Colour survey thread

Alrighty! In response to the request on the Dev Q&A, here’s a poll to gather how popular different colours are! Vote for any colour you’d really like to see in game (ie: you’d actually buy with GS) and you can also vote for which finishes you’d like to see more of.


Vote away!


I would like to change how colouring works. Instead of paying for single colour for single ship, I would like to have a pallette that I could buy and choose freely colors from them.

But on topic: metallic colors, dark or bright saturated. I would love if game introduced PBR materials.



You know how there are stickers that glow?


Is it possible to get colors that glow? You know, so some of us can paint a Parallax like a Tron Light-Cycle with Black and Glowing Light Blue stripes? If that’s too difficult, you could always create a couple new presets that feature specific glowing regions.



Oh, I’d also like to see:

Metallic Black (a true black, if you don’t mind. with lots of shine)

Plastic Black (no shine at all, and very dark. think stealth plane)

Tan (default color of Empire ships)

Dark Brown

Neon Green

Electric Blue



Pure White



Colour slider. Material selector. Glow amount. Pattern (template) selector.

Colour slider. Material selector. Glow amount. Pattern (template) selector.

This is unlikely to happen based on other threads. Hence why this is just about asking for specific colours, or generally pointing towards possible specific colours.

Colour slider. Material selector. Glow amount. Pattern (template) selector.

the way it is coded atm, this aint happening

They should do it like warframe where you buy a colour palette and can apply it to any ship

Voted to everything, anything they add is welcome.

meh, they all look kinda the same

They should do it like warframe where you buy a colour palette and can apply it to any ship

I support this. Warframe palettes are awesome.


So far pink and gold are in the lead, with metallic being the preferred finish.


We have some interesting ship designers among us.  :004j:

So far pink and gold are in the lead, with metallic being the preferred finish.


We have some interesting ship designers among us.  :004j:

Metallic pink. Best idea I’ve heard in a long time.

It had better be metallic hot pink. Imagine a Naga or some big beefy frigate with that. I’d sh-t my pants and run.

Thank you for the thread! Waiting for more votes, guys!

I voted for purple and all blue colors and metallic finish

Thank you for your input, guys! It is already under development! :012j:

Yay troloships! >:)

Thank you for your input, guys! It is already under development! :012j:


Wow, really?!?!? Will my dream of a pink Rockwell finally come true??