities. The fact that an ECM can disable your modules for 8 seconds straight and survive 3 other people shooting at them is way to overpowered.

Number 2: ECMs do way too much damage for the amount of time they can disable modules for. It is WAY to overpowered for a ship to be able to disable your movement and or modules for 5-8 seconds and kill you in that amount of time.

Number 3: ECMs have too many disable modules for their survivability and damage. If ECMs are supposed to have high survivability and damage, they should not have as many disabling modules as they do.


Suggestions for fixing this:


Any one of these would most likely fix the overpowered nature of ECMs.


1: Lower the survivability of ECMs below that of covert ops. It makes sense that covert ops should have the least survivability since they do the most damage of any interceptor class,  but the fact that ECMs do a considerable amount of damage and can prevent you from fighting back calls for the ECM to have lower survivability so as it can’t kill a defenseless ship without being at some risk of dying to the target ship’s allies.

2: Lower the damage of ECMs considerably. The ECMs primary role should be to disable enemy ships so the ECM’s allies can take down the ships. An ECM should not be able to be a one-man army and disable a ship and take it down in 5 or less seconds. That is the responsibility of a gunship. Gunships are designed to do lots of damage rapidly and take down much stronger ships quickly.

3: Reduce the effectiveness of disabling modules or reduce the number of disabling modules an ECM can have. If you simply reduced the duration a ship is disabled for by at least half, the OP-ness of the ECM will be reduced and bring balance to the ship. OR, if an ECM can only run 1 or 2 disabling modules, the ship will be less OP in that it cannot disable a ship for more than 5 seconds, giving the target a chance to fight back.


In my personal opinion, ECMs should keep their role as disabling, but the damage and/or survivability of ECMs should be reduced in order to balance the ship. Before anyone accuses me of not knowing what I am talking about, I am very familiar with ECMs, I played them a lot in T2 and T3. Every time I play ECM though, I feel overpowered and that it is too easy to kill a ship with up to 4 times my survivability with no troubles. Gaijin, I personally think that ECMs could use a nerf to either their survivability or their damage, or a combination of the two, and I’m sure many other players agree with me.


Please leave comments about your thoughts on this, regardless of whether you agree or disagree. I would love to hear what you have to say.

Sorry, but ECMs are fine the way they are.


  1. Disable ≠ kill. Disabled ships can still fly around and avoid getting killed. Besides, all intys can weave through the enemy formation and survive untouched. 


  1. Too much damage? ECMs have no damage buff, and no access to damaging missiles (e.g. proximity mines). 


  1. ECMs only have two disables. Energy absorber isn’t a disable per se, since you can still shoot and fly, or try to break the debuff beam.

I absolutely HATE ecm. But I also am starting to learn how to counter them.


 - Using a gunship, you can use the invulnerability module which will disrupt the effects on you.

 - For the power drain effect, increase your regeneration by an insane amount.

 - Use a ton of Proton walls.

 - In a long range frigate, use EM scattering field, and shoot them before they use them on you.

 - Using the Rank 8 implants, any multi-purpose modules makes you invulnerable to ecm for 3 seconds. Put that flares on and one of those implants, and then use it.

I’ve been playing this game since its release for open beta March 1st 2013

And apparently just NOW discovered the forum and didn’t bother to search for the 10+ iterations of this topic.

I also hate ECMs, but if you attack them they mostly have no chance, the annoying point is that they come from somewhere disable you and try to kill you alone or with teammates.

But i don’t think that they are overpowered. A T5 captain Covert Ops with active Orion, 50% artifact, command damage buff and the captains 75% damage buff + Curved Reflector Impulse Lasers, THIS is OP.

I die 50% of my deaths by or because an ECM, but in the ending i get my Gotcha!!!

The Wakizashi AE is a little bit overaverage for an ECM, but that’s all.

But i don’t think that they are overpowered. A T5 captain Covert Ops with active Orion, 50% artifact, command damage buff and the captains 75% damage buff + Curved Reflector Impulse Lasers, THIS is OP.

Thats not OP. Thats just too convenient and will happen once every ten thousand games.

Thats not OP. Thats just too convenient and will happen once every ten thousand games.

<_< Come back from whereever you are. Maybe it’s rare but if it happen everyone should run.

<_< Come back from whereever you are. Maybe it’s rare but if it happen everyone should run.

If ir happens make a screenshot and Ill.give you a present.

edit: they wont let me leave the jail like that.

edit: they wont let me leave the jail like that.

Especially you deserved it to be in a jail. Just escape. It’s not that hard.

stasis is op but apart from that it is more of an annoyance than a threat

stasis is op but apart from that it is more of an annoyance than a threat


No Stasis in T2 but ECM hate and complaints are there as well   :004j: 

No Stasis in T2

Who the hell is flying T2?!

No need to nerf ecms more. All their modules require lock, so covops white noise or lrf ir pulsar disable them for sure. One proton wall can reduce duration of their modules to 3s max. They lack of damage, those are pure support ships.

Who the hell is flying T2?!


Raises his hand !   T2 is actually a good tier for training as I have several ships with “Training Wheels\Wings”  


     Though you will have to endure your ships painfully short on energy… 50 50 chance that majority of the players on your team with gravitate towards Pew Pew shootem up vice going for the objectives.  


LOL alot “BIG WIGS”  thumb thier noses at T2 :006j:  

EM Scatter field

white noise, Adaptive Camo

combat reboot

Phase Remodulator

Target painter, Engine supressor, Inhibitor bean, Camelion

Static barrier

Pulsar, and that guards just laugh at EMC…

Diffusion shield


Proton Wall Systems

Neuroconnector “Gigas III” or Neuroconnector “Albatross II”

Beta Accelirator CPU


Planning works best. Keep all these things in mind, and it will be more difficult for you to be controlled.

Most things will help vs Tacklers also.


Of course all of these things have other uses in the game.


I have found that if I pilot a ship type I have troubles against, I learn to counter them better.


Good luck, keep up the fight!

Pulsar doesn’t work too amazingly well on ECM any more. Both disables take it down, if I recall correctly.

Stasis and bubble do not stop pulsar, only ion beam



Stasis and bubble do not stop pulsar, only ion beam 


Empire Implant R13 too if your shield are down during the pulsar.

Empire Implant R13 too if your shield are down during the pulsar.

if we are making a full list, than throw in Combat reboot and ion-Warhead missile

/Moved to general Ship Balance section