Change Speed Cap for Different Ships

Very simple suggestion.


Part 1:

Keep the Interceptors’ 700m/s hard speed cap.


Give all Fighters a 600m/s hard speed cap.


Give all Frigates a 500m/s hard speed cap.


Part 2:

Re-release the Cruise Engine as a universal module that can be mounted on any ship class.




More ship types/builds that are viable for Invasion. More options for Frigates and Interceptors. No more confusion about Fighters that can travel faster than Interceptors.

Very simple suggestion.

Part 1:

Keep the Interceptors’ 700m/s hard speed cap.

Give all Fighters a 600m/s hard speed cap.

Give all Frigates a 500m/s hard speed cap.

Part 2:

Re-release the Cruise Engine as a universal module that can be mounted on any ship class.


More ship types/builds that are viable for Invasion. More options for Frigates and Interceptors. No more confusion about Fighters that can travel faster than Interceptors.


you dont want guards going at 500m/s with cruise engine do you???!!!

Just remove the module or nerf it to the ground>>problem solved.

Imagine an empire ECM flying at 700 m/s with all it’s usual tank XD

As if chicken tacklers aren’t enough. You want chicken frigates, too.


*pawwwk pawwkk* 




Let me give you a simple suggestion, too: remove Chicken Engine

Imagine an empire ECM flying at 700 m/s with all it’s usual tank XD

Hell yeah! I’ll have wet dreams tonight…

Did everyone just forget that the cruise engine takes away almost all rotation when it’s active? Yeah, Interceptors would be able to go 700m/s, but that evasive “wiggle” they do? That wouldn’t work if they were afterburning, meaning it would be a huge disadvantage to use it in combat. The only reason Fighters can pull off using it in active combat is because they have enough armor to take some direct hits. Interceptors rely on maneuverability AND speed. The cruise engine only provides speed at the cost of maneuverability.


Frigates need every bit of rotation they can get, since they have massive blindspots with their guns. So a frigate with a Cruise Engine capable of 500m/s would be able to get places faster, but guess what? It’d be even easier to flank and get into their blind spot. And if they were running Adaptive Shield? In order to rotate fast enough to catch the orbiting interceptor, they’d have to lose their Adaptive Tank.


If it’s really that much of an issue, simply restrict the module to Invasion mode only.


Problem solved. No over-reaction needed.

500m/s Inquisitor S adaptives

500m/s Inquisitor S adaptives


Yep. And he would be completely useless because he would over-extend into enemy territory, get focus-fired and tackled, and die a horrible death.


He might get to an objective in record time, but good luck orbiting that objective at 500m/s and keeping the adaptives up.


Now Invasion would be a riot with that build.

I like it~

Yep. And he would be completely useless because he would over-extend into enemy territory, get focus-fired and tackled, and die a horrible death.

He might get to an objective in record time, but good luck orbiting that objective at 500m/s and keeping the adaptives up.

Now Invasion would be a riot with that build.

1 inqusitor would get focused but 12 of those at 500m/s…

I personally think that all the ships could use a speed boost on their base states. I mean, you are in FRIGGIN’ SPACE! and space is very big, so to reasonably move through space (without feeling like X3 TC which has painfully low forward thrust) the ships really should have a higher base speed for all synergy levels. This would also make the battles more fast paced, and slightly more challenging. I think the game would be fine if the base speeds were more like the OP said, and make the cruise engine add something like 75m/s to that, making ship speed look like this (Pardon some number differences from the OP.)



No Cruise Engine 575m/s

Cruise Engine Active 625m/s



No Cruise Engine: 475m/s

Cruise Engine Active: 525m/s



No Cruise Engine: 350m/s

Cruise Engine Active: 425m/s


Technically speaking (real physics here, though not an expert) in space, as long as you know where you are going and pay attention, you can go as fast as you want without any real issues except collision. So having a hard cap is very strange for a game that uses Newtonian flight, but if we have to have a hard cap, I’d go with my “Cruise Engine Active” speeds for different ship class speed caps.


I also think the “automatic space brake” thing all the ships have should be toggleable. I would kill to be able to use my full momentum to my advantage. That slight change in mechanic would make it easier to conserve fuel in the Open Space parts of the game, and make combat more interesting.

