Developer blog from October 15th: New formula for skill rating

Then fix the match maker, and allow standard top of the tier ships to be flown without fear off being placed in a higher tiered battle.  It is much harder to not die against higher tiers, any pilot will agree.  If this new skill rating is to be the “new standard” for your game, then you need to ensure it’s not broken due to simple match making mechanics. 

This would be the priority. Isolating the Tiers. However… with 1k pilots online… it’s impossible. And very laughable.


The game still has no advertising to speak of, there is NOTHING that tells the world the game even exists. This is going straight down the gutter and I’d hate to take the blame on that one.

No, they shouldn’t, even not the R9.

R8/9 vs R10 is ok, but against R11 it becomes unfair.

Another thing is that so often you get an almost full T3 team vs a full T4 team, where is this fair?

You’re happy about the changes because your high-tier gameplay is more comfortable now, more wins, faster MM. But keep in mind that not everyone likes that, especially because this should be a solution, but it isn’t, it’s even more worse now.

How is fair that a full premium squad in tier 3 face a 3 men squad of newbs in rank 6 ships?


Sometimes you will be the top of the crop, sometimes you won’t. That is why I like the new MM, and I liked the previous iteration (except the part of the premium ships having premium MM)


About my own situation, nothing changed. I’m still playing tier 5 games 6v6 and 8v8 most of the time. The main difference is that now, games are faster because all tier 5 players are in the same queue, instead of having two separate ones.


It will be great if most people leave tier 3 and start playing higher tier games. In fact, with the new changes a lot of people are playing tier 4 now.


That is great.


I respect that you don’t want to leave tier 3 and your confort zone, but that doesn’t mean it is fair for everyone having a 4 men squad in top tier ships ALL the xxxx time. Now you can be top tier, or not.


Which I think it is great!

How is fair that a full premium squad in tier 3 face a 3 men squad of newbs in rank 6 ships?

Sometimes you will be the top of the crop, sometimes you won’t. That is why I like the new MM, and I liked the previous iteration (except the part of the premium ships having premium MM)

About my own situation, nothing changed. I’m still playing tier 5 games 6v6 and 8v8 most of the time. The main difference is that now, games are faster because all tier 5 players are in the same queue, instead of having two separate ones.

It will be great if most people leave tier 3 and start playing higher tier games. In fact, with the new changes a lot of people are playing tier 4 now.

That is great.

I respect that you don’t want to leave tier 3 and your confort zone, but that doesn’t mean it is fair for everyone having a 4 men squad in top tier ships ALL the xxxx time. Now you can be top tier, or not.

Which I think it is great!

  1. That T3 prems face R6 is the result of the new MM.

  2. Make people able to convert T3 Mk4 Mods to T4 Mk4 and you’ll see me there very soon.

PS: I actually play some T5 to get the vouchers for my mods faster :slight_smile:

  1. That T3 prems face R6 is the result of the new MM.

  2. Make people able to convert T3 Mk4 Mods to T4 Mk4 and you’ll see me there very soon.

PS: I actually play some T5 to get the vouchers for my mods faster :slight_smile:


  1. Well, say rank 7 then. It is the same than rank 6 ships and that is what happened before. With the difference that now you can either be top tier or not, but before rank 10 and rank 7 were ALWAYS bottom tier.

  2. The economy is fair as it is. Considering any purple can be installed in any ship (except class modules)


You can also play t4. Tier 5 contracts can be done with a tier 4 ship.

You can also play t4. Tier 5 contracts can be done with a tier 4 ship.

Why should i go into PvP without equipment?

I skipped T4, i made T5 with T3 free synergy only.

I’ve a lot T5 equipped (Some Mk4) and full synergized, so i prefer them to half level non-equipment T4s :smiley:

Why should i go into PvP without equipment?

I skipped T4, i made T5 with T3 free synergy only.

I’ve a lot T5 equipped (Some Mk4) and full synergized, so i prefer them to half level non-equipment T4s :smiley:

It is your loss. T4 is really fun, and you have a lot of very good ships there.


