Drones Not Enjoyable

The key thing to remember with Tackler is that it a support ship. You aren’t there to get kills nor are you supposed to be on the front lines for an extended period of time. And with Tackler, when you are cloaked, the attention that was focused on you, now moves to the rest of your team. If your team can’t handle the extra aggro, then you are just harming your team while you are invisible.

The problem is, yeah, Aces just pooping out drones and cloaking immediately, giving said drones no cover and just hoping they work even 1% of the time and just being nothing but an invisible burden to a team.

So many times I see drone poopers with both restoration mods, both drones, and thassit. No slow debuffs at all.


This is what I run for Active modules and it works all the time.

Drones are fine as they are, it’s just dumb players that misuse them and would be bad with any cheesey strategy that take 0 effort or skill to perform.

Great use of the Sentry Drone. That is the problem I find with every drone-pooping tackler, they don’t know how to use the drones correctly. Dropping them and running is the worst way to use them. Using a single drone with slows is much more effective, as your team can hit the target easier (since it is being slowed and all) and the drone will be guaranteed to hit the target, resulting in an easy kill for your team (or you).


Personally I will never give up my target painter, as I view it as far too valuable to replace with a drone. Target painter has no recharge time, and is a fantastic tool to help your team kill targets easier. Even if your target uses a multi-purpose to stop the slows, target painter persists, and often means the difference between the target living and dying.


If I use a drone, I would replace engine suppressor and ensure I use gravibeamers. The inhibitor beam and gravibeamer combo is a decent amount of slowing, and your drone will easily hit any target while they are slowed. Plus, the drone and anyone shooting at the target will take more damage from the target painter.

In big games tackler can move begin enemy lines and place drones while the enemy is distracted. Team battle though.

In big games tackler can move begin enemy lines and place drones while the enemy is distracted. Team battle though.


Still the worst way to use the drones. Decloaking behind enemy lines is a horrible idea. Any team with half a brain will instantly target you once you decloak. Tacklers are squishy, and are easy targets for a team to focus. Tacklers  ARE NOT one-man armies. They will not survive long behind enemy lines. Sure, you can get back there cloaked, but you have no way to get back without being targeted.


Using drones in this drop’n’run playstyle misuses the drones and ignores the great potential they have. Use the drones in conjunction with slows to take out interceptors that are bothering your team, or place them in key locations that need defending (beacons, rocks where your engies are taking cover, etc.), provided that at least 1 or 2 teammates are at that key location.


The most effective tacklers you will ever see in this game use slows (not just the gravibeamer). If a team were to have a drone-pooping “drop’n’run” tackler and a real tackler who uses slows and no drones, the tackler with slows and no drones will be guaranteed to score better on the team, as slowing down key targets and helping eliminate them not only gives more effectiveness points than the occasional damage assist you earn with drones, but also benefits the team IMMENSELY. Slowing an enemy to make him easier to kill (and reducing resistances with target painter) will earn you more points and a lot more respect from your team. (Respect from your team usually comes with fire-support.)

The issue isn’t with tackler’s slowing modules. The issue isn’t with tacklers drones. The issues isn’t that it gets to go 700mps continuous, while activating other modules.


The issue, is that it does all those things.


Really though I just uped thermal resistances and have a recon in my four.


It is still bullshit when my death recap shows thousands of damage from drones. Then a few hundred from main weapons. Especially with the resistances. You’d think the damn things are throwing white around.

  What you may be seeing those damages are coming from ATTACK Drones ?  which could come from Engineers or those equipped with manufactured.   The manufactured are more powerful than the regular attack drones and if you use the implant for more missile damage you also increase the damage dealt even more. 

  What you may be seeing those damages are coming from ATTACK Drones ?  which could come from Engineers or those equipped with manufactured.   The manufactured are more powerful than the regular attack drones and if you use the implant for more missile damage you also increase the damage dealt even more. 


We’re talking about the sentry and heavy guard drones that are unique to tacklers.



It is still bullshit when my death recap shows thousands of damage from drones. Then a few hundred from main weapons. Especially with the resistances. You’d think the damn things are throwing white around.


Couldn’t agree more. I can’t tell you how many times I get hit by a sentry drone for about 2k damaged, despite having an thermal resist of at least 70 or 80, many times even more. It seems like they completely ignore resistances, because a mk4 sentry drone is only supposed to do around 2k damage when the thermal resistance is 0, when my thermal resistance is slightly below 100 (which is about 40% reduction), there is no way in hell they should be doing 2k per shot).

Combine this with the fact that the sentry drone is far too accurate, and you have a real problem. When I am running a ship that has about 160 roll and 200+ pitch, combine with a decent amount of strafe, and I have ducking and weaving everywhere, about 1-1.5k away from a sentry drone, it should not be able to hit me  EVERY SINGLE TIME. I have only seen a sentry drone miss shots on inties at ranges of 1.8k-2k, which is normally out of the range of inties.


The sentry drone either needs to have a serious damage nerf (50% or more), have it’s range greatly reduced (down to 1.5k max), or have it’s projectile speed nerfed (maybe 30-40%), or some combination of all three. The heavy guard drone is fine as it is, as it can rarely hit a rolling and strafing interceptor, even at close range, and it seems to abide by the resistances of the ships it hits.


