disintegrator damage

i just went 20-2 in a game , where i did most of the damage, above and beyond my 20 kills, and we still lost…


but i literally murdered everyone… fighters, intys, covops sneaking up… yes, tracking them thru scope with no target indicator 10+km out…


about 5-7 kills were engineers and guards.


easy sauce… even killed 2 after they cloaked… oops…


btw, theres a bug with screenshots and network drives. it said it saved but didnt, because it never attempt to create the screenshots folder :\


also, it does increase at higher tiers, looks like about 1000 damage per tier, and you gain projectile speed with an active, or a cloak… def a problem in T3 as well, and needs serious damage nerfs… especially since people bring those T3 boats into T2 matches…


You lost because you are completely useless and contributing to winning in no way when you just camp with your useless LRF.

That’s quite an extravagant statement.


There are certainly many more ways to contribute to the victory of the team, kills always make contribution, just more or less depend on the target and the situation.

Betatrash, just play a T3 empire LRF for a few games, and come back with your tail between your legs. They are good in T1, average in T2, bad in T3, and i guess terribad in T4.


Jericho’s LRF on the other hand… Huge pain in the xxxx, even against competent players who will spread/run away from a beacon, you are causing disturbance and making those targets easier to hit for your frontline. Of course they are somewhat negated by guards frigs, but with the heavy missile spam we see nowadays, it’s not that hard to have a torpedo go through.

No, we go after you because you’re an easy enough target and you’re annoying enough to the rest of the team.  If I see a long LRF at the right distance, and the circumstances are good, I might just go in for a kill.


And being blind to everything while firing a torpedo is one of the worst decisions from the devs.  Get a cloaked CO behind you, you fire a missile that’s plainly visible, free kill.

If you see a lone ship, ANYWHERE, you move in for the kill. Doesn’t have to be an LRF, this is common sense, tbh, you go for the lone kills because they, to you or me, are worth more.


So? You’re also blind when you use the Disintegrator. Only it actually recovers faster, that’s the only difference. If you get a CO behind you, just shift-space out of the way and drop a minefield while you’re blowing the torp up. If you actually move or not, I’ve no idea until the camera returns to your ship…

my covops laughs at your lrf :slight_smile:

And for what it’s worth, T2 disintegrator hits for up to 8504 thermal damage (with experimental guns equipped). That’s before resists. So in practice you’ll hit for less, even at T2. Guards with thermal phase shield just shrug it off. And T3+ you get the passive slots to stack resistances even better (and thermal is one of the first you go for because of nukes, plasma arc, etc.). Hell, even my own rank 6 empire LRF has stacked thermal resists and just face tanks other snipers while taking them down.


only at R6 T2… just to make the distinction. furthermore, a guard is only a single unit type, you can still snipe anything else that moves.


furthermore, the guard’s resists apply to every other unit it is facing… so i don’t see why it’s being used as an example at an attempt to prove that LRF is not broken? why not jus say the guard is broken then? because it isn’t? it can only gain resistance to a single damage type… and if it’s being attacked by your team, chances are he will switch his phase setup to counter the EM if it is being used, especially if you stacked a thermal resists… you will need the EM phase…


and a 60% reduction on shield thermal damage = approx 45k shields, which a covert can still shred with a plasma arc…


but there’s something you’re forgetting which i already mentioned… a guard has to travel, a LRF doesn’t… not much in any case… and by the time you spawn and travel 5km, you will already be dead despite your thermal resists.


as for frigballs, that is another problem that needs dealing with… not by increasing LRF damage… by giving ECM actual ECm and inty options instead of the CC-chainboat it is now…


i also do not understand a simple thing: a pulsar can kill a covert in 10 seconds… yet the covert can only shred its shield in 10 seconds, but still has to fly 2km through the pulsar…


so if covert is meant to be the frigate killer, and it doesn’t work effectively, unless you maybe suicide at the end too, and i doubt thatll work somehow… then what else is supposed to kill guards? lmao… either that or bait the pulsar, then come back in 10 seconds…


if you see the need, you can start a guards are broken thread… but LRF are definitely OP when you can 20-2 without even trying…


