ECM's too OP

ECM is the bane of my Guard’s existence. It’s not even the duration that kills me, its the disable. I just activate pulsar? TOO BAD DISABLED. Activate the emergency shield power acgive, TOO BAD DISABLED, ENJOY YOUR TWO MINUTE COOLDOWN.

Seriously, most deaths are because of this. There isn’t really any way to counter it, as they’ll wait until they see me kick my active on and then disable it. I can survive if I have 3 actives available. Will usually pop the short cooldown ship rep, it gets disabled (no big deal) and then I use pulsar and emergency shields once I’m able to use mods again. But if even one item is on cooldown, I’m pretty much screwed. Let’s say that shield booster is on cooldown when an ECM jumps me. I pop Pulsar, it disables it. I can use Emergency shields now, but I have no defense against him and he widdles me down to death. If I use emergency shields first, it gets disabled and I have pulsar…but I’ve taken so much damage by the time I can use modules again that pulsar won’t scare him off in time.

Doesn’t help that I’m currently in a rank 10 ship and commonly have to fight rank 15 ships. Still, I manage fine against everything else.

If ECM ‘paused’ activated active modules, instead of disabling them, wouldn’t have such trouble. If the ECM has friendly forces backing it up, shutting down my actives temporarily would usually mean my death anyway, so it doesn’t become useless.

The point where i become really angry is…

If some nubs kill you just because you’re unable to do anything.

ECMs defintely need to be rebalanced, they might be really overpowered in good hands, and overpowered in newbie hands if you compare it with a newb on Gunship or LRF.

No one wants to take only Proton Walls in CPU just to avoid death-stunning, and 1 proton is sometimes not enough.

The point where i become really angry is…

If some nubs kill you just because you’re unable to do anything.

ECMs defintely need to be rebalanced, they might be really overpowered in good hands, and overpowered in newbie hands if you compare it with a newb on Gunship or LRF.

No one wants to take only Proton Walls in CPU just to avoid death-stunning, and 1 proton is sometimes not enough.

Waki AE with pylons and 3.4 purple stun. Enjoy your I win button.

I hate ecm ships too like many players in game , reason of that disabling modules guns ship control what is left? there is nothing you can do you just watch while your ship slaughtered 1 ecm or entire enemy doesnt matter.  protons implants just reduce timing effects , problem here disabling already activated modules like pulsar.I can understand if you disable before I activate pulsar I just wait hope to survive than activate it , but no it effects already activated module.  If you are saying ecm’s not op then why most captains uses ecm on combat recon? And if you dont notice most empire ecms uses multi pylons it is just become ridicules.


 Bottom line ecm is the only thing I hate in this game. disabling effects time short maybe but anger stays longer. Nerf? I dont know I say remove ecm completely and execute all pilots who use ecm and disable my ship.

They won’t remove any ship class, if you’re lucky maybe a rework.

that was a joke you know…

What’s this I hear? The sound of tears falling into a bottomless pit?


As an ECM pilot, I still hold a love/hate relationship with these ships. I love the way they handle things on the battlefield, shutting down the enemy before they become a menace to your team. On the other hand, I hate being on the receiving end, being shut down for any amount of time means you can’t do anything to help your team and that sucks.


That said, ECM ships are fine as they are. They are effective support ships (their killing spree with rocket spam is… negligible, at best) and they are more of an annoyance than an actual threat to your team. There are enough hard and soft counters to them for them to not be considered overpowered. They kill often enough and get killed often enough and that’s that.

What’s this I hear? The sound of tears falling into a bottomless pit?


As an ECM pilot, I still hold a love/hate relationship with these ships. I love the way they handle things on the battlefield, shutting down the enemy before they become a menace to your team. On the other hand, I hate being on the receiving end, being shut down for any amount of time means you can’t do anything to help your team and that sucks.


That said, ECM ships are fine as they are. They are effective support ships (their killing spree with rocket spam is… negligible, at best) and they are more of an annoyance than an actual threat to your team. There are enough hard and soft counters to them for them to not be considered overpowered. They kill often enough and get killed often enough and that’s that.

Please, do tell me the counter to having my shields active shut down and put on a 2 minute cooldown, without giving me any shields? Nothing can prevent it, and I can’t outrun him.

Please, do tell me the counter to having my shields active shut down and put on a 2 minute cooldown, without giving me any shields? Nothing can prevent it, and I can’t outrun him.

Shoot back, Torpedo in the face, have the team close to you. And most importantly, if your positioning is good then he wont have the luxury to stay and finish you.

They really ARE a pain in the xxxx in low tiers, but I see no reason to nerf them in higher tiers…maybe just fine-tune the existing ECM ships in T1/2.  ECM is not op at all, you just need to learn the strategies to fight them.

Please, do tell me the counter to having my shields active shut down and put on a 2 minute cooldown, without giving me any shields? Nothing can prevent it, and I can’t outrun him.

since when guard is a dogfight ship?

since when guard is a dogfight ship?

Any ship you use to fight WPK, is a dog fighting ship…  :005j:

Please, do tell me the counter to having my shields active shut down and put on a 2 minute cooldown, without giving me any shields? Nothing can prevent it, and I can’t outrun him.

  1. Don’t dogfight with a Guard. It’s impossible.

  2. Torpedo to the face, Pulsar. You know… The usual iWin combo to kill ANY Interceptor?

  3. Surround yourself with friendlies. That’s a Guard’s job, PROTECTION. Not assault.



Any ship you use to fight WPK, is a dog fighting ship…  :005j:

Hey, hey, hey. We’re not making space jokes, are we. <.<

I still think the problem with ECM is how bi-polar it is. It’s either a devastating ship that is central to destroying the enemy team, or it’s a minor annoyance that can be ignored until the real ships are dead or fleeing.

I still think the problem with ECM is how bi-polar it is. It’s either a devastating ship that is central to destroying the enemy team, or it’s a minor annoyance that can be ignored until the real ships are dead or fleeing.

It’s both. It fully depends on how inconspicuously you can fly them.

Hey, hey, hey. We’re not making space jokes, are we. <.<


Any ship you use to fight WPK, is a dog fighting ship…  :005j:


stasis is pretty op. energy drain is also pretty op but you can break line of sight with that. the ships themselves are pretty strong tho

Did they ever fix that bug with the Explosion damage being applied all at once and counted on top of the Kinetic damage from the Supercharger weapon’s first shot? I think Snib mentioned it somewhere awhile ago.

