Destroyers in Beacon Matches

What you write is to some extend correct. But how many times a frigate stay wide open? I saw next to none. They are always near some structures to hide from focus fire. This is something you can’t do as easy with destroyers. What you describe is being wide open in space without any obstacles able to fire anytime. Yes you need ‘to point’ at your target, but mostly you look where you are flying or not?

Then you have never played with a destroyer player that at least has a brain. 1 Destroyer + 1 engie with eclipse means that the destroyer is almost immortal. You don’t need cover… 

Then you have never played with a destroyer player that at least has a brain. 1 Destroyer + 1 engie with eclipse means that the destroyer is almost immortal. You don’t need cover…

Rip that engie and leave the destroyer alone.

Then you have never played with a destroyer player that at least has a brain. 1 Destroyer + 1 engie with eclipse means that the destroyer is almost immortal. You don’t need cover… 

Shame nobody uses healing suppressor guns on Interceptors which, by a coincidence, doing 200% dmg to destroyers, or even Spy drones on recons are “to cool to carry around”, and yet those 2 things screw general life of destroyers royally, especially Feds and Jericho.

Shame nobody uses healing suppressor guns on Interceptors which, by a coincidence, doing 200% dmg to destroyers, or even Spy drones on recons are “to cool to carry around”, and yet those 2 things screw general life of destroyers royally, especially Feds and Jericho.

You can equip whatever module and weapon you want, but without teamplay it’s almost impossible to bring  down a destroyer + an engineer guarding it alone. Also, the debuffs you listed don’t last forever. You can just get collision damage to remove a spy drone, and the Phase Suppressor debuff lasts for very little time. But I can see your point. 

Just about everything I see about countering destroyers assumes the ship is alone. As pointed out, park an engineer nearby and even tag teams won’t necessarily get through. I’ve earned plenty of kills and assists today murdering whoever went after the nearest allied destroyer.

Just about everything I see about countering destroyers assumes the ship is alone. As pointed out, park an engineer nearby and even tag teams won’t necessarily get through. I’ve earned plenty of kills and assists today murdering whoever went after the nearest allied destroyer.

And i make plethora kills and assist almost every battle, no matter the role I role use or what ships my team has.

This is not an argument.

And i make plethora kills and assist almost every battle, no matter the role I role use or what ships my team has.

This is not an argument.

I think that what he wants to say is that, while playing an engineer, you can get lots of interceptor kills just by standing near a destroyer and killing every Covert Ops that tries to knife the destroyer. The high firepower and toughness of a destroyer mixed with the high counter-interceptor and healing potential of an engineer is very powerful and very hard to counter.  

I think that what he wants to say is that, while playing an engineer, you can get lots of interceptor kills just by standing near a destroyer and killing every Covert Ops that tries to knife the destroyer. The high firepower and toughness of a destroyer mixed with the high counter-interceptor and healing potential of an engineer is very powerful and very hard to counter.  

How is it different from staying next to a frig ball or being paired with great tackler, or cover a beacon with EM torps, or have an ECM setting up kills for you, or using adaptive guard as a bait and so on and so forth? In this particular argument, there is nothing exclusive that brought into the game by destroyer existence, you can get plenty of K/A/D regardless of destroyers.


 If you wanna discuss how destroyers are OP, at-least use proper arguments supporting that point of view, that is all there is to it.

I’ve been playing normal games rather than listening to the boasts of the top end players. Destroyers routinely tank insane damage compared to other builds. Even played badly, they need to be focused down by 4+ ships to dispatch them quickly. Any other class will be mopped up with two, if not solod by a good damage dealer.

Destroyers + engineer are an insane combo to break, tougher even than Engi + Guard. I see very few lone covops killing destroyers, but I see a lot of lone covops exploding.

How is it different from staying next to a frig ball or being paired with great tackler, or cover a beacon with EM torps, or have an ECM setting up kills for you, or using adaptive guard as a bait and so on and so forth? In this particular argument, there is nothing exclusive that brought into the game by destroyer existence, you can get plenty of K/A/D regardless of destroyers.


 If you wanna discuss how destroyers are OP, at-least use proper arguments supporting that point of view, that is all there is to it.

Ok, then let me say it with proper words:


A destroyer + an engineer is a too powerful combo. The engineer can keep the destroyer to max health while at the same time protect it from interceptors, which are one of the only 2 “counters” to destroyers. In order to take down such a combo, you need the combined effort of at least other 3+ members of your team. 