In addition you get both an audio and visual notification once an empire LRF starts aiming at you, so any pilot with half a brain will evade, look for the bright red light and either stay out of your line of sight or - more likely - come kill you.


that’s why you don’t aim directly at them… you aim behind them, or slightly off, then aim and fire… it really doesn’t take a leap of the imagination to figure it out…


of course if they see a LRF beam, they will start dodging… so you don’t let them see it… duh… how you think i got 20-2?


plus i sniped 2 guards off their spawn, which are by default thermal phase… might not have been stacking thermal, but 50% resists is not much dif from 60% and i had no problem taking them down… something like 5-6 shots… so 12-15 seconds = dead guard…


hell, i did another game a few games after that… our team sucked and we lost again, but i went 13-2… next highest score was 6-5 or something… sniped like 3 bomb carries (detonation), 5-6 engineers, like 2 guards and rest fighters and inties.

Yet you still lost.  How can even claim something is OP if you can go 20-2 and still lose.  If anything that means its underpowered because no matter how many kills you got, you had no impact actual outcome of the battle.

Yet you still lost.  How can even claim something is OP if you can go 20-2 and still lose.  If anything that means its underpowered because no matter how many kills you got, you had no impact actual outcome of the battle.


no, my team lost… i won… in fact they couldnt capture a single bacon even though there were only 1 or 2 guys guarding them at any time because i sniped the rest… instead, they kept leroying into the one beacon the enemy was attacking… instead of taking the other 2 beacons…


basically, they let the enemy have 2 beacons, while 1 remained nuetral or on our side most of the time… in fact, beacon B was wide open for the taking the entire game…


as for the second game, which was detonation, people have no idea how to play that mode, and 1 side usually ends up steamrolling the other… people almost never actually defend beacons or chase the bomb carrier… they just do their own thing… :\

no, my team lost… i won… in fact they couldnt capture a single bacon even though there were only 1 or 2 guys guarding them at any time because i sniped the rest… instead, they kept leroying into the one beacon the enemy was attacking… instead of taking the other 2 beacons…


basically, they let the enemy have 2 beacons, while 1 remained nuetral or on our side most of the time… in fact, beacon B was wide open for the taking the entire game…


as for the second game, which was detonation, people have no idea how to play that mode, and 1 side usually ends up steamrolling the other… people almost never actually defend beacons or chase the bomb carrier… they just do their own thing… :\

I’m pretty sure you’re not playing the game for real yet.  You’ll have much more enjoyment (Or less, if you continue to play LRF :lol: ) once you move up to T3.  People typically know what they are doing. 

no, my team lost… i won… 


yea … that concludes this thread me thinks

You lost because you are completely useless and contributing to winning in no way when you just camp with your useless LRF.


haha, or you just mad that you can’t go 20-2 :\


There are certainly many more ways to contribute to the victory of the team, kills always make contribution, just more or less depend on the target and the situation.



if you’re killing people left and right (yes, i assisted so many teammates by killing their attackers, it was a slaughter)… and your team still cannot cap the beacons… then it’s nothing you’re doing wrong… especially when the beacons are wide open and nobody is capping them…


So? You’re also blind when you use the Disintegrator.


if you have proper battfield situational awareness and can predict when units will spawn and which paths they will approach from, then you’re not blind at all… as i said, i sniped a covert which i KNEW would try to flank me… he even masked his radar signature but i could see him 12km out using nothing but my eyes. shot him without a target market at that distance… then shot another 1-2 more dudes and timed how long it would take for him to get to me then finished him with 2 shots of my coil mortar before he was even within 2km… i masked my signature and sat behind a rock…


yea … that concludes this thread me thinks


yup, it pretty much does… since the next game after that i went 13-2 on detonation and my team couldn’t even chase the bomb carriers… they were off just dogfighting with random people… maybe they thought it was capture the beacons :\ lots of engineers got slaughtered… that is a huge help to the team, 4-5 engineers and 2 guards or something like that, plus lots of fighters/intys and like 2 bomb carriers…


also, in that 20-2 game i’m pretty sure i just missed the medal awarded for doing 50% of your team’s damage… just barely… must have been by like 5% or less… in a 20 player game… in a 20 player game… let me repeat… that award is meant for 4 player games… if you can as much damage as 9 people combined… there is something broken with that… yea thats pretty much what it means… that i did as much damage as 9 people almost…


hold on, i will pull the logs for that game…

my team couldn’t even chase the bomb carriers… they were off just dogfighting with random people…

You have to understand that you don’t get synergy for winning. Because of that many players don’t waste time trying to win and instead maximize their synergy gain while the battle is running.

