Developer blog from October 15th: New formula for skill rating

Btw, just talked to some “Super testers”, apparently PRemium bonus of being -1 rank for MM has been removed, at least for “standard” premiums, all prem/dlc/pirate ships that stay IN the tree lines supposed to be for matchmaking of the rank occupied, and all “standard” premiums, that are occupying bottom 3 spots of the tier, suppose to be of max rank for MM of its tier (i.e. parallax/valor R9)

Seriously? Oh, that makes it even worse. Been playing with R9 ships with the possibility of facing a lot of T4 an-… wait. Then why do I keep seeing T2 ships everywhere?..

There is no single system that will take everything into account in online games, nothing is impossible but amount of effort needed to code something like this just doesn’t make sense.



Taking in count all the possibilities is impossible, especially in terms of Deny/Slowing Objectives or Even Worse Sacrifying yourself (Your Ship, your efficiency and your rating) to Snowball a game to the victory.


It’s like the AMS, you use it to save 4 Daddy drones (with ofc 4 mommy drones and tons of baby drones) from a torpedo, at the same time you stopped X missiles with Y that were going to finish your allies or make them out of a fight due to damages.

The Only reward you will have is " PERSONNAL SATISFACTION" and nothing else.


The new formula at some point will be exactly the same, you know you did something useful (like the AMS) and the only thing you will have will be " PERSONNAL SATISFACTION".

At Least new system encourage a healthier gameplay for those that do care about the size of their personal satisfaction, rather than the older system that was quite the opposite, plus simultaneous removal of access to everyones rating while in the game should help as well. Of Course a lot of people don’t care, so it wont affect them at all, but i already saw 2 guys that use to only play “DNO gauss farm style” and I have not seen them play anything else, but now under the new system them picking something like an Anaconda M or Bubble PromX and #YOLO charge into the fray in Beacon Hunt, to me that is a very good change.

You are talking about the Game’s Dynamics improvment that the new formula is adding to the game, I completly understood it and it’s a good change.

What I found interesting is that nobody mentionned the possible come back of the Self Destruct for Covert Ops :wink:




picking something like an Anaconda M (any Fed Guard)

I really think they will be nerfed soon or later, if they want to improve the Brawling mechanics (with the fact that Death impact less the formula).

This ships are a bit broken when played as massiv brawler. (But that’s another Story).


I think that what most of the people talking about the New formula are focusing too much on the Matchmaking, they do not understand the subliminal message :

You can do what you want with your ships until is working correctly.

I know it could seems weird, but I’m pretty sure that in the next weeks, we will see new gameplay, fittings, mentality appear with the formula change (for the worst and the better)

My original point still stands.  


If the developers wanted to encourage players to try out new ship categories (for instance, I want to try ECM and have only a T2 ECM) then they have to sacrifice their pilot rating to level these ships up so that they can GET into the T3 matches and still die until they get better builds.  It is wrong, in my opinion, for this to happen.

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I so much hate this way of calculating… I played Engi, killed 2 players, captured a beacon and supported my team with several assists and finally won the game. Lost almost 300 rating. I really dont get it: I get punished and beaten for playing the f… objective :01414:

I’m mostly top of eff points moslty 2k difference between second place , most kills , most assists , most objectives yet I’m loosing sr points  , why is that?

You’re losing points simply because your current rating is higher than the specific rating for your performance in the tier that you are playing in. I’ve been switching between T2 and T3 to synergise ships. When the rating change was implemented, by rating was around 5100. I played a few T2 matches and my rating dropped to 4700. Went up to t3 and my rating increased in every single game regardless of the outcome. It had reached 6500 and was still climbing but when i dropped back down to T2, it dropped down to around 5000 again. It seems as though there is a rating cap for each tier and if you are above that cap and playing in that tier, the game will force your rating down until it below that cap. The cap for T2 seems to be around 5000. I’m not sure about any of the other tiers though.


Edit: This occurred while being at or near the top of my team at the end of every match

The only thing I still wonder about the rating is if it will be implemented into MMaking or more specific - how will we be punished by it.



IT’S OVER 9000!!!

dammit! I should have stayed one more hour last night to get mine :frowning:


Tillo, y u no Piranha?

Tillo, y u no Piranha?


Because you like to run away? :V

dammit! I should have stayed one more hour last night to get mine :frowning:


Don’t worry, as soon as Till squad with me, all his ratings will be mine :006j:

i already saw 2 guys that use to only play “DNO gauss farm style” and I have not seen them play anything else, but now under the new system them picking something like an Anaconda M or Bubble PromX and #YOLO charge into the fray in Beacon Hunt, to me that is a very good change.

If deaths isn’t sufficiently a factor in the rating, then they’re just feeding kills to the enemy.


I’m actually curious if “assisting the loss” is a significant factor.  I still need to play some PvP to get my 2400 rating to normalize.

Don’t worry, as soon as Till squad with me, all his ratings will be mine :006j:

It is ok, i got this


It is ok, i got this


How’s the Spark doing? Did you try that Gauss build you were talking about somewhere already?