Developer blog from October 15th: New formula for skill rating

Dyslexia strikes again?

Ricasso is RANK 8 ship, and it looks like each rank has its own rating saturation point, the higher the rank, the higher saturation mark (maybe it looking at your hangar and averages out of 4 ships, maybe it only counts ships you flew, dunno this)

We’re back to the same thing. 3 Premiums and an R8.


So you’re telling me that the difference between R8 and R9 is 3000? Seriously!? When T2 caps at around 4k or something?

We’re back to the same thing. 3 Premiums and an R8.


So you’re telling me that the difference between R8 and R9 is 3000? Seriously!? When T2 caps at around 4k or something?

seriously… my face hurts from all the facepalms you induce!

what 3000 where did you read 3000, or is it a math you having a problem with???

read my messages again, but i dunno, use glasses or something.

and while you are at reading, go reread devs blog about new ranking system and where they mention max rank vs ship rank

I suggest you do the same. The fact that I had 1500 SR was purely because I didn’t xxxx kill anyone. I’d end the matches with half a dozen kills. Considering that failure of a stat only tracked kills and not MATCH OBJECTIVES, yes, I consider myself an above-average pilot.


But the fact remains. Playing SOLELY T3 (R8/Premium), after ~20 matches, the new PR puts me at around 5600 AND STILL DROPPING. And you tell me the “average” in T3 is 6000? When most pilots you know as “top”, use, for the most part, Premium ships, as well? No. I can’t accept those numbers when everybody else in the pack (who rarely use R9’s, mind you) have slightly higher than my own. You’re telling me that pilots who are MUCH better than me only have a slightly better PR using the same Ranked ships?.. Absolutely not.


Either your pilots haven’t been sitting in T3 throughout their entire matchmaking (as in, going up to T4/5), or they’re lying to you. Simple as that. Don’t come and facepalm at me for saying it AS I SEE IT. The evidence is right there in our faces. And, this time, quite frankly, I’m not the one ignoring the numbers.

I suggest you do the same. The fact that I had 1500 SR was purely because I didn’t xxxx kill anyone. I’d end the matches with half a dozen kills. Considering that failure of a stat only tracked kills and not MATCH OBJECTIVES, yes, I consider myself an above-average pilot.

you can consider yourself w/e you want, everyone is under the same formulas, if yours is keep dropping, well maybe that is where you belong with your gameplay in current calculations.


But the fact remains. Playing SOLELY T3 (R8/Premium), after ~20 matches, the new PR puts me at around 5600 AND STILL DROPPING. And you tell me the “average” in T3 is 6000? When most pilots you know as “top”, use, for the most part, Premium ships, as well? No. I can’t accept those numbers when everybody else in the pack (who rarely use R9’s, mind you) have slightly higher than my own. You’re telling me that pilots who are MUCH better than me only have a slightly better PR using the same Ranked ships?.. Absolutely not.

Do you understand that there might be difference with premium and R8 ship in calculations? There is no official answer yet on what rank is prems are considered for ratings coefficients. But fact is R8 and R9 HAVE DIFFERENT RATING SATURATION POINTS, with R9s having them HIGHER. It is unknown if rating takes in consideration 4 ships equipped or only those that you have flown, but you keep telling me you are flying ricasso or have it equipped, where this is one of the major contributors to your rating coefficient. TAKE IT OFF.

So far it FEELS that T3 prem ships are considered to be R8 in calculation, but i am not 100% sure about this, since in DEgle i did gain some ratings after having 2x 3x efficiency scores from 2d place, and flying R9 did let me keep or gain rating even if i did not perform outstandingly well, and FACT is after 30 matches in T3 I settled at around 7500-7600 and i had 2 prem equipped and 2 R9s, mostly flying R9s, with game sizes up to 10v10, averaging to 6v6s.


Either your pilots haven’t been sitting in T3 throughout their entire matchmaking (as in, going up to T4/5), or they’re lying to you. Simple as that. Don’t come and facepalm at me for saying it AS I SEE IT. The evidence is right there in our faces. And, this time, quite frankly, I’m not the one ignoring the numbers.

You deserve to be facepalmed because you almost every time you post, you either exaggerate the problem out of proportion, or fail to comprehend what you have read or even read whole thing at all, or just talking like a betatrash, with arguments out of thin air.

Yet, here you stand saying X or Y is the true number to consider for A or B situations, when the system is out for 2 days…

Yet, here you stand saying X or Y is the true number to consider for A or B situations, when the system is out for 2 days…

System were collecting data for past 14 days, that is how it got conversion numbers, in my case it got it pretty close ~500 off. 10-15 people in NASA i fly often with or against in my time, got their rating within ~800-900 off, but they change tiers a lot during different time zones, while i was solely doing T3. And still for the system that designed to represent some statistical value, ~3 week is no where close to settle in, in fact it will never settle in due to Tier jumping, and different time zone game sizes

And if you have 9000 via playing T5, going to T3 will drop your rating, unless you win 1v12 or something

I have been playing mostly T2 in the last 2 weeks and I started at 6118 point of rating so saying T2 soft cap is around 4k is wrong. That being said, I played 3 games of T5 in SQ, won 1 and lost 2 other and rating went up to 6700 in only 3 games… With the old system, even if I was mainly playing T2, my rating was always around 1500 to 1600. You have to play a record breaking game each time in lower tier to keep a high rating. Will this prevent me from playing in lower tier ? Of course not because I really hate 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and 5v5 and (I dont really care about rating or what you think about lower tier game) thats only what you get in higher tier after waiting over 8 min. average per game (and thats solo, waiting time between games goes up to 10 to 20 min. when your squading). Lets be honest, higher tier game are broken, you shouldnt have to wait 10 min. to get a 3v3 and you shouldnt be penalized for playing in a squad either.