That was different pre-0.9.0 when reputation gain used to depend on winning or losing. Then came 0.9.0 and destroyed the little bit of objective based team play that was left.

21:19:17.400 CMBT   | ======= Connect to game session session 2278179 =======

21:20:25.010 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> Zacopack;     totalDamage 16257.78; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:20:37.487 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> paulh;     totalDamage 20114.21; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:20:44.713 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> treyburke3;     totalDamage 12065.56; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:21:30.351 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> eustisbuc;     totalDamage 5857.37; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:21:44.586 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> evilash18053;     totalDamage 12170.62; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:21:58.765 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> Zacopack;     totalDamage 6236.10; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:22:27.918 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> jango34;     totalDamage 3939.45; Weapon_Railgun_Heavy_T2_Mk2
21:22:56.300 CMBT   |   Assisted betatrash assisted to tallconnor -> Vidiot;     totalDamage 3754.76; Weapon_Railgun_Heavy_T2_Mk2
21:24:03.006 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> evilash18053;     totalDamage 13086.17; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:24:12.963 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> venomaxe;     totalDamage 11949.85; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:24:33.027 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> treyburke3;     totalDamage 12106.35; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:24:59.737 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> GuardDrone_RC;     totalDamage 7171.52; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:25:03.706 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> GuardDrone_RC;     totalDamage 7171.52; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:25:34.333 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> venomaxe;     totalDamage 4469.11; Weapon_Railgun_Heavy_T2_Mk2
21:26:33.269 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> paulh;     totalDamage 21940.37; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:27:14.996 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> Vidiot;     totalDamage 15550.67; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:27:42.296 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> cardomaydwell;     totalDamage 4890.45; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:27:46.750 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> treyburke3;     totalDamage 7673.86; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:28:02.686 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> paulh;     totalDamage 20225.64; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:28:06.737 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> evilash18053;     totalDamage 6316.25; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:28:10.424 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> eustisbuc;     totalDamage 5821.79; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:28:36.884 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> venomaxe;     totalDamage 12054.49; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:28:23.330 CMBT   |   Assisted betatrash assisted to tallconnor -> jango34;     totalDamage 6540.01; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base
21:29:23.569 CMBT   | Killed betatrash -> paulh;     totalDamage 17125.63; Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base

