Destroyers are overused

Destroyers are over used in pvp right is an excample of a “normal rank 8-11 match”:


And this is how a rank 8-11 match looks like:

Team A


Team B


So there is basically no versatile game play,just park your ship and aim with mouse.There is no close combat just shooting from kilometers away.

And worst part is that Destroyers are x4 durable than guards more or less.They can shoot from all sides so there is no actual blind spot.And when in groups one does not simply kill a destroyer from the group.

All close range fit ships are nearly useless now.

Star Conflict/Brick Conflict has come to this:sit like a duck and hold left click>warp few km back if you are damaged>get back>repeat.

This needs a fix.If rank 14 destroyers will be like this i might just quit playing this game there will be no fun anymore,i could use mouse with 1 hand and scratch my balls with the other.

Until then i will play rank 13-15 where there is no destroyers and not as much camp fests.

Nonsense. I thought so at the beginning as well, but i changed my mind. If u fight them more often u will see they are quite fragile to certain builds. As soon as that gets common knowlesdge, people will fly them less often. Now its just hype cuz they are new.


Try flying a CovOps and u ripp them apart like paper.

Yeah. Yeah. We get it. Stop yer complaining.

Destroyers are getting toned down soon. Just keep yer shirt on until then.

Nonsense. I thought so at the beginning as well, but i changed my mind. If u fight them more often u will see they are quite fragile to certain builds. As soon as that gets common knowlesdge, people will fly them less often. Now its just hype cuz they are new.


Try flying a CovOps and u ripp them apart like paper.


If u want i can give u a build, and u can try urself. But if u just wanna complain i cant help.

CovOps (when used right) can solo any random destroyer. It’s a bit more difficult with teamwork involved, but really.

Also, any bubble will deal damage directly to the destroyer’s modules, so line em up and knock em down. Have fun.

A single knife from the rear will knock out all of the mods and deal a considerable amount of white damage directly to their hull. Their ahields are so wide that you can even orbit them while hitting nothing but their hull. It’s amazing how people see something that’s strong in the game and immediately call it OP without even bothering to Lear how to deal with them. If it kills you you think it is OP and complain. I just can’t grasp this.

Tldr; at least try to learn how to counter the thing before you complain about it.

If u want i can give u a build, and u can try urself. But if u just wanna complain i cant help.

Feel free to teach me what i’m doing wrong

CovOps (when used right) can solo any random destroyer. It’s a bit more difficult with teamwork involved, but really.

Also, any bubble will deal damage directly to the destroyer’s modules, so like em up and knock em down. Have fun.


Here is a ship that is easy to fly and kills destroyers easily:


Cruz S with Coil Mortar, Vanadium Shells, Iridium Heatsink and Pulse discharger. Torpedos as secondary. The rest is up to u. It flys itself mostly. 


The trick here is that u can search for cover and dive in and out o it, a des cant do that. Also u can set ur shield fitting to the des type of attack with the F-Button. But even if u just fly head on u might win cuz the coil is going through its shields, and the Torps finnish it quickly. U kill a desrtoyer 1 on 1.


With CovOps u take thermal lance and invisibility, fly close, pull damage increase and pump it fulla stuff, then move out and repeat. Its a bit tricky though so for beginners try guard.

Here is a ship that is easy to fly and kills destroyers easily:


Cruz S with Coil Mortar, Vanadium Shells, Iridium Heatsink and Pulse discharger. Torpedos as secondary. The rest is up to u. It flys itself mostly. 


The trick here is that u can search for cover and dive in and out o it, a des cant do that. Also u can set ur shield fitting to the des type of attack with the F-Button. But even if u just fly head on u might win cuz the coil is going through its shields, and the Torps finnish it quickly. U kill a desrtoyer 1 on 1.


With CovOps u take thermal lance and invisibility, fly close, pull damage increase and pump it fulla stuff, then move out and repeat. Its a bit tricky though so for beginners try guard.

In what part on my topic did i mention Destroyers being hard to counter 1 vs 1?

And also a Guard 1 vs 1 a destroyer? A destroyer can 1vs3 guards,let me put it this way a good destroyer pilot can 1 vs 4 guards.


