Destroyers are overused

its 31% more dps (considering you made it to do a broadside…where you are definately not going at 100% frontal speed to your target, and where you dont have speed boost from F module), no idea where you got the surv percentages xD and speed is quite variable depending on many factors: invincible wont go faster than 190ms even with speed mode (less speed than cerberus), archon is slightly faster (almost same than cerb speed with speed mode), procyon will get 40 more ms than cerb with speed mode (45% one) up to a max of 100ms aprox with a speed build and 60% speed mode which would be 1/3 more than cerb speed, a 33% extra; really far from 100% even with the highest result. Average is no where near 100%. And DDs cant use all the bonuses from F module at the same time, so if a DDs wants to chase a ship at max speed, it will have a low amount of turrets in fire angle and no dmg bonus. Your math is being applied incorrectly.

but it can warp! that’s some m/s moar!


also you rly think i’ve done da math? o_O

like I’m capable of doin such OP stuff…

but it can warp! that’s some m/s moar!


also you rly think i’ve done da math? o_O

like I’m capable of doin such OP stuff…

come tillo dont be no0b, wormwhole is only used to dmg ships! warping is for rookies only.

Im sorry tillo, i think i overestimated you :frowning: btw seems you can get near to 400ms in a procyon…i doubt it has much firepower/survability tho…

 i think i overestimated you :frowning:


seriously why t3 now include rank 11 ships … since a few days if its not enough with a lot of destro thers now rank 11 destros with a huge armor and dps.

Please fix this urgentlly this become unplayable !

seriously why t3 now include rank 11 ships … since a few days if its not enough with a lot of destro thers now rank 11 destros with a huge armor and dps.

Please fix this urgentlly this become unplayable !

there is no T3… things are divided by ranks now and you can get +/- 2 ranks in game so with R9 equipped you can face R11 dessies

there is no T3… things are divided by ranks now and you can get +/- 2 ranks in game so with R9 equipped you can face R11 dessies


Oh really? Try to equip r8 ships only and see what happens.

Even with one single destroyer r8 equipped you will end against r 11 dessies.

Oh really? Try to equip r8 ships only and see what happens.

Even with one single destroyer r8 equipped you will end against r 11 dessies.

I’ll gonna play Fracture Space if I feel like playing destroyers…

I’ll gonna play Fracture Space if I feel like playing destroyers…



Oh really? Try to equip r8 ships only and see what happens.

Even with one single destroyer r8 equipped you will end against r 11 dessies.


R8 will get me games with dessies anyway… don’t really care which rank

R8 will get me games with dessies anyway… don’t really care which rank


The point is that a r8 destro can’t do so much against r11 dessies…

The point is that a r8 destro can’t do so much against r11 dessies…

as far as I know there is a bug with squad matchmaking, so the max +/-2 can get to max +/-3( or smth ). And yeah desies balancing is perfect…

Release new Ship that is pretty OP, players see the power of it, some spend cash to get it quick, new ship gets ‘balanced’. War Thunder uses this tactic too.

For reduce a bit the overused I propose One life only for the destroyer…


Similat to capture the beacon when you die with a destroyer you can’t use destroyer for the all match… but can use all other ship…

Release new Ship that is pretty OP, players see the power of it, some spend cash to get it quick, new ship gets ‘balanced’. War Thunder uses this tactic too.

See’s right through gaijin 

Well of course and it happens every year be it weapons, ships, aliens, “secret/rare/exclusive” stuff ;p I would be fine with it except the massive increase in power of r11 destroyers in r8 battles due to new mods…





As long as this trend continues.



Destroyers will be overused…

I have one myself. Although i cant say i enjoy playing with it in PVP… "TVT to be technical correct & devs please label things correct. pvp is only true for openspace. skirmish is tvt.
I like to use my DD for open space pvp but thats it.
The only time i use my destroyer in TVT is when i need to do the broker missions. it aint fun with them…


Anyway… according to Shrike221 things should be better now.

From my understandig it works like this now.

If i select my (R7 ship or R8 ship) + my R8(DD)
I will meet the same ranked Destroyer. R8.
However if i select my R9 ship + my R8(DD). i can meet R11(DD) + R12 ship
I have not used my DD since last night so i dont know if this works…

Now… we will see around 1AM, wount we :wink:


my idea fixes this

T3 and T4 are oversaturated with a single ship class, this is a balance issue unless the developers are throwing away all of their previous work while at the same time keeping the content to trick customers into wasting their time, for what I can only presume as one part cash grab, one part “”"“reward”""" for people who have these op ships so they have something easy to kill due to their casual socialite nature. The real comedy being that when the community is nothing but destroyer owners, they will complain about whatever kills them being too powerful.  There will be a few compor players who remain to take advantage of the oversaturation of whales to harpoon in their own destroyers, and these will be the people that drive the nerf cycle on destroyers.

Taking advantage of stupid people while pretending to be egalitarian and catering to their faults by punishing others. It’s a pretty effective way to make money, but if I’m wrong then they’ll fix this before the game dies and it leaves yet another bad mark.  I’d like to be wrong. I think the playstyle is unique and I’d hate to see it ruined.

No the only reason if you see so much destroyers is electrum mission.