21:19:54.765 CMBT   | Killed Cotin -> JackWagon;     totalDamage 7355.65; (crash) <FriendlyFire>
21:20:22.315 CMBT   | Killed Cotin -> gunhunter;     totalDamage 926.38; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Rare
21:20:22.316 CMBT   |   Assisted JackNoir15778 assisted to Cotin -> gunhunter;     totalDamage 1819.88; Weapon_Plasmagun_Autofire_T2_Mk2 <debuff>
21:21:12.119 CMBT   | Killed JackWagon -> Vidiot;     totalDamage 6737.08; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:21:12.120 CMBT   |   Assisted Nicococo assisted to JackWagon -> Vidiot;     totalDamage 0.00;  <buff>
21:21:12.120 CMBT   |   Assisted Solien13971 assisted to JackWagon -> Vidiot;     totalDamage 2304.16; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:22:13.073 CMBT   | Killed sgttownsend -> treyburke3;     totalDamage 4258.42; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:22:13.073 CMBT   |   Assisted treyburke3 assisted to sgttownsend -> treyburke3;     totalDamage 1060.50; SpaceMissile_Standart_T2_Mk2 <FriendlyFire>
21:22:20.618 CMBT   | Killed JackNoir15778 -> paulh;     totalDamage 14644.66; Module_Disintegrator_T1_Base
21:22:20.619 CMBT   |   Assisted Nicococo assisted to JackNoir15778 -> paulh;     totalDamage 7167.76; Weapon_Plasmagun_Heavy_T2_Mk1
21:22:27.147 CMBT   | Killed sgttownsend -> cardomaydwell;     totalDamage 2869.18; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:22:27.148 CMBT   |   Assisted Nicococo assisted to sgttownsend -> cardomaydwell;     totalDamage 0.00;  <buff>
21:22:32.205 CMBT   | Killed Nicococo -> gunhunter;     totalDamage 2687.98; Weapon_Plasmagun_Heavy_T2_Mk1
21:22:56.300 CMBT   | Killed tallconnor -> Vidiot;     totalDamage 2485.78; SpaceMissile_Standart_T2_Mk2
21:22:56.301 CMBT   |   Assisted JackNoir15778 assisted to tallconnor -> Vidiot;     totalDamage 5862.40; Module_Disintegrator_T1_Base
21:22:56.301 CMBT   |   Assisted Solien13971 assisted to tallconnor -> Vidiot;     totalDamage 295.79; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:24:26.168 CMBT   | Killed JackWagon -> Vidiot;     totalDamage 4302.12; SpaceMissile_Standart_T1_Mk3
21:24:26.169 CMBT   |   Assisted Nicococo assisted to JackWagon -> Vidiot;     totalDamage 3495.10; SpaceMissile_Standart_T2_Mk2
21:24:52.092 CMBT   | Killed tallconnor -> paulh;     totalDamage 5739.56; SpaceMissile_Standart_T2_Mk2
21:24:52.093 CMBT   |   Assisted Solien13971 assisted to tallconnor -> paulh;     totalDamage 11042.55; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2 <debuff>
21:25:07.352 CMBT   | Killed Nicococo -> gunhunter;     totalDamage 2831.99; SpaceMissile_Standart_T2_Mk2
21:25:07.353 CMBT   |   Assisted tallconnor assisted to Nicococo -> gunhunter;     totalDamage 1211.37; SpaceMissile_Standart_T2_Mk2
21:25:07.353 CMBT   |   Assisted sgttownsend assisted to Nicococo -> gunhunter;     totalDamage 4403.54; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:25:07.354 CMBT   |   Assisted Solien13971 assisted to Nicococo -> gunhunter;     totalDamage 1674.13; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:25:57.467 CMBT   | Killed Solien13971 -> eustisbuc;     totalDamage 2153.44; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:25:57.468 CMBT   |   Assisted sgttownsend assisted to Solien13971 -> eustisbuc;     totalDamage 1302.86; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:26:12.249 CMBT   | Killed sgttownsend -> Zacopack;     totalDamage 8831.43; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:26:16.819 CMBT   | Killed Cotin -> evilash18053;     totalDamage 2421.93; SpaceMissile_Standart_T1_Prem
21:26:16.820 CMBT   |   Assisted JackNoir15778 assisted to Cotin -> evilash18053;     totalDamage 2790.17; Weapon_Laser_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:26:16.820 CMBT   |   Assisted JackWagon assisted to Cotin -> evilash18053;     totalDamage 791.90; Weapon_Laser_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:26:39.698 CMBT   | Killed WarpGate_Static -> gunhunter;     totalDamage 3511.05; (crash)
21:26:41.693 CMBT   | Killed Cotin -> cardomaydwell;     totalDamage 2190.28; SpaceMissile_Standart_T1_Prem
21:26:41.694 CMBT   |   Assisted tallconnor assisted to Cotin -> cardomaydwell;     totalDamage 426.17; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T2_Mk1
21:26:46.484 CMBT   | Killed sgttownsend -> treyburke3;     totalDamage 6285.23; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:27:50.617 CMBT   | Killed tallconnor -> Zacopack;     totalDamage 15502.62; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T2_Mk1
21:28:23.329 CMBT   | Killed tallconnor -> jango34;     totalDamage 1541.87; SpaceMissile_Standart_T2_Mk2
21:28:33.111 CMBT   | Killed Cotin -> gunhunter;     totalDamage 1501.71; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Rare
21:28:33.111 CMBT   |   Assisted tallconnor assisted to Cotin -> gunhunter;     totalDamage 1509.77; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T2_Mk1
21:28:36.885 CMBT   |   Assisted Cotin assisted to betatrash -> venomaxe;     totalDamage 409.56; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Rare
21:28:49.264 CMBT   | Killed JackWagon -> Zacopack;     totalDamage 16790.50; Module_Disintegrator_T1_Base
21:29:01.746 CMBT   | Killed sgttownsend -> cardomaydwell;     totalDamage 1976.97; SpaceMissile_Standart_T1_Mk2
21:29:01.746 CMBT   |   Assisted JackNoir15778 assisted to sgttownsend -> cardomaydwell;     totalDamage 3661.94; Weapon_Laser_Basic_T2_Rare
21:29:01.747 CMBT   |   Assisted Nicococo assisted to sgttownsend -> cardomaydwell;     totalDamage 5060.71; Weapon_Plasmagun_Heavy_T2_Mk1 <buff>
21:29:01.747 CMBT   |   Assisted Cotin assisted to sgttownsend -> cardomaydwell;     totalDamage 390.05; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Rare
21:29:23.545 CMBT   | Killed tallconnor -> Vidiot;     totalDamage 4205.46; SpaceMissile_Standart_T2_Mk2
21:29:23.545 CMBT   |   Assisted Cotin assisted to tallconnor -> Vidiot;     totalDamage 5128.51; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Rare <debuff>
21:29:23.546 CMBT   |   Assisted Solien13971 assisted to tallconnor -> Vidiot;     totalDamage 2628.11; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:29:32.922 CMBT   | Killed JackNoir15778 -> evilash18053;     totalDamage 7321.08; Weapon_Laser_Basic_T2_Rare
21:29:32.922 CMBT   |   Assisted tallconnor assisted to JackNoir15778 -> evilash18053;     totalDamage 510.57; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T2_Mk1
21:29:32.923 CMBT   |   Assisted sgttownsend assisted to JackNoir15778 -> evilash18053;     totalDamage 3396.35; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2

