Corporations, Dreadnaughts, Landing

Hi pilots. Some of you maybe don’t know, that very talented imo people, created something awesome. Something, that it really can be described - at least- as epic.

The epic battleship: Dreadnaught




My questions are:

  1. Would you like those enormous ships to be buyable by corporations?

  2. Would you like to be able to land inside Dreadnaughts after battles?



  1. A corporation, could be able to buy a Dreadnaught either with Iridium, or with other currency. Perhaps it could be given by factions, once a corporation completes some PvE-PvP quests, or for the period that a corporation aids a faction with sector conquering. Those are just some ideas i got, feel free to add yours.  :slight_smile:


  1. Since i am familiar with Gaijin’s another title, “WarThunder”, i recall the landing system, where pilots could land and repair their airplanes. The concept of Star Conflict is different, but i would like to be able to land the last ship i was piloting, in my corporate’s Dreadnaught. Perhaps some small reward for doing so could been provided, and there would be even an option to skip it. The mechanisms could be more precision-based (adding some arcade feeling into it), and to make it more challenging perhaps there could be a time limit to successfully land the ship.



Many thanx to the people that created this project, it’s pure awesomeness. The original post is here:

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/6310-clan-dreadnought-is-ready/)

The term “battleship” is a term i used arbitrary. The creators never refered to Dreadnought as “battleship”.

What you’re suggesting is already planned for the future. Corp vs Corp battles with dreadnoughts will be aviable soon

Just for the record: battleship and dreadnught are 2 different things.

You’re new, right? The Dreadnought is something that the Devs are promising since a looooong time ago.

Just for the record: battleship and dreadnught are 2 different things.

Half right half wrong, Dreadnaughts were precursors to the Battleships of modern eras (WWII namely cause we no longer use them now).

Half right half wrong, Dreadnaughts were precursors to the Battleships of modern eras (WWII namely cause we no longer use them now).

Dreadnaught: siege ship

Battleship: combat ship


Wether they also have similar capabilities between themselves for defense / specialization is a different story and it would lack common sense to limit them IRL.

Hi all,

I don’t used “battleship” term, as an realistic title, i used it just to add some “essence”  :fed002:

My pole refers to if the players would like their corp to be able to own a Dreadnaught, not just to implant Dreadnaught as a feature in battles.

Also if you would like to given the option to land inside the Dreadnaughts, something that i think it’s not discussed in forum yet.  :fed_cool:

If we did a dreadnaught thread of everything we know it would consist of one picture.

agreed! there has always been promise of the dreadnaughts, is any info on their role, or why we might need one? if one is good, is two better? it seems some corps might be able to buy a fleet. if so, can we destroy one? ( or all?) as I am a pirate merchant, I desire to steal (commandeer) one, so I might have a place to hide me loot,      ARrrrrrrrrrggg… 

This is a battle cruiszer


This is a battle cruiszer



And thats an awesome ship!! Destroyers where also good looking.

Needed more dakkq in my opinion

This is a battle cruiszer


Go play the PDS mod. The Carriers in there make that Battlecruiser cry.



Or the Freelancer Battleship T.T



Wanna know about size diferences in ship classes (space ships) Try this:


Its from Eve online, notice the dots on it, they are the ships we start, namely frigates, and basically everything apart from drones are bigger than frigs there.

Wanna know about size diferences in ship classes (space ships) Try this:


Its from Eve online, notice the dots on it, they are the ships we start, namely frigates, and basically everything apart from drones are bigger than frigs there.


Wow, i imagine that the amount of ppl who have done a “the amarr titan is your mom’s xxxx” must be really high



I love those monstrous sizes, imagine a 14km ship on sco piloted by a couple of players

Yeah imagine a super large ship where you need a minimum of 4 people to fly it. 

Yeah imagine a super large ship where you need a minimum of 4 people to fly it. 


You mean 4 macros :smiley:

I think the dread on SC will be smaller than a battleship of Eve. If the size is the same as on that PVE raid.


Follow that comparison and using ship classes that have on scon, we might evaluate that:


Frigates are in that drawing, about 60-90m long.

Fighters would be heavy drones.

Inties would be light drones.


Basically, if the civilization from Eve finds the guys from starconflict in space it would be an anihilation, no jericho, empire or feds would be left, and all they would need to use is 1 or 2 titans or carriers.

Except we know how to fight.