ECM is too strong

ecms need a nerf.


power drain needs to weaken shield and hull resist imo. it’s too op. 


3 ecms and a gunship should not be able to roflstomp 2 guards, an engi, and a gunship. 

I disagree, and I hate ECM’s.

ecms need a nerf.


power drain needs to weaken shield and hull resist imo. it’s too op. 


3 ecms and a gunship should not be able to roflstomp 2 guards, an engi, and a gunship. 

While some would agree with you, you do sound like Kaiju.


3 ecms and a gunship can easily roflstomp 2 guards, and engie and a gunship, provided that the ECMs and gunships are skilled pilots with good coordination.

Currently, ECM disables have a diminishing return, so they become less and less effective the more they are used.


I hate facing ECMs, but love playing them, and they don’t really need a nerf. They seem OP because they are more effective in small games than in large ones.

ecms need a nerf.

power drain needs to weaken shield and hull resist imo. it’s too op.

3 ecms and a gunship should not be able to roflstomp 2 guards, an engi, and a gunship.

The Energy drain is a counter to high-skilled interceptors who use ‘immunity to engine debuffs’ implant. It requires a module to activate and the module needs energy to activate.


While some would agree with you, you do sound like Kaiju.


3 ecms and a gunship can easily roflstomp 2 guards, and engie and a gunship, provided that the ECMs and gunships are skilled pilots with good coordination.

Currently, ECM disables have a diminishing return, so they become less and less effective the more they are used.


I hate facing ECMs, but love playing them, and they don’t really need a nerf. They seem OP because they are more effective in small games than in large ones.

Your argument is telltale of similar cases where the argument attempts to justify a system based on anecdotal and personal evidence rather than overall gameplay.


ECMs encourage either a level of counterplay that isn’t fun for either team or a complete lack of counterplay that is even less fun. In such cases, the issue isn’t that skill is trumping non-skill, the issue is an overpowered system. While this is great in lower tiers and for newer players who won’t take full advantage of their power, it’s ridiculously overpowered between there and the tip-top teams.


ECMs can and will still exist after receiving nerfs.   As a concept, game balance isn’t just done at the top or the bottom levels of skill. Rather, it’s done so that all players can have an enjoyable experience that’s as close to fair as possible.


ECMs have diminishing returns in large groups (such as 3 or more), but a team with 2 ECMs against a team with none has a far greater advantage than say, a team with an Engineer or Command versus a team that has none.


The balance issue is also greatly exacerbated in t5. Up to and including t3, ECMs are kept in check due to fewer powerful modifiers and lower total base stats to modify. They’re easier to kill and easier to counter, though you can start to see the foreshadowing for what it becomes. Once you hit t5, ECMs have more implants and modifiers to throw at you and Gunships get 15-25% damage boosts to go along with the modifiers having higher base stats to improve upon, not to mention the Waki AEs get a 20% module duration bonus.


And while Kaiju is a douche and conveys his ideas in the some of the worst forms possible, he’s right about some things. Ideas are independent of the people who have them, since how the person acts on them defines the opinions made of those people.


And rather than snap into defensive arguing with the automatic assumption that I’m wrong, instead give this some thought. Really consider if this is a fair gameplay experience that betters the game. Consider how much backlash ECMs get by comparison to any other role in the game. Do you really think they’re truly fair?

ECMs have diminishing returns in large groups (such as 3 or more), but a team with 2 ECMs against a team with none has a far greater advantage than say, a team with an Engineer or Command versus a team that has none.


Please use proper titles for topics.

ECMs have diminishing returns in large groups (such as 3 or more), but a team with 2 ECMs against a team with none has a far greater advantage than say, a team with an Engineer or Command versus a team that has none.


That part of the post was more of a hypothetical thought experiment as I obviously have not tested it. However, the notion that an ECM can much more heavily sway a game than the classes designed to do so in teamplay should be quite standout. The rest of the post is much more grounded in fact.

On Topic,

ECM has a huge dps. No, it is the interceptor gun which has high dps.


may be to balance ECM there should be some rules/mechanism like

  • Multipurpose Modules(hull/shield repair) stay immune to ECM disables


  • an enemy ship should have a 60-90 seconds immune to next ecm debuffs 



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there is nice option also in forum right side of player’s signature to put it on ignore

I was thinking about ECMs again last night and I found something that could be put in place to balance things a little. The problem that most people accuse ECM users of is having no skill. Indeed all three of it’s active modules do not require you to aim, which is not the case for cov ops for example.

So why don’t we make it so you have to have the targetting reticle on target in order to use the module? As if you were firing some kind of “ECM dart” or “ECM beam” in order to disable the enemy ship. Not only would the modules then require line of sight, but also good aim.

If this is implemented, it could also be used for other such modules for example spy drones. I don’t think this is needed on guards though since their modules are designed for area of effect.

What do you think? If you are interested I can make a new thread for this suggestion.

Ecm due to low dps need coordination from his own team to destroy a frigball (or an enemy team weak as butter), otherwise it is useless. 


If you don’t know when, how and who targeting with your debuff, you are useless as ECM. Seriously, try to kill a single well fitted engi in t5 using only your main gun, one debuff and since they nerferd them, only a couple of missiles. Try it…


I hate ecm, but in those days, other nerfs on interceptors are not needed.

Ecm due to low dps





ECMs are not absolutely op, you just need some coordination to beat them.

You must know that raw numbers means nothing. 

Look at the range and the overheating. Fly that in a middle of 2 guards and an engi in a real fight situation: and you will discover that those raw number means less than 0.





ECMs are not absolutely op, you just need some coordination to beat them.

Right, now show us your 70/77 Energy stat (dat adaptive with such energy cap)

and how fast your ship is, wast it what 430 with Gigas 2? It is good at powning flying bricks that have no idea how to fly, but good luck doing that much dmg to anyone from 800 with these agility parameters you have, plus the new over heat - easily cut off 20% from the DMG you are showing us.


Right, now show us your 70/77 Energy stat (dat adaptive with such energy cap)

and how fast your ship is, wast it what 430 with Gigas 2? It is good at powning flying bricks that have no idea how to fly, but good luck doing that much dmg to anyone from 800 with these agility parameters you have, plus the new over heat - easily cut off 20% from the DMG you are showing us.


The adaptive is useful, i don’t care about speed i go for rotation.

But you can 1v1 this ECM and then you see how efficient it is.



  • I have Engy with Energy Emitter in my team if i fly in squad or with decent team…

I could go with submatter shield but i don’t really like raw speed.


Don’t facepalm me, i use this ship often and i do good with it, not everyone goes with “standard builds”

Don’t facepalm me, i use this ship often and i do good with it, not everyone goes with “standard builds”

You should buddy up with WolfKhan, i see a very long and healthy relationship

You should buddy up with WolfKhan, i see a very long and healthy relationship

You are so arrogant…

You are so arrogant…


Those topics are great
btw this is perfect description

Most of the posts on this topic…

