Destroyers are overused

double post 




what a destro balll man u are right with every word 



“one” is defined as destroyer^^

well. At this moment destroyers are around 80% of teams. If they are not, that team dies. No, not loses, dies. In all weekend battles there were 2 (two) that destroyers weren’t in majority. Thanks guys, you just made star conflict ships tree obsolete. Leave support frigs and commands and Long Live Destroyers!

i won a beacon hunt battle yesterday because enemy team bussy with spawn camping my team

Well unless dev nerf destroyers to pve/open space only, then it’s time to introduce battlecruisers to counter destroyers! I can imagine a T5 destroyer have over 500k survivability.

well. At this moment destroyers are around 80% of teams. If they are not, that team dies. No, not loses, dies. In all weekend battles there were 2 (two) that destroyers weren’t in majority. Thanks guys, you just made star conflict ships tree obsolete. Leave support frigs and commands and Long Live Destroyers!


I mean I don’t mind team battles with many destoryers on each side, what I do mind is frigging n00bs on my side keep feeding with their non-destroyer ships. All my kills are just to make up for their loss. It is hard to kill something within a destoryer ball already but I can imagine many people just don’t want to win. Don’t you wish you have hive mind to control your whole team just to fly far far away out of destoryer’s reach and you just need to snap 1 kill and be gone so the final score would be 20:19? 

I mean I don’t mind team battles with many destoryers on each side, what I do mind is frigging n00bs on my side keep feeding with their non-destroyer ships. All my kills are just to make up for their loss. It is hard to kill something within a destoryer ball already but I can imagine many people just don’t want to win. Don’t you wish you have hive mind to control your whole team just to fly far far away out of destoryer’s reach and you just need to snap 1 kill and be gone so the final score would be 20:19? 

team battle speed buff + command speed buff + fed destro + jump > with (up to) 8km weapon range…  you could only run away from that with 700m/s tackler or recon

Well unless dev nerf destroyers to pve/open space only, then it’s time to introduce battlecruisers to counter destroyers! I can imagine a T5 destroyer have over 500k survivability.

Now we need to be able to take a dreaghtnought in pvp and manually shoot with it’s main caliber.

rank 8 can get up to ~360k survivability and it’s preety strong in t5 pvp, some russians use to take destroyers in t5.

random numbers


Crus S is the Coil Gun build

Don’t take the numbers to sirious; the destroyers DMG was calculated with ALL active dmg modules(no OP warp or Multiphase Shield)

random numbers

Crus S is the Coil Gun build

Don’t take the numbers to sirious; the destroyers DMG was calculated with ALL active dmg modules(no OP warp or Multiphase Shield)

u should add range of those weapons…

u should add range of those weapons…

updated, I will maybe add some more stuff in future

I want a titan, like in EVE

John if you are calculating prolonged dps cycles, you must include overheat/cooldown cycles, on some weapons it can contribute to up to 20-30% of total dps.

2d it looks like you did not count crit and crit dmg that is anoter 30-40% dmg descipancy

3rd coilguns are xxxx comparing to mezons. If you are looking at curved blaster, calculate for curved mezons too, that be fair dont you think

Oh and you gotta factor in the fact that DPS stat of a destroyer shows result for 12 turrets, while Destroyer can only shoot up to 8 simultaneously.

And you Destroyer have a router giving up to 12-20% dmg buff.

John if you are calculating prolonged dps cycles, you must include overheat/cooldown cycles, on some weapons it can contribute to up to 20-30% of total dps. look closer

2d it looks like you did not count crit and crit dmg that is anoter 30-40% dmg descipancy look closer

3rd coilguns are xxxx comparing to mezons. If you are looking at curved blaster, calculate for curved mezons too, that be fair dont you think will do it maybe later

Oh and you gotta factor in the fact that DPS stat of a destroyer shows result for 12 turrets, while Destroyer can only shoot up to 8 simultaneously. Yeah maybe I should multiply the dmg by 2/3

And you Destroyer have a router giving up to 12-20% dmg buff. Will ad some lines tomorrow or later today


John if you are calculating prolonged dps cycles, you must include overheat/cooldown cycles, on some weapons it can contribute to up to 20-30% of total dps. look closer

2d it looks like you did not count crit and crit dmg that is anoter 30-40% dmg descipancy look closer

3rd coilguns are xxxx comparing to mezons. If you are looking at curved blaster, calculate for curved mezons too, that be fair dont you think will do it maybe later


Well that is the thing,

taking your conditions into account, except for not knowing your build, but i assumed you are going for max possible DPS there is, considering Crit and overheat modifiers, I got:


DPS : 9882.995043

Total: 4 957 524 (8 minutes)

And Invincible Mezon with same build (only 2 CPUs out of possible 3) taking into account Energy Router 20% DMG and 8 turrets.

DPS : 13 940

Total : 6 686 080

Well that is the thing,

taking your conditions into account, except for not knowing your build, but i assumed you are going for max possible DPS there is, considering Crit and overheat modifiers, I got:


DPS : 9882.995043

Total: 4 957 524 (8 minutes)

And Invincible Mezon with same build (only 2 CPUs out of possible 3) taking into account Energy Router 20% DMG and 8 turrets.

DPS : 13 940

Total : 6 686 080

40% moar dps, few 100% moar survivability, on average 100% moar speed


I don’t see how destro-ball could be OP  :008j:


40% moar dps, few 100% moar survivability, on average 100% moar speed


I don’t see how destro-ball could be OP  :008j:

its 31% more dps (considering you made it to do a broadside…where you are definately not going at 100% frontal speed to your target, and where you dont have speed boost from F module), no idea where you got the surv percentages xD and speed is quite variable depending on many factors: invincible wont go faster than 190ms even with speed mode (less speed than cerberus), archon is slightly faster (almost same than cerb speed with speed mode), procyon will get 40 more ms than cerb with speed mode (45% one) up to a max of 100ms aprox with a speed build and 60% speed mode which would be 1/3 more than cerb speed, a 33% extra; really far from 100% even with the highest result. Average is no where near 100%. And DDs cant use all the bonuses from F module at the same time, so if a DDs wants to chase a ship at max speed, it will have a low amount of turrets in fire angle and no dmg bonus. Your math is being applied incorrectly.