Also u can leave a nuclear warhead, des are not fast enought o escape.


Anyway, the guard setup is going like paper through poor destroyers and as soon as similar builds get more common, destroyers will be a lot less common since nobody likes being owned like a nob. So dont worry.


Try my setup, u will see it works.

Also u can leave a nuclear warhead, des are not fast enought o escape.


Anyway, the guard setup is going like paper through poor destroyers and as soon as similar builds get more common, destroyers will be a lot less common since nobody likes being owned like a nob. So dont worry.


Try my setup, u will see it works.


a good destroyer pilot can 1 vs 4 guards with any setup.


They can shoot from all sides so there is no actual blind spot.

No ship has blind spots, just spots where less turrets can fire; this is applied for all ships including interceptors. Destroyers however do have spots where they cant shoot unless the pilot changes the control mode (with control key)…just saying.

The real threat to SC is the CovOps, the only reason not everybody uses them is because you need 5ms russian ping to properly handle them

The real threat to SC is the CovOps, the only reason not everybody uses them is because you need 5ms russian ping to properly handle them

O rly?


Regarding guards, they don’t pose a problem to destroyers unless they have anomaly generators or can land torpedoes. By shooting coils you just beg to sit behind a rock for the rest of the game.

The worst that can happen to a destro are (without counting enemy destros):

  • plasma arc + white noise cov ops - the nuke barely tingles a proper destro

  • ECM + help

  • fast bubble gunship becomes a problem only if ignored (same with tacklers) or if it knows what it’s doing

  • phase supressor + sentry drone + parasitic remodulator recon + help (especially on jeri ones)

  • having supporting ships killed (this is the biggest one)

  • focused anomaly generators on archons / procyons - forget the invincible (unless poorly fitted)



If the destro has at least 1-2 support ships around knowing what it’s doing, all of the above are nullified. Kill the support ship(s) first, and preferably fast.


Eclipse / coil mortar engineers don’t work.

W/e guards don’t work.

Commands don’t work.

LRFs of any kind don’t work.


Experience from inside the destroyer.

Destroyers DO NOT BELONG in PvP/Leagues. Even if you can defeat them, it feels off. It isn’t right! I only want to have a bit of fun, before all is ruined. No system to balance destroyers…

Only solution is to have a different game mode.

Oh and I can just activate my modules with a press of a button. I feel so proud piloting those massive Goliaths… I do not, but I guess that others like it.

Sunday’s T3 GS Tournament: Expect Top Corps in a Full Wing with all Destroyers… If you don’t have the same, just ignore it…

I can already see new threads coming in, when T4 Destroyers are released: Destroyers Destroyed the Game!

No ship has blind spots, just spots where less turrets can fire; this is applied for all ships including interceptors. Destroyers however do have spots where they cant shoot unless the pilot changes the control mode (with control key)…just saying.

I know that no ship has blind spot but ships like this should have blind spot because they have most DPS and most tank in the game,which in not a good idea to combine if you want balance.

The real threat to SC is the CovOps, the only reason not everybody uses them is because you need 5ms russian ping to properly handle them

1.Use ecm’s stasis and cov ops is gone in 1 sec with help of you’r team.

2.Use Tackler and 2 shot it with gauss.

3.Use recon drain it’s shield and kill it.

4.Use lasers it can not dodge them.Even if the player is holding turn key.

5.Use torps if it gets too close to you’r frigate.


I see Covert ops really is a game braking problem it has no counters at all.

Nonsense. I thought so at the beginning as well, but i changed my mind. If u fight them more often u will see they are quite fragile to certain builds. As soon as that gets common knowlesdge, people will fly them less often. Now its just hype cuz they are new.


Try flying a CovOps and u ripp them apart like paper.

you need how many seconds to kill one? destroyer needs how many seconds to kill you? i think you need a bad enemy or much luck to kill one alone!

you need how many seconds to kill one? destroyer needs how many seconds to kill you? i think you need a bad enemy or much luck to kill one alone!

It takes at least 1 minute to kill one with singularity