ECM is too strong




Some ship’s bonus combined with the implant are pretty strong in t4/5 but apart from that ECM’s are not OP in my opinion

Sh*tposting in threads like these certainly doesn’t help improve player retention. Neither does saying “My build can do [X]!” since that’s anecdotal at best, and tends to assume that a single player’s skill can trump everything.

It depends on the player, but I still think that overall a good ECM Caltrop build can dominate even more.

Wakizashi AE is still one of my favorite Jericho models and interceptors.

Imagine, that we could select passive synergy bonuses…

Everyone would go for duration or +20% - 25% effect…

Or even better! T6 Secret Projects with 12 slots instead of 9!

Some ship’s bonus combined with the implant are pretty strong in t4/5 but apart from that ECM’s are not OP in my opinion


I agree. ECMs only become OP when they are spammed (50% or more of the team are using them). Not that ECM spam can’t be countered, as it can, it is just extremely annoying and not fun to play against.

most all of the posts on this topic…

I would say that this is one of the best threads that ArcTic has made but no one really cares.

I would say that this is one of the best threads that ArcTic has made but no one really cares.

I answered intelligently, but noone evem bothered to read it seems :frowning:

Some ship’s bonus combined with the implant are pretty strong in t4/5 but apart from that ECM’s are not OP in my opinion

Essentially, Waki AE is too good in small games.


I hate being under stasis, and ion diffuser or energy absorber are really annoying, BUT:


  • ECM class is needed in “competitive” gameplay. It is the only tactical deterrent to gunship squad gameplay. And you need to know when and how use your ecm modules to defend so you really need skill.

  • I think some ECM builds are too cheesy, but that is my own opinion. Flying tier 3 with full rotation + purple stasis + doomsdays it’s lame. It is my opinion.


So in the end: I won’t like to see ECM nerfed in the time being. The problem with the Waki AE is that the games are very small, and most of the veterans and new good players use covert ops to carry them. The best counter from an average joe against that is fitting ecms.


Same with drone poppers. Most people know they can’t kill 1v1 some of the best interceptor pilots in the game. So they just pop the drones and run away, hoping the drones do the job.


I have received quite some messages after my usual “ECM Ace, learn to play” with the following reply: “What am I supposed to do? I can’t kill you otherwise”


And, while that is not true, it is the logic answer.


What I find funny is to face some of the veterans that start with cov ops or gunship, and after you kill them 2 or 3 times, they switch to ECM (Nodachi or Waki AE). I’m starting to see that as a compliment.

I agree Evisc, about the Waki-AE.

imo, it is the only ECM that is OP, and that is because of the constant small games in T5 (6v6 or smaller). In that small of a game, the Waki-AE can keep a large percentage of the team (up to 33% of the team) out of the battle for well over 10 seconds (3-4 from stasis, up to 9 from ion diffuser). There are really 2 practical options to fix this:

  1. Fix T5 matchmaking so it actually tries to form large games

  2. Slightly nerf the Waki-AE so it isn’t as effective in small games


Personally, I prefer option 1, as I would love to see large games in T5 again. Large games are much more enjoyable than small games because of the unpredictability of the battles as well as the variety of ships you will fight.

In most 3v3 games, you will be fighting covops, gunships, and ECMs most frequently, as they are most effective in small games. Support roles are rare in small games. In large games, you get almost all (if not all) of the roles represented between each team.

I made a post suggesting this awhile back:


If a certain percentage of the team is flying ECM (or any class for that matter), all negative effects will loose a percentage of their effectiveness.  So lets throw out some numbers for example and say that its a 3v3 and 2 people bring ECMs.  Both the ECM’s stuns loose 50% of their duration and drain 50% less energy.  That would help to prevent spamming certain classes like ECM (or just balance the playing field) which can be game breaking in smaller games.  This would also help with guard balls and tackler shenanigans in small team battle games.  That was my idea to stop ECMs from ruining small games.


I only wish we could always play large scale games, but the matchmaking would be terrible if we were forced to wait for enough people to que up during “PVE Hours”. 

I made a post suggesting this awhile back:


If a certain percentage of the team is flying ECM (or any class for that matter), all negative effects will loose a percentage of their effectiveness.  So lets throw out some numbers for example and say that its a 3v3 and 2 people bring ECMs.  Both the ECM’s stuns loose 50% of their duration and drain 50% less energy.  That would help to prevent spamming certain classes like ECM (or just balance the playing field) which can be game breaking in smaller games.  This would also help with guard balls and tackler shenanigans in small team battle games.  That was my idea to stop ECMs from ruining small games.


I only wish we could always play large scale games, but the matchmaking would be terrible if we were forced to wait for enough people to que up during “PVE Hours”. 

There is already a comparable feature, if you get stunned several times by Ion Diffuser or Stasis, the next stuns will lose a lot of effectiveness.

I have no proton wall on my Covert Ops (Grey Falcon) and after being stunned like 4 times and still being alive the next stasis by Waki AE just was like for 0.3 seconds or so, so it makes a big difference between being stunned, 4,9, 4,9, 4,9 or 4,9, 3,1, 1,9…

There is already a comparable feature, if you get stunned several times by Ion Diffuser or Stasis, the next stuns will lose a lot of effectiveness.

I have no proton wall on my Covert Ops (Grey Falcon) and after being stunned like 4 times and still being alive the next stasis by Waki AE just was like for 0.3 seconds or so, so it makes a big difference between being stunned, 4,9, 4,9, 4,9 or 4,9, 3,1, 1,9…

Yes, this is untill you die however (as far as I can tell, please tell me if I am wrong).  So once you get stasised right next to your enemies which as you have proven have quite good DPS for ECM, 4.9s is plenty of time to kill your ship (maybe not if you are a good pilot and the ECM are bad, but not everyone is that good).  The diminishing returns are very good to have, and still would like them to stay, but having the penalty would definitely help in those small matches.

ECM is op in t4 t5 due to small matches lesser than a total of 8 players.


ECM is not op in lower tiers because there is a place for fighters and frigates to congregate and hide the damage, or in simpler words support each other. This can only be done effectively with 3 players or more in my opinion. More people in t4 and t5 will solve ECM meta of op

If your ship build cares about ECM, proton wall and Jerico R2 implant.


Your ship no longer cares about ECM.


Just build yourself out of the problem. Like wearing two sets of pants so it doesn’t draw blood when your (9 years older than you) brother shoots you in the a$$ with a bb gun.