1. Using it automatically makes you a xxxx and will have interceptors jumping on your xxxx for the lulz, regardless of whether or not you’re prepared for such attacks.
that’s if those intys even get past your team, because you’re killing everyone, which makes their job easier in chasing down those intys…
in fact you can spawnkill easily with 2 LRFs… SO EASY…
plus, the only unit that even stands a chance is a recon… but if the LRFs are guarded by your spawn, or otherwise, that won’t work… plus, coil mortars work short work of recons, so 1 recon vs 2 LRF = dead recon…
furthermore… time spent chasing LRFs is time wasted for the recon not doing anything else… while the LRF doesn’t have to move, go anywhere… just shoot people at random… so at most you are taking 1 unit out of the battle (a recon) in trade for the LRF, and that’s it.
2. Because of T3’s playerbase consisting of players that know how to stack resists, use cover, and can dodge like hell (T3 ints are hella fast), LRFs become double dead weight unless you’re using it in stage 3 of Hidden Maintenance Shop.
stack what? thermals? regardless… you can’t stack enough… at most on a fighter/inty it’s 1 extra shot… if even that… and if everyone stacks thermal they are at a disadvantage because the rest of your team can be using kinetic/emp, what now? a wasted mod…
3. Having more dudes using disintegrators means more guys not taking objectives. Which can lead back to 1. , good luck comfortably sniping.
obviously… but the 1 or 2 LRFs can devastate an entire team, making it uber-easy to take the objective for your team… like 1 recon could do it… and if its a tackler spamming slowing field at the beacon, good luck taking it…
and of course having 6 LRFS or 4… like i have in some of my games will lose you the game because you have nobody to keep the enemy team occupied while you murder them all from a safe distance with you point-and-click lotto-cannon… also nobody to capture beacons…
logic… use it…
ah but furthermore, i already stated, that in higher tiers the damage may not be that bad, judging on what people are saying. maybe T4/T5… what im saying is they need to do LESS damage slightly overall, especially in lower tiers, and they also need to do LESS damage to inty/fighters (damage that scales based on unit type). or you can 2 or 1-shot those things… especially if they’re already in a fight… so easy.