The problem is not how they calculate the rating or what is taken into consideration, the problem is the amount of player playing the game as it always been ! You can implement any kind of rating system or MM, if no one is playing the game, the system will FAIL.


As long as the player base will be low (really too low now), MM, rating and squading will be broken.

System were collecting data for past 14 days, that is how it got conversion numbers, in my case it got it pretty close ~500 off. 10-15 people in NASA i fly often with or against in my time, got their rating within ~800-900 off, but they change tiers a lot during different time zones, while i was solely doing T3

No, the new system started off based on activity. It’ll take about a week to stabilize properly and you came here saying that 6k was “normal” for T3, when it’s clear it isn’t.

and you came here saying that 6k was “normal” for T3, when it’s clear it isn’t.

After playing some games in T3 and T5 and looking at profiles of some pilots from NASA and “randoms” i use to meet in games it looks like

In T3

___  < 6500 - Below average - average pilots 

6500 - 7000 - Average to good pilots

7000 - 7500 - your Usual Carries

learn to read


and by this i meant R9 ships

learn to read


and by this i meant R9 ships

We’re back to repeating ourselves. You’re basically saying that between R8 and R9 there’s about a 1-2K difference (now that I’ve taken a better in-game look). THIS IS WHAT YOU’RE SAYING. It’s basically impossible, considering that I’ve ONLY been playing T3 and my own score has been going DOWN…


It basically looks like nothing. Your eyes are betraying you. I’m sitting at 5700 and it’s STILL going down. I’m comparing MY experience with the PR to YOURS and I keep telling you you’re wrong. Why? Because now that I’m using R9s, maintaining my top places (1st-4th) under the SAME circumstances (high kill ratio, getting objectives, not dying… much…) and, after 6 battles, IT’S STILL DROPPING.

Then conclusion is simple Ory… You are below average player  :006j:


I could believe in that!

lol… just lost 200points after being second just because the number one pilot had higher efficiency than me. Had 3 kills on my frig and no death, we won the match, still I loose? nice game mechanics



you can consider yourself w/e you want, everyone is under the same formulas, if yours is keep dropping, well maybe that is where you belong with your gameplay in current calculations.

Then conclusion is simple Ory… You are below average player  :006j:


I could believe in that!

Then conclusion is simple Ory… You are below average player  :006j:


I could believe in that!

Come on, I’m getting an average of 3-4k points per match, when they’re big enough. I just had ANOTHER 8v8, flying a Strong, ~3200 points, no deaths, seven Beacon captures… the rating went DOWN 30 points.

lol… just lost 200points after being second just because the number one pilot had higher efficiency than me. Had 3 kills on my frig and no death, we won the match, still I loose? nice game mechanics

it isn’t SKILL rating atm

Btw, just talked to some “Super testers”, apparently PRemium bonus of being -1 rank for MM has been removed, at least for “standard” premiums, all prem/dlc/pirate ships that stay IN the tree lines supposed to be for matchmaking of the rank occupied, and all “standard” premiums, that are occupying bottom 3 spots of the tier, suppose to be of max rank for MM of its tier (i.e. parallax/valor R9)

After playing some games in T3 and T5 and looking at profiles of some pilots from NASA and “randoms” i use to meet in games it looks like

In T3

___  < 6500 - Below average - average pilots 

6500 - 7000 - Average to good pilots

7000 - 7500 - your Usual Carries


T3 saturates at about 7800, meaning in order to have positive rating at ~7800 you need a win, R9 ship, and about 50% of teams efficiency score (i am not sure, but it feels that game size is accounted as well in some way). Surprisingly deaths are not as critical to final rating, they have some effect, but not the driving force.


In T5 

It looks like 8500 - 9000 range for a Better pilots and for 9000+ exceptionally good/carries


The only problem I have with new rating is that it is very hard to “predict” pilots efficiency in a game because you don’t know in what tier he obtained his rating. You can be terrible T5er with 6500-7000 rating, but in T3 that is fairly good. I mean for corporation applications, at least before you could filter out pilots below certain “mark” so no one wastes their time, neither the applicant nor officer.



it isn’t SKILL rating atm


hmmmmmm… 008j.png

hmmmmmm… 008j.png

Skill is very “vague” definition.

New ranking system attempts to measure your skill to win games, while older one was about killing/survival skill, and had nothing to do with winning games.



New ranking system attempts  is not even close  to measure your skill to win games,


And it’s not taking all the possibilities to win games in consideration making it not completly revelant. 

And it’s not taking all the possibilities to win games in consideration making it not completely relevant.

There is no single system that will take everything into account in online games, nothing is impossible but amount of effort needed to code something like this just doesn’t make sense.