21:20:37.488 CMBT   |   Assisted JackNoir15778 assisted to betatrash -> paulh;     totalDamage 5917.17; Module_EnergyLance_T2_Mk1
21:20:37.488 CMBT   |   Assisted sgttownsend assisted to betatrash -> paulh;     totalDamage 1256.65; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:21:30.352 CMBT   |   Assisted Nicococo assisted to betatrash -> eustisbuc;     totalDamage 2171.59; SpaceMissile_Standart_T2_Mk2
21:21:58.765 CMBT   |   Assisted Cotin assisted to betatrash -> Zacopack;     totalDamage 6933.93; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Rare
21:24:33.027 CMBT   |   Assisted Beniboi assisted to betatrash -> treyburke3;     totalDamage 212.00; Weapon_Laser_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:25:34.334 CMBT   |   Assisted JackWagon assisted to betatrash -> venomaxe;     totalDamage 564.83; Weapon_Laser_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:27:14.997 CMBT   |   Assisted JackWagon assisted to betatrash -> Vidiot;     totalDamage 3009.98; Module_Disintegrator_T1_Base
21:27:42.297 CMBT   |   Assisted JackNoir15778 assisted to betatrash -> cardomaydwell;     totalDamage 731.58; Weapon_Laser_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:27:46.751 CMBT   |   Assisted JackNoir15778 assisted to betatrash -> treyburke3;     totalDamage 1387.52; Weapon_Laser_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:28:02.687 CMBT   |   Assisted tallconnor assisted to betatrash -> paulh;     totalDamage 1570.94; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T2_Mk1
21:28:02.688 CMBT   |   Assisted JackWagon assisted to betatrash -> paulh;     totalDamage 5422.70; Module_Disintegrator_T1_Base
21:28:06.738 CMBT   |   Assisted Solien13971 assisted to betatrash -> evilash18053;     totalDamage 1866.82; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:28:10.424 CMBT   |   Assisted Beniboi assisted to betatrash -> eustisbuc;     totalDamage 829.86; Weapon_Plasmagun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:28:10.425 CMBT   |   Assisted sgttownsend assisted to betatrash -> eustisbuc;     totalDamage 5530.47; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2
21:29:23.570 CMBT   |   Assisted sgttownsend assisted to betatrash -> paulh;     totalDamage 6597.51; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T1_Mk2

