ECM's too OP

Most of the time I get 5v5 or 6v6, but with really fast times (less than 1 min)

5v5 does seems to be the norm

I see recent screenies with matches of 8v8-12v12 here and there on RU forums, so i guess they do exist

so what you are saying is, you need at least 2 ships to bring down 1 ECM. In my book, that’s what is usually referred to as ‘unbalanced’ or ‘OP’. Mainly because it’s the only ship class you can’t bring down with one ship of another class in a direct confrontation.


Also about the ‘torpedo’ solution: If you catch an ECM, who is attacking you, with a torpedo the pilot just sucks. Even I never managed to catch a torpedo in an ECM, and I’m a terribad pilot. If a frigate is able to shoot a torpedo at you and hit you, you’ve done at least one of the following things:

 * stood still for the past 10 seconds

 * didn’t deactivate the frigate

 * flown in a straight line right at the frigate (usually recons coming out of warp do this…always fun, either they hit a 'roid, a beacon or a torp)


Those are things you learn to avoid in T1.

well, don’t tempt me :smiley: i love torping people. even over distance. since once you have flown all roles and classes, torping becomes even more fun, since you think ahead, and surprise!


but… to your point: yes, unfortunately, if you are not a dogfight CO or an ECM in a 1vs1, a good ecm player will most likely win the fight, or at least, get away soonish. as i pointed out, i am completely on the side of ecms being op, for about… forever…?


in T3 at least, however, one ECM does not have all upsides of a ceptor (in speed and manouverability), and it’s damage is significantly lower, making it even easier for a CO to kill it. if the pilot is in shape, since COs need a lot of training and exercise, since you are still flying a ship which is a glass cannon. so my complaint is that the ECM is far too easy to be OP in, not the overall balance.


but as a fan of tackling, tacklers should not be alone in the first place. actually, most ships need each other. something which T1 might not teach, but later tiers do. unfortunately, jerri T5 tacklers are somewhat weaker than their lower tier counterparts compared to other fighters, and fed tacklers are just really huge and clumsy; i have no problem in T3 in a 1on1 vs. an ECM, but I admit, in T5, its nearly impossible if the pilot at least matches skill, especially once his modules reach perma spam rate.


Anyway, just because you need a combo to be really effective, does not mean, you cannot kill ECMs; you can kill them in a lot of ways. there are a lot of examples, where the 1on1 allegory just simply does not work for a team game.

So, ah I hear Proton wall is a good module.

So, ah I hear Proton wall is a good module.


Nah, it’s only an urban legend. Who would put a module that almost halves the duration of the ECM modules?

Nah, it’s only an urban legend. Who would put a module that almost halves the duration of the ECM modules?


The duration is short enough, it doesn’t make that much of an impact IMO. Having my active modules shut down is a much more threatening issue for me, and that proton wall doesn’t help at all.