Did everyone just forget that the cruise engine takes away almost all rotation when it’s active?

Yes. But the instant you release afterburner, the rotation is back to normal. You just need to activate it when you don’t want to turn. It can’t count as a negative effect once you learn how to deal with it.

I agree to SoldierOfFortune


Give all ships the cruise engine with speed caps in first post, but restrict it to invasion mode only, it has no use in PVP or PVE except for trolling and chicken run


It takes a f**** long time for a frig to get to the outer sectors of space

it has no use in PVP or PVE except for trolling and chicken run

 What you call chicken run, I call strategical retreat and guerilla tactic.


And you surely don’t go for objectives in beacon / detonation games if you think it has no use in pvp…


The point is : it’s too good in its current iteration for those 2 purposes (wich are interceptors roles in the first hand).




Did everyone just forget that the cruise engine takes away almost all rotation when it’s active? Yeah, Interceptors would be able to go 700m/s, but that evasive “wiggle” they do? That wouldn’t work if they were afterburning, meaning it would be a huge disadvantage to use it in combat. The only reason Fighters can pull off using it in active combat is because they have enough armor to take some direct hits. Interceptors rely on maneuverability AND speed. The cruise engine only provides speed at the cost of maneuverability.


Frigates need every bit of rotation they can get, since they have massive blindspots with their guns. So a frigate with a Cruise Engine capable of 500m/s would be able to get places faster, but guess what? It’d be even easier to flank and get into their blind spot. And if they were running Adaptive Shield? In order to rotate fast enough to catch the orbiting interceptor, they’d have to lose their Adaptive Tank.


If it’s really that much of an issue, simply restrict the module to Invasion mode only.


Problem solved. No over-reaction needed.


Mmmm… Are you really sure about that?




Why would you fly something else? :smiley:

The cicken cruise engine is maybe the most stupid module ever added to the game (sorry for being rude). It’s not OP but simply ruins the game mechanic. Cap speed should be 700 for ceptors, not more than 500 for fighters and not more than 300 for frigates i’d say… Exactely the way it always was… That chicken cruise engine messed evrything…Adding thing to every ship when it should be removed at all, will make the game a bit…  :015: :01313:


And what do you make of gunships running away at 700 with overdrive and engine overcharge? Thay can be frustrating as well. Or the command buff? For info a Jericho fighter with cruise engine cannot reach 700 reasonably. Same with empire ships. And federation ships are meant to be fast! I have no problem with the cruise engine. I have a problem with the cruise engine used with two drones on tacklers in order to avoid fighting and take down beacon drones.

And what do you make of gunships running away at 700 with overdrive and engine overcharge? Thay can be frustrating as well. Or the command buff?

Cruise engine is permanent, gunship and command speed buffs are temporary and can be instantly disabled by ecm or command missile. If you disable cruise engine the enemy can just use multipurpose+r8 to run out

Not really something to compare.

I have a problem with the cruise engine used with two drones on tacklers in order to avoid fighting and take down beacon drones.

If you have a problem for that, just fit a ship to counter them. It is what I do, and it is hilarious, because they don’t know what to do.

You’d be surprised at how well a Rockwell doing a corkscrew cruise can evade fire ;p Plus with 2 verniers they can turn pretty fast in the battle, drop two drones at 250m from target, shoot a few singularities or use the gravibeamer curved reflector, then disappear.


I’m not the best pilot in the world but you can see how the cruise engine is hardly a hinderance vs a large number of ship types. I prefer to use the drones as a fighting tool however it can also become a poop and run tactic if you are under too much fire ;p


If you have a problem for that, just fit a ship to counter them. It is what I do, and it is hilarious, because they don’t know what to do.

Yes I know how to counter it. Actually it was only a problem in the old sec con. They don’t have much influence in PVP unless they are on your team and being useless. This is kinda my point here actually. The cruise engine is only dangerous in good hands: someone who will use it to increase their mobility in order to get objectives. I don’t think it needs to be removed or limited.

On a second note I agree it would be nice on frigates IN INVASION ONLY.