Ok, then let me say it with proper words:


A destroyer + an engineer is a too powerful combo. The engineer can keep the destroyer to max health while at the same time protect it from interceptors, which are one of the only 2 “counters” to destroyers. In order to take down such a combo, you need the combined effort of at least other 3+ members of your team. 

I don’t get why would you think that interceptor is a “direct” counter to a destroyers in a shoot at each other situations, if anything fighters perform 10x better than interceptors vs destroyers in a firefight, interceptors are better of at taking down destroyer supporters than destroyers them-self. 

So who does take the destroyers down? Another destroyer? Sorry, but I’ve seen plenty of 1v0 destroyer matches.

So who does take the destroyers down? Another destroyer? Sorry, but I’ve seen plenty of 1v0 destroyer matches.

I have seen plenty of matches were there were no destroyers on one side and multiple on enemy side, and yet they got spawn camped (and no destroyers pilots were not idiots). Point is it all comes down to a situation, “kill a destroyer” is not an answer all the times, neither “ignore it and go for beacon/his support/bomb/etc” it is a mix and comes down to the map. You cant burst the destroyer down without focus form 3 players that is in their design, if it has to die or suppressed you’ll have to find  way to weather it down, if you cant - kill someone else. 

 I don’t have an issue with destroyers being bullet-sponges, i did not have an issue with"good old frigballs" which were practically the same thing, if anything such situations broaden your understanding of the gameflow, since it forces you to come up with ways and adopt if you truly want to win, and not only there for pew-pew-final score.

 I am not saying dessies are fine, but I find their imbalance in their utility not the tankiness. 

I have seen plenty of matches were there were no destroyers on one side and multiple on enemy side, and yet they got spawn camped (and no destroyers pilots were not idiots). Point is it all comes down to a situation, “kill a destroyer” is not an answer all the times, neither “ignore it and go for beacon/his support/bomb/etc” it is a mix and comes down to the map. You cant burst the destroyer down without focus form 3 players that is in their design, if it has to die or suppressed you’ll have to find  way to weather it down, if you cant - kill someone else. 

 I don’t have an issue with destroyers being bullet-sponges, i did not have an issue with"good old frigballs" which were practically the same thing, if anything such situations broaden your understanding of the gameflow, since it forces you to come up with ways and adopt if you truly want to win, and not only there for pew-pew-final score.

 I am not saying dessies are fine, but I find their imbalance in their utility not the tankiness. 

All of this is right, but tell me what you do in a domination match like this: 


The enemy has 3 destroyers. Your team has 1 or none. Each one of the enemy destroyers sits on a beacon. You can’t coordinate your team to focus fire 1 beacon at a time, because there are no big squads, so your teammates keep dying and you can do nothing about it.


Ignoring a destroyer isn’t always the solution. Another case where I find destroyers op is in combat recon. A destroyer captain is basically unkillable without other destroyers. Of course now you’ll say: don’t kill the captain, just kill all the other ships. Very good point, but what if the entire enemy teams is using support ships/frigates and is sitting near the captain? 


But I think we are arguing for no reasons, I think, like you do, that the main problem with destroyers is their ability to do almost everything better than other ships. So, let’s stop this pretty pointless and non-constructive discussion here. 

All of this is right, but tell me what you do in a domination match like this: 


The enemy has 3 destroyers. Your team has 1 or none. Each one of the enemy destroyers sits on a beacon. You can’t coordinate your team to focus fire 1 beacon at a time, because there are no big squads, so your teammates keep dying and you can do nothing about it.


Ignoring a destroyer isn’t always the solution. Another case where I find destroyers op is in combat recon. A destroyer captain is basically unkillable without other destroyers. Of course now you’ll say: don’t kill the captain, just kill all the other ships. Very good point, but what if the entire enemy teams is using support ships/frigates and is sitting near the captain? 


But I think we are arguing for no reasons, I think, like you do, that the main problem with destroyers is their ability to do almost everything better than other ships. So, let’s stop this pretty pointless and non-constructive discussion here. 


Can you post please all situations, not just picking one suiting your argument?


And what you describe is lacking teamplay. Not a problem with the destroyer itself. Your argument sound wanting 1 on 1 Pro kill.