21:29:53.751 CMBT   | Gameplay finished. Winner team: 1(WR_KING_OF_THE_HILL_TARGET_SCORE_REACHED). Finish reason: 'Max score reached'. Actual game time 605.6 sec
21:29:53.751 CMBT   | Scores - Team1(37.556) Team2(0.000)
21:29:53.752 CMBT   |        betatrash reward 478 experience for defeat
21:29:53.752 CMBT   |        betatrash reward 1369 reputation for defeat
21:29:53.753 CMBT   |        betatrash reward 70680 credits for defeat

truncated log with all my damage and team’s damage


total damage: 255,000+


total team damage:  238k+…


wait… why don’t i have a medal? this a bug or something? haha…


i did 51.7% of the team’s damage…


i did as much damage as 9 people. LMAO. it was in fact a 10v10.


edit: oh, it a title: ‘Juggernaut’…


the description says 50% of the total damage, which probably means all damage in a match, not just team damage…


that sucks :smiley:


and look at all the people who were assisting me (even tho i did most of the damage to those targets), which means i was actually supporting people in battle, not just shooting random targets… to counter a common misconception here that i was kill-mongering…


granted, only 4 enemy ships were T2, 6 were T1. however, T2s dont equip resists in passive because they only have 1 slot which is usually better spent on a straight health boost, accel coils or collision compensators. so no difference in T2 either, plus i’ve played full T2 games with 2-3 T3 ships, still top frags no prob.


and this was a R4 T2, not a R6 harpy… and a mk2 main weapon, so less damage potential than a mk3/experimental.


btw, i’m not saying i’m ‘awesome’… i’m actually pretty mediocre… i’m saying this thing is BROKEN lol… :stuck_out_tongue:

if you have proper battfield situational awareness and can predict when units will spawn and which paths they will approach from, then you’re not blind at all… as i said, i sniped a covert which i KNEW would try to flank me… he even masked his radar signature but i could see him 12km out using nothing but my eyes. shot him without a target market at that distance… then shot another 1-2 more dudes and timed how long it would take for him to get to me then finished him with 2 shots of my coil mortar before he was even within 2km… i masked my signature and sat behind a rock…

Same with the Torpedo. Except with it, you can peacefully hide behind a rock and lob missiles from there. You depend on your own team mates to be your eyes and your own eyes for your immediate surroundings and you provide a much better support to your entire team, seeing as you’re NOT visible at the top of the map for everyone to come and shoot you down.

Same with the Torpedo. Except with it, you can peacefully hide behind a rock and lob missiles from there. You depend on your own team mates to be your eyes and your own eyes for your immediate surroundings and you provide a much better support to your entire team, seeing as you’re NOT visible at the top of the map for everyone to come and shoot you down.


not there yet. just grinding R5/6 now. got a priest bartle from one of the packs, but cba to fly it cuz premiums are worthless ;p


but empire LRF is utterly broken, i can attest to this: when you can do more damage than the other 9 people on your team (9.5 extrapolated), and 20 out of your team’s 44 kills ;o


i’d imagine jericho LRF requires more than just good awareness, but also a good recon with radar range boosts ;p

i’d imagine jericho LRF requires more than just good awareness, but also a good recon with radar range boosts ;p

Doesn’t have to be a Recon. Any friendly ship on the field will provide you with the vision you need.

Doesn’t have to be a Recon. Any friendly ship on the field will provide you with the vision you need.


as long as someone covers flanks. like… if you’re the guy on the flank… scout a bit until you are actually needed elsewhere closeby. any inty can fill that role technically.


but yea… this is about the easy-button lotto-cannon aka the empire LRF ;D

I made, long time ago, a spreadsheet about the differences between jericho and empire LRF.

I can udapte it an reupload it if you want to have more data to speak about the LRF.

no need, i don’t wanna take up any of your time. i’ll just playtest it.


verdict however is that empire is broken up to T3 for sure ;p





Here the outdated version. What changed : More Dammages, so more DPS. Pre 0.9.0 T2 LRF data.



Edit : Open it in a new tab.