And I leveled up my T4 ships from scratch, before you could get next tier green kits playing the previous tier, and with the old contracts (only 3 per game) And I didn’t have problems getting top scores most of the time.


Not having full purple equipment is not an excuse. Once you reach level 4 synergy and green modules, you ship is as competitive as 95% of the ships out there.

Why should i go into PvP without equipment?

I skipped T4, i made T5 with T3 free synergy only.

I’ve a lot T5 equipped (Some Mk4) and full synergized, so i prefer them to half level non-equipment T4s :smiley:

t4 could be fun too  :01111:

its nice to have purple gear for every tier

t4 could be fun too :01111:

its nice to have purple gear for every tier

It’s also very hard to achieve, especially for new players and/or people who don’t want to have to buy their way to the top with GS.

It’s also very hard to achieve, especially for new players and/or people who don’t want to have to buy their way to the top with GS.

agree. i hope it will be easier in future  :fed001: 

It’s also very hard to achieve, especially for new players and/or people who don’t want to have to buy their way to the top with GS.

Well, if you have all purple in all ships in all tiers what do you have left?


Anyway, having purple in your main ships is easy to get without GS. License will help of course, but I think that to play tier 4 and tier 5 you should have license.


I don’t have purple in all the ships I have, mostly because I have 174 ships, so I don’t have enough inventory space to fit them all!! 

I am under the impression that this new system will be better, a skilled engineer, guard, recon is just as important for the team as the teams gunship, covert opts, sniper… and so on but quite often the support classes do just that, support others in getting the skill rating. If we’re actually going to rank people in a match based on a number, let that number be their efficiency in battle rather then how many kills they farm in detonation while blue beacons are taken out underneath their feet.

Dieing means giving enemy points so not dieing should be a small bonus to the over all efficiency. It also stimulates those who actually care about the number to stay with their team but most of the time, people don’t care about it. Actually most of the time people like it to be low then high so they don’t have to be captain when they don’t want to.



 You can clearly see that a guy called Rockfor [AUT] has almost the same score with pretty much half the kills and assists which proves that doing objectives and damage to others get’s you your deserved efficiency.


The one thing I don’t know if it’s calculated is team saving kills, if you save someone by killing their attacker instead of shoot someone who isn’t attacking anyone seems to me like it should have bonus efficiency.


K/D ratio was nice to have but I would just keep it as a separate stats as I would keep many other things like precision, average efficiency and so on.

The one thing I don’t know if it’s calculated is team saving kills, if you save someone by killing their attacker instead of shoot someone who isn’t attacking anyone seems to me like it should have bonus efficiency.



You get a medal for that, and medals give you bonus income. Not efficiency though… that is true.


The same happens with missile shields for example. They don’t give any efficiency, even if you are saving your team from a lot of damage.

The Mobility factor is  impacting in the new SR Formula too much.


If you really want your formula to reflect something, maybe making the objectives fair for all ships could be a good start as well as the Efficiency Rewards.


It’s extremly annoying to see that the “Double-Speed” Mentality regarding progression/gameplay applied on the game is still the same.

 You can clearly see that a guy called Rockfor [AUT] has almost the same score with pretty much half the kills and assists which proves that doing objectives and damage to others get’s you your deserved efficiency.

Obviously. But the point is that I reached 2nd in an LRF. Not just any LRF, a Jericho LRF. People say a lot of trash about them but they forget that, when used effectively, LRFs are the most dangerous ships in this game. I must have prevented some 5-8 bomb plants, swear to god…


But that’s besides the point. The point is that focusing on objectives gives you a LOT more points than regular kills. Of course, people find it much easier to farm kills because they find themselves in positions that are perfect to do just that. And now these teams see that neutered for them. And I’m perfectly fine with that.

I like concept.


Especially a hard cap at the end. Since, if there is a battle, where everyone is at 10k skillrating, it really does not matter, how much far above that magical number they really are, all of them could kill each other.



Obviously. But the point is that I reached 2nd in an LRF. Not just any LRF, a Jericho LRF. People say a lot of trash about them but they forget that, when used effectively, LRFs are the most dangerous ships in this game. I must have prevented some 5-8 bomb plants, swear to god…


killing the bomb carrier has bigger rewards (I think double?). as does killing next to objectives. don’t see the problem, if you have been defending 8 plants, you deserve to be in the top 3.



So I defended beacons by keeping a superior team from capping, while my slow ace-team finally managed to stop pouring in one by one and move to the next, me dying and us winning the game. I didn’t achieve a kill, nor many caps, even tho I did tons of damage, and basicly helped to win the game. There are always situations to find, where points will not tell these stories, still, overall a good system.

The rating available now (of course, in the absence of cheating) evaluates the player as a professional mercenary, but is not suitable as a competitive rating in team battles, which our game is designed around.




Yes, because it’s so easy to get into a proper team battle with the queue times for matching squad -vs- squad being so very short.  Like 2 nights ago, when after waiting for 30 min to get into a 4 vs 4 we gave up and sync-launched solo.  

Sorry, Devs, but this idea simply is horrible, at least making tier affect everything SO much!


I just bought the Stiletto, and even though I normally play in T3+, I wanted to level it up to get the next ECM.  However, I got into a captain match, became captain, and chose to use the Kalah…a better choice for me as a pilot.  I then proceeded to win the match, didn’t die, and came out at the top of my team by a considerable margin.


How did my skill rating go down, and why did it go down?  You can’t seriously expect pilots of higher tiers to want to play your game if you keep penalizing them when they are trying to level up lower-tiered ships.


I did a great job that round, and I don’t care if I’m normally a high-tiered pilot or not.  I killed 7 people, didn’t die, and as captain I led our team to victory.  Sorry if this is a “rant” but I am so damn tired of getting jacked around in this game.  I am a paying customer like a lot of others, and I am torn in playing this game because it is limiting me to higher tiers if I want my skill rating to stay up.  It doesn’t matter how I play, it goes down if I am in anything other than T3.


So I ask you, devs, what the hell is the point of having tier make such a big difference for skill rating?  Sure you can fly better than most pilots in that tier, but you’re still restricted to the same tier, and that is critical.  No advanced modules to save you, just pure skill.  So you’re telling me THAT kind of survivability does not matter to your system?  Stupid.








Sorry, Devs, but this idea simply is horrible, at least making tier affect everything SO much!


I just bought the Stiletto, and even though I normally play in T3+, I wanted to level it up to get the next ECM.  However, I got into a captain match, became captain, and chose to use the Kalah…a better choice for me as a pilot.  I then proceeded to win the match, didn’t die, and came out at the top of my team by a considerable margin.


How did my skill rating go down, and why did it go down?  You can’t seriously expect pilots of higher tiers to want to play your game if you keep penalizing them when they are trying to level up lower-tiered ships.


I did a great job that round, and I don’t care if I’m normally a high-tiered pilot or not.  I killed 7 people, didn’t die, and as captain I led our team to victory.  Sorry if this is a “rant” but I am so damn tired of getting jacked around in this game.  I am a paying customer like a lot of others, and I am torn in playing this game because it is limiting me to higher tiers if I want my skill rating to stay up.  It doesn’t matter how I play, it goes down if I am in anything other than T3.


So I ask you, devs, what the hell is the point of having tier make such a big difference for skill rating?  Sure you can fly better than most pilots in that tier, but you’re still restricted to the same tier, and that is critical.  No advanced modules to save you, just pure skill.  So you’re telling me THAT kind of survivability does not matter to your system?  Stupid.








Play a single game in T5 and your rating will skyrocket again.


The rating is based on the rank. The lower your ship rank, the lower your rating. It is not a measure of skill anymore.

Yes, just look again, it’s not skill rating anymore, it’s now pilot rating.

So your pilot rating can suck but you’re skilled anyway.

Yes, just look again, it’s not skill rating anymore, it’s now pilot rating.

So your pilot rating can suck but you’re skilled anyway.


I know this.  But I still think it’s a flawed idea and system.