To the combat recon: What you again describe is teamplay. And no a combat recon destroyer is nearly the same level of killable like a non combat one. He is only boosted in damage, not survivability.


@Kato thanks! Forgot about the regen debuff from recons.


To the combat recon: What you again describe is teamplay. And no a combat recon destroyer is nearly the same level of killable like a non combat one. He is only boosted in damage, not survivability.


Don’t forget about the fact that he can see everyone. There’s no way to come close to him with a covert ops, or any other stealth ship. This, combined to the enormous damage output and tank, makes destroyer captains almost impossible to kills. 


Your argument sound wanting 1 on 1 Pro kill.


I don’t understand this statement. At least in theory, you should be able to 1v1 any ship in the game, if you are a more skilled player than your opponent. The main problem here is that it doesn’t apply to destroyers… 


Also, as a side note: I don’t have any problem with r8 destroyers, they are pretty balanced and their modules are effective almost only against heavier ships. What bothers me is mostly r11 destroyers: they are highly customizable and can fit every role. They also have modules that are effective against smaller targets (BH removes adaptives and locks down beacons for the entire enemy team, Photon has very big trigger radius, making it good in close quarters against interceptors and fighters, and its range makes you able to snipe other ships).

Don’t forget about the fact that he can see everyone. There’s no way to come close to him with a covert ops, or any other stealth ship. This, combined to the enormous damage output and tank, makes destroyer captains almost impossible to kills.

I don’t understand this statement. At least in theory, you should be able to 1v1 any ship in the game, if you are a more skilled player than your opponent. The main problem here is that it doesn’t apply to destroyers…

Also, as a side note: I don’t have any problem with r8 destroyers, they are pretty balanced and their modules are effective almost only against heavier ships. What bothers me is mostly r11 destroyers: they are highly customizable and can fit every role. They also have modules that are effective against smaller targets (BH removes adaptives and locks down beacons for the entire enemy team, Photon has very big trigger radius, making it good in close quarters against interceptors and fighters, and its range makes you able to snipe other ships).

You don’t even need to be covered. It’s a + but not necessary. Just don’t fly straigth to him. If he is wide open: Guards should have an easy job. And a stun from ECM shouldn’t be false too.

You can handle a destroyer 1 on 1. It just takes time.

To the rank-issue: Doesn’t this apply to all shipclasses? That you can build a counter to your ‘normal’ counterclass?

I didn’t notice a trigger radius for photon. But you maybe forgot: It’s a ball - so more area that can hit than any normal projectile - and shields make your ship a way bigger target as you think.

‘Its range’ sorry, but you can’t snipe any target, that isn’t a dumb sitting duck or very very slow/big.

A thing you all forget: If a destroyer is killed, he is essentially removed for 40s+ from the battle. That’s way more as any other class. This can easily cause the cascade effect/spawn camping.

You can handle a destroyer 1 on 1. It just takes time.

Yes, but what do you think are the odds that one can keep circling around a destroyer for several minutes without anyone else from enemy team showing up? Thinking about 1v1 scenarios with a destroyer is completely unrealistic.


A thing you all forget: If a destroyer is killed, he is essentially removed for 40s+ from the battle. That’s way more as any other class. This can easily cause the cascade effect/spawn camping.

Which team is losing more time, the one with a single destroyer out of the battle for a minute, or the one which had 4 ships firing at it for a minute?

Yes, but what do you think are the odds that one can keep circling around a destroyer for several minutes without anyone else from enemy team showing up? Thinking about 1v1 scenarios with a destroyer is completely unrealistic.


Which team is losing more time, the one with a single destroyer out of the battle for a minute, or the one which had 4 ships firing at it for a minute?

Very well, that when fine tactics and calculation come into a battle! But imagine the 4 ships pressing on in coordination to make a breach into the enemy line …  bingo your 1 minute suppressing enemy-destroyer knockout gave you victory to your team!

To the rank-issue: Doesn’t this apply to all shipclasses? That you can build a counter to your ‘normal’ counterclass?


You don’t get the point here. With all those totally customizable slots for passives, Destroyers can completely remove their few weaknesses (Look at a speedy antares, it goes as fast as a fed fighter, while keeping its enormous firepower), or enhance even more their strengths (for example, a tanky brave can reach +250k of hull with 60/60/60 resistances).

 that isn’t a dumb sitting duck or very very slow/big.


Hmm, every Long range using its module maybe?