To be perfectly honest though, the biggest problem I find with double-drone tacklers is that they are horribly ineffective compared to any other role or tackler build out there. Pilots of double-drone tacklers (cruise or not), need to learn that there are better ways to fly that will not only improve your scores, but also do much more for your team. Running drones with slowing modules is perfectly acceptable, but running 2 drones and 2 multipurpose modules is a waste of a fantastic ship role that has great potential when built like a real tackler.

 I will talk about t4 drones now because of %25 effective bonus on regular t4 tackler ships. 


Sentry drone

Range            :2500

damage          : 3205

proj. speed     : 6600

shots per min :20

DPS                :64.100


Heavy Drone

Range            :4500

damage          : 8019

proj. speed     : 1100 

shots per min :12

DPS               :96.228 


+I have guns , rockets and debuffs.




  Thats my build now , i did try enough every other possibility this one works best. By this build i can fill tackler role  while getting benefit from overpowered drones.

I know what you think another runner drone pooper , but no i don’t run mostly i circle around my drones so while  opponents shoot me  my drones can continue attack , cloak is the last  emergency option. Mostly i stay around my team , debuff key targets and take benefits from my teams buffs like heal or resist or damage etc

İf i go behind enemy line mostly there is an lrf annoying my team  i don’t use cloak either , my ship fast enough to circle them and take attention from my team , and the only reason i do that to take lrf out and  open second front to the enemy. if they turn and focus on me than my team can push better , if they don’t turn and continue shoot on my team that’s become sad cause my drones hurts a lot and i shoot all the time to take attention.


 You cant avoid from 6600 projectile speed  with interceptor , you cant avoid from 1100 p. speed with frigate + i will debuff your speed and your resists. 

Drone projectile speeds should nerf about %60 percent, That is the only thing should nerf ,


 And another thing , i believe drones should shoot your target only , not each enemy in range.


than i call it dones ? yeah they fair enough.

i don’t get your DPS calculations

DPS stands for Damage Per Second



Sentry drone has 1068 DPS

Heavy Drone has 1603 DPS


Due to very low fire rate on drones, if drone misses a shot he dips his “effective” dmg output by huge margin, considering that they get blown out of the sky by good players within seconds, not much of actual dmg they do.


Hwy Drone is plain useless, the only ship that struggles dodging is Jer Guard, if you are getting hit by hwy drone more than once during an engagement you hsoudl look into improving yoru flying patters, no matter what ship you fly.

Sentry Drone is fairly useful but Tackler has other useful modules as well that are key to its role, so you have to sacrifice something in order to have it equipped, and it is not as accurate as you make it out to be (vs agile targets) People fairly easily dodge projectiles with 8 000 m/s speeds at 2-3k distances, so hits with 6600 at 1500+ means you gotta look into your flyign patterns. Keep in mind that your Inhibitor beam nad Gravy beam do not apply sufficent slow instantly and they do not reduce rotation speed, with proper rotation flying patterns you have enough time to still dodge drone shots (that are quite rare as well once in 3 seconds)

  What you may be seeing those damages are coming from ATTACK Drones ?  which could come from Engineers or those equipped with manufactured.   The manufactured are more powerful than the regular attack drones and if you use the implant for more missile damage you also increase the damage dealt even more. 

I do see this from attack drones also. Though there are battles where I attack destroy retreat, rinse repeat. The result a lot of the times is by the time I die I will typically have around 40-60k damage from sentry drones alone.


It seams that the projectile speed for attack drones is not that high. I normally just dodge them. Also main main target is of course the Eng, so I am normally flying circles around them at about 500mps. Attack drones just don’t seam to cut it in that situation.


i don’t get your DPS calculations

DPS stands for Damage Per Second



Sentry drone has 1068 DPS

Heavy Drone has 1603 DPS


Due to very low fire rate on drones, if drone misses a shot he dips his “effective” dmg output by huge margin, considering that they get blown out of the sky by good players within seconds, not much of actual dmg they do.


Hwy Drone is plain useless, the only ship that struggles dodging is Jer Guard, if you are getting hit by hwy drone more than once during an engagement you hsoudl look into improving yoru flying patters, no matter what ship you fly.

Sentry Drone is fairly useful but Tackler has other useful modules as well that are key to its role, so you have to sacrifice something in order to have it equipped, and it is not as accurate as you make it out to be (vs agile targets) People fairly easily dodge projectiles with 8 000 m/s speeds at 2-3k distances, so hits with 6600 at 1500+ means you gotta look into your flyign patterns. Keep in mind that your Inhibitor beam nad Gravy beam do not apply sufficent slow instantly and they do not reduce rotation speed, with proper rotation flying patterns you have enough time to still dodge drone shots (that are quite rare as well once in 3 seconds)

The range of RFB is 1.6km. It isn’t like good tacklers move away from there drones. Even when I am circling after having activated a general it seams they never miss. I do the standard random strafing…


You are 100% correct on guard drones. I pretend they aren’t there. I will admit I have been hit by them a few times, but it is really really rare.

I also agree on reducing the number of drones